path: root/ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs
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authorAndrzej Janik <[email protected]>2024-09-13 01:07:31 +0200
committerGitHub <[email protected]>2024-09-13 01:07:31 +0200
commit46def3e7e09dbf4d3e7287a72bfecb73e6e429c5 (patch)
tree6eebad3f9722ee9127c2640300ae20047d4acd9d /ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs
parent193eb29be825370449afb1fe2358f6a654aa0986 (diff)
Connect new parser to LLVM bitcode backend (#269)
This is very incomplete. Just enough code to emit LLVM bitcode and continue further development
Diffstat (limited to 'ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs b/ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs
index a798720..69dd206 100644
--- a/ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs
+++ b/ptx/src/test/spirv_run/mod.rs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ macro_rules! test_ptx {
($fn_name:ident, $input:expr, $output:expr) => {
paste::item! {
- fn [<$fn_name _ptx>]() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ fn [<$fn_name _hip>]() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx"));
let input = $input;
let mut output = $output;
@@ -48,29 +48,9 @@ macro_rules! test_ptx {
test_cuda_assert(stringify!($fn_name), ptx, &input, &mut output)
- paste::item! {
- #[test]
- fn [<$fn_name _spvtxt>]() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- let ptx_txt = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx"));
- let spirv_file_name = concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".spvtxt");
- let spirv_txt = include_bytes!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".spvtxt"));
- test_spvtxt_assert(ptx_txt, spirv_txt, spirv_file_name)
- }
- }
- ($fn_name:ident) => {
- paste::item! {
- #[test]
- fn [<$fn_name _spvtxt>]() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- let ptx_txt = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx"));
- let spirv_file_name = concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".spvtxt");
- let spirv_txt = include_bytes!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".spvtxt"));
- test_spvtxt_assert(ptx_txt, spirv_txt, spirv_file_name)
- }
- }
- };
+ ($fn_name:ident) => {};
test_ptx!(ld_st, [1u64], [1u64]);
@@ -255,13 +235,11 @@ fn test_hip_assert<
input: &[Input],
output: &mut [Output],
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error + 'a>> {
- let mut errors = Vec::new();
- let ast = ptx::ModuleParser::new().parse(&mut errors, ptx_text)?;
- assert!(errors.len() == 0);
- let zluda_module = translate::to_spirv_module(ast)?;
+ let ast = ptx_parser::parse_module_checked(ptx_text).unwrap();
+ let llvm_ir = pass::to_llvm_module(ast).unwrap();
let name = CString::new(name)?;
- let result = run_hip(name.as_c_str(), zluda_module, input, output)
- .map_err(|err| DisplayError { err })?;
+ let result =
+ run_hip(name.as_c_str(), llvm_ir, input, output).map_err(|err| DisplayError { err })?;
assert_eq!(result.as_slice(), output);
@@ -283,18 +261,6 @@ fn test_cuda_assert<
-macro_rules! hip_call {
- ($expr:expr) => {
- #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
- {
- let err = unsafe { $expr };
- if err != hip_runtime_sys::hipError_t::hipSuccess {
- return Result::Err(err);
- }
- }
- };
macro_rules! cuda_call {
($expr:expr) => {
@@ -344,124 +310,76 @@ fn run_cuda<Input: From<u8> + Copy + Debug, Output: From<u8> + Copy + Debug + De
fn run_hip<Input: From<u8> + Copy + Debug, Output: From<u8> + Copy + Debug + Default>(
name: &CStr,
- module: translate::Module,
+ module: pass::Module,
input: &[Input],
output: &mut [Output],
) -> Result<Vec<Output>, hipError_t> {
use hip_runtime_sys::*;
- hip_call! { hipInit(0) };
- let spirv = module.spirv.assemble();
