len, cap of channel: 1 2 false len, cap of channel: 0 0 false recv from open channel: 1 true received num: 2 received num: 3 slept received num: 4 received num: 5 received num: 6 received num: 7 received num: 8 recv from closed channel: 0 false complex128: (+7.000000e+000+1.050000e+001i) sum of n: 149 sum of sums: 87 sum(100): 4950 deadlocking select no-op after no-op sum: 5 did send one select one n: 0 select n from chan: 55 select n from closed chan: 0 select send sum: 235 non-concurrent channel receive: 1 non-concurrent channel receive: 2 closed buffered channel receive: 3 closed buffered channel receive: 4 closed buffered channel receive: 0 hybrid buffered channel receive: 2 blocking select sum: 3