//go:build (arm && !baremetal && !tinygo.wasm) || (arm && arm7tdmi) package runtime const GOARCH = "arm" // The bitness of the CPU (e.g. 8, 32, 64). const TargetBits = 32 const deferExtraRegs = 0 const callInstSize = 4 // "bl someFunction" is 4 bytes const ( linux_MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20 linux_SIGBUS = 7 linux_SIGILL = 4 linux_SIGSEGV = 11 ) // Align on the maximum alignment for this platform (double). func align(ptr uintptr) uintptr { return (ptr + 7) &^ 7 } func getCurrentStackPointer() uintptr { return uintptr(stacksave()) }