//go:build sam && atsamd21 package machine import ( "device/sam" "machine/usb" "runtime/interrupt" "unsafe" ) const ( // these are SAMD21 specific. usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos = 0 usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask = 0x3FFF usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Pos = 28 usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Mask = 0x7 usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_MULTI_PACKET_SIZE_Pos = 14 usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_MULTI_PACKET_SIZE_Mask = 0x3FFF ) // Configure the USB peripheral. The config is here for compatibility with the UART interface. func (dev *USBDevice) Configure(config UARTConfig) { if dev.initcomplete { return } // reset USB interface sam.USB_DEVICE.CTRLA.SetBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_CTRLA_SWRST) for sam.USB_DEVICE.SYNCBUSY.HasBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_SYNCBUSY_SWRST) || sam.USB_DEVICE.SYNCBUSY.HasBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE) { } sam.USB_DEVICE.DESCADD.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&usbEndpointDescriptors)))) // configure pins USBCDC_DM_PIN.Configure(PinConfig{Mode: PinCom}) USBCDC_DP_PIN.Configure(PinConfig{Mode: PinCom}) // performs pad calibration from store fuses handlePadCalibration() // run in standby sam.USB_DEVICE.CTRLA.SetBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_CTRLA_RUNSTDBY) // set full speed sam.USB_DEVICE.CTRLB.SetBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_SPDCONF_FS << sam.USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_SPDCONF_Pos) // attach sam.USB_DEVICE.CTRLB.ClearBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_DETACH) // enable interrupt for end of reset sam.USB_DEVICE.INTENSET.SetBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_INTENSET_EORST) // enable interrupt for start of frame sam.USB_DEVICE.INTENSET.SetBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_INTENSET_SOF) // enable USB sam.USB_DEVICE.CTRLA.SetBits(sam.USB_DEVICE_CTRLA_ENABLE) // enable IRQ interrupt.New(sam.IRQ_USB, handleUSBIRQ).Enable() dev.initcomplete = true } func handlePadCalibration() { // Load Pad Calibration data from non-volatile memory // This requires registers that are not included in the SVD file. // Modeled after defines from samd21g18a.h and nvmctrl.h: // // #define NVMCTRL_OTP4 0x00806020 // // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSN_ADDR (NVMCTRL_OTP4 + 4) // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Pos 13 /**< \brief (NVMCTRL_OTP4) USB pad Transn calibration */ // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Msk (0x1Fu << USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Pos) // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSN(value) ((USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Msk & ((value) << USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Pos))) // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSP_ADDR (NVMCTRL_OTP4 + 4) // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Pos 18 /**< \brief (NVMCTRL_OTP4) USB pad Transp calibration */ // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Msk (0x1Fu << USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Pos) // #define USB_FUSES_TRANSP(value) ((USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Msk & ((value) << USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Pos))) // #define USB_FUSES_TRIM_ADDR (NVMCTRL_OTP4 + 4) // #define USB_FUSES_TRIM_Pos 23 /**< \brief (NVMCTRL_OTP4) USB pad Trim calibration */ // #define USB_FUSES_TRIM_Msk (0x7u << USB_FUSES_TRIM_Pos) // #define USB_FUSES_TRIM(value) ((USB_FUSES_TRIM_Msk & ((value) << USB_FUSES_TRIM_Pos))) // fuse := *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0x00806020) + 4)) calibTransN := uint16(fuse>>13) & uint16(0x1f) calibTransP := uint16(fuse>>18) & uint16(0x1f) calibTrim := uint16(fuse>>23) & uint16(0x7) if calibTransN == 0x1f { calibTransN = 5 } sam.USB_DEVICE.PADCAL.SetBits(calibTransN << sam.USB_DEVICE_PADCAL_TRANSN_Pos) if calibTransP == 0x1f { calibTransP = 29 } sam.USB_DEVICE.PADCAL.SetBits(calibTransP << sam.USB_DEVICE_PADCAL_TRANSP_Pos) if calibTrim == 0x7 { calibTrim = 3 } sam.USB_DEVICE.PADCAL.SetBits(calibTrim << sam.USB_DEVICE_PADCAL_TRIM_Pos) } func handleUSBIRQ(intr interrupt.Interrupt) { // reset all interrupt flags flags := sam.USB_DEVICE.INTFLAG.Get() sam.USB_DEVICE.INTFLAG.Set(flags) // End of reset if (flags & sam.USB_DEVICE_INTFLAG_EORST) > 0 { // Configure control endpoint initEndpoint(0, usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL) usbConfiguration = 0 // ack the End-Of-Reset interrupt sam.USB_DEVICE.INTFLAG.Set(sam.USB_DEVICE_INTFLAG_EORST) } // Start of frame if (flags & sam.USB_DEVICE_INTFLAG_SOF) > 0 { // if you want to blink LED showing traffic, this would be the place... } // Endpoint 0 Setup interrupt if getEPINTFLAG(0)&sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_RXSTP > 0 { // ack setup received setEPINTFLAG(0, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_RXSTP) // parse setup setup := usb.NewSetup(udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[0][:]) // Clear the Bank 0 ready flag on Control OUT usbEndpointDescriptors[0].DeviceDescBank[0].ADDR.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[0])))) usbEndpointDescriptors[0].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.ClearBits(usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) setEPSTATUSCLR(0, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPSTATUSCLR_BK0RDY) ok := false if (setup.BmRequestType & usb.REQUEST_TYPE) == usb.REQUEST_STANDARD { // Standard Requests ok = handleStandardSetup(setup) } else { // Class Interface Requests if setup.WIndex < uint16(len(usbSetupHandler)) && usbSetupHandler[setup.WIndex] != nil { ok = usbSetupHandler[setup.WIndex](setup) } } if ok { // set Bank1 ready setEPSTATUSSET(0, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPSTATUSSET_BK1RDY) } else { // Stall endpoint setEPSTATUSSET(0, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_STALL1) } if getEPINTFLAG(0)&sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_STALL1 > 0 { // ack the stall setEPINTFLAG(0, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_STALL1) // clear stall request setEPINTENCLR(0, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTENCLR_STALL1) } } // Now the actual transfer handlers, ignore endpoint number 0 (setup) var i uint32 for i = 1; i < uint32(len(endPoints)); i++ { // Check if endpoint has a pending interrupt epFlags := getEPINTFLAG(i) setEPINTFLAG(i, epFlags) if (epFlags & sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_TRCPT0) > 0 { buf := handleEndpointRx(i) if usbRxHandler[i] != nil { usbRxHandler[i](buf) } handleEndpointRxComplete(i) } else if (epFlags & sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_TRCPT1) > 0 { if usbTxHandler[i] != nil { usbTxHandler[i]() } } } } func initEndpoint(ep, config uint32) { switch config { case usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT | usb.EndpointIn: // set packet size usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.SetBits(epPacketSize(64) << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Pos) // set data buffer address usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].ADDR.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&udd_ep_in_cache_buffer[ep])))) // set endpoint type setEPCFG(ep, ((usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT + 1) << sam.USB_DEVICE_EPCFG_EPTYPE1_Pos)) setEPINTENSET(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTENSET_TRCPT1) case usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK | usb.EndpointOut: // set packet size usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.SetBits(epPacketSize(64) << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Pos) // set data buffer address usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].ADDR.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[ep])))) // set endpoint type setEPCFG(ep, ((usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK + 1) << sam.USB_DEVICE_EPCFG_EPTYPE0_Pos)) // receive interrupts when current transfer complete setEPINTENSET(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTENSET_TRCPT0) // set byte count to zero, we have not received anything yet usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.ClearBits(usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) // ready for next transfer setEPSTATUSCLR(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPSTATUSCLR_BK0RDY) case usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT | usb.EndpointOut: // set packet size usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.SetBits(epPacketSize(64) << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Pos) // set data buffer address usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].ADDR.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[ep])))) // set endpoint type setEPCFG(ep, ((usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT + 1) << sam.USB_DEVICE_EPCFG_EPTYPE0_Pos)) // receive interrupts when current transfer complete setEPINTENSET(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTENSET_TRCPT0) // set byte count to zero, we have not received anything yet usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.ClearBits(usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) // ready for next transfer setEPSTATUSCLR(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPSTATUSCLR_BK0RDY) case usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK | usb.EndpointIn: // set packet size usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.SetBits(epPacketSize(64) << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Pos) // set data buffer address usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].ADDR.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&udd_ep_in_cache_buffer[ep])))) // set endpoint type setEPCFG(ep, ((usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK + 1) << sam.USB_DEVICE_EPCFG_EPTYPE1_Pos)) // NAK on endpoint IN, the bank is not yet filled in. setEPSTATUSCLR(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPSTATUSCLR_BK1RDY) setEPINTENSET(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPINTENSET_TRCPT1) case usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL: // Control OUT // set packet size usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.SetBits(epPacketSize(64) << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_SIZE_Pos) // set data buffer address usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].ADDR.Set(uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[ep])))) // set endpoint type setEPCFG(ep, getEPCFG(ep)|((usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL+1)<> usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) & usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask) if bytesread != cdcLineInfoSize { return b, ErrUSBBytesRead } copy(b[:7], udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[0][:7]) return b, nil } func handleEndpointRx(ep uint32) []byte { // get data count := int((usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.Get() >> usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) & usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask) return udd_ep_out_cache_buffer[ep][:count] } func handleEndpointRxComplete(ep uint32) { // set byte count to zero usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.ClearBits(usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) // set multi packet size to 64 usbEndpointDescriptors[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.SetBits(64 << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_MULTI_PACKET_SIZE_Pos) // set ready for next data setEPSTATUSCLR(ep, sam.USB_DEVICE_EPSTATUSCLR_BK0RDY) } func SendZlp() { usbEndpointDescriptors[0].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.ClearBits(usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Mask << usb_DEVICE_PCKSIZE_BYTE_COUNT_Pos) } func epPacketSize(size uint16) uint32 { switch size { case 8: return 0 case 16: return 1 case 32: return 2 case 64: return 3 case 128: return 4 case 256: return 5 case 512: return 6 case 1023: return 7 default: return 0 } } func getEPCFG(ep uint32) uint8 { switch ep { case 0: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG0.Get() case 1: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG1.Get() case 2: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG2.Get() case 3: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG3.Get() case 4: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG4.Get() case 5: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG5.Get() case 6: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG6.Get() case 7: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG7.Get() default: return 0 } } func setEPCFG(ep uint32, val uint8) { switch ep { case 0: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG0.Set(val) case 1: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG1.Set(val) case 2: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG2.Set(val) case 3: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG3.Set(val) case 4: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG4.Set(val) case 5: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG5.Set(val) case 6: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG6.Set(val) case 7: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPCFG7.Set(val) default: return } } func setEPSTATUSCLR(ep uint32, val uint8) { switch ep { case 0: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR0.Set(val) case 1: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR1.Set(val) case 2: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR2.Set(val) case 3: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR3.Set(val) case 4: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR4.Set(val) case 5: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR5.Set(val) case 6: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR6.Set(val) case 7: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSCLR7.Set(val) default: return } } func setEPSTATUSSET(ep uint32, val uint8) { switch ep { case 0: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET0.Set(val) case 1: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET1.Set(val) case 2: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET2.Set(val) case 3: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET3.Set(val) case 4: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET4.Set(val) case 5: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET5.Set(val) case 6: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET6.Set(val) case 7: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUSSET7.Set(val) default: return } } func getEPSTATUS(ep uint32) uint8 { switch ep { case 0: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS0.Get() case 1: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS1.Get() case 2: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS2.Get() case 3: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS3.Get() case 4: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS4.Get() case 5: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS5.Get() case 6: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS6.Get() case 7: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPSTATUS7.Get() default: return 0 } } func getEPINTFLAG(ep uint32) uint8 { switch ep { case 0: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG0.Get() case 1: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG1.Get() case 2: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG2.Get() case 3: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG3.Get() case 4: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG4.Get() case 5: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG5.Get() case 6: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG6.Get() case 7: return sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG7.Get() default: return 0 } } func setEPINTFLAG(ep uint32, val uint8) { switch ep { case 0: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG0.Set(val) case 1: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG1.Set(val) case 2: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG2.Set(val) case 3: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG3.Set(val) case 4: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG4.Set(val) case 5: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG5.Set(val) case 6: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG6.Set(val) case 7: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTFLAG7.Set(val) default: return } } func setEPINTENCLR(ep uint32, val uint8) { switch ep { case 0: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR0.Set(val) case 1: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR1.Set(val) case 2: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR2.Set(val) case 3: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR3.Set(val) case 4: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR4.Set(val) case 5: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR5.Set(val) case 6: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR6.Set(val) case 7: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENCLR7.Set(val) default: return } } func setEPINTENSET(ep uint32, val uint8) { switch ep { case 0: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET0.Set(val) case 1: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET1.Set(val) case 2: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET2.Set(val) case 3: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET3.Set(val) case 4: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET4.Set(val) case 5: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET5.Set(val) case 6: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET6.Set(val) case 7: sam.USB_DEVICE.EPINTENSET7.Set(val) default: return } }