+ unsafe { hipInit(0) }.unwrap();
let mut result = vec![0u8.into(); output.len()];
let dev = 0;
let mut stream = ptr::null_mut();
- hip_call! { hipStreamCreate(&mut stream) };
+ unsafe { hipStreamCreate(&mut stream) }.unwrap();
let mut dev_props = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
- hip_call! { hipGetDeviceProperties(&mut dev_props, dev) };
- let elf_module = compile_amd(&dev_props, &*spirv, module.should_link_ptx_impl)
- .map_err(|_| hipError_t::hipErrorUnknown)?;
+ unsafe { hipGetDevicePropertiesR0600(&mut dev_props, dev) }.unwrap();
+ let elf_module = comgr::compile_bitcode(
+ unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(dev_props.gcnArchName.as_ptr()) },
+ &*module.llvm_ir,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
let mut module = ptr::null_mut();
- hip_call! { hipModuleLoadData(&mut module, elf_module.as_ptr() as _) };
+ unsafe { hipModuleLoadData(&mut module, elf_module.as_ptr() as _) }.unwrap();
let mut kernel = ptr::null_mut();
- hip_call! { hipModuleGetFunction(&mut kernel, module, name.as_ptr()) };
+ unsafe { hipModuleGetFunction(&mut kernel, module, name.as_ptr()) }.unwrap();
let mut inp_b = ptr::null_mut();
- hip_call! { hipMalloc(&mut inp_b, input.len() * mem::size_of::<Input>()) };
+ unsafe { hipMalloc(&mut inp_b, input.len() * mem::size_of::<Input>()) }.unwrap();
let mut out_b = ptr::null_mut();
- hip_call! { hipMalloc(&mut out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::<Output>()) };
- hip_call! { hipMemcpyWithStream(inp_b, input.as_ptr() as _, input.len() * mem::size_of::<Input>(), hipMemcpyKind::hipMemcpyHostToDevice, stream) };
- hip_call! { hipMemset(out_b, 0, output.len() * mem::size_of::<Output>()) };
+ unsafe { hipMalloc(&mut out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::<Output>()) }.unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ hipMemcpyWithStream(
+ inp_b,
+ input.as_ptr() as _,
+ input.len() * mem::size_of::<Input>(),
+ hipMemcpyKind::hipMemcpyHostToDevice,
+ stream,
+ )
+ }
+ .unwrap();
+ unsafe { hipMemset(out_b, 0, output.len() * mem::size_of::<Output>()) }.unwrap();
let mut args = [&inp_b, &out_b];
- hip_call! { hipModuleLaunchKernel(kernel, 1,1,1,1,1,1, 1024, stream, args.as_mut_ptr() as _, ptr::null_mut()) };
- hip_call! { hipMemcpyAsync(result.as_mut_ptr() as _, out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::<Output>(), hipMemcpyKind::hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream) };
- hip_call! { hipStreamSynchronize(stream) };
- hip_call! { hipFree(inp_b) };
- hip_call! { hipFree(out_b) };
- hip_call! { hipModuleUnload(module) };
- }
- Ok(result)
-fn test_spvtxt_assert<'a>(
- ptx_txt: &'a str,
- spirv_txt: &'a [u8],
- spirv_file_name: &'a str,
-) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error + 'a>> {
- let ast = ptx_parser::parse_module_checked(ptx_txt).unwrap();
- let spirv_module = pass::to_spirv_module(ast)?;
- let spv_context =
- unsafe { spirv_tools::spvContextCreate(spv_target_env::SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3) };
- assert!(spv_context != ptr::null_mut());
- let mut spv_binary: spv_binary = ptr::null_mut();
- let result = unsafe {
- spirv_tools::spvTextToBinary(
- spv_context,
- spirv_txt.as_ptr() as *const _,
- spirv_txt.len(),
- &mut spv_binary,
- ptr::null_mut(),
- )
- };
- if result != spv_result_t::SPV_SUCCESS {
- panic!("{:?}\n{}", result, unsafe {
- str::from_utf8_unchecked(spirv_txt)
- });
- }
- let mut parsed_spirv = Vec::<u32>::new();
- let result = unsafe {
- spirv_tools::spvBinaryParse(
- spv_context,
- &mut parsed_spirv as *mut _ as *mut _,
- (*spv_binary).code,
- (*spv_binary).wordCount,
- Some(parse_header_cb),
- Some(parse_instruction_cb),
- ptr::null_mut(),
- )
- };
- assert!(result == spv_result_t::SPV_SUCCESS);
- let mut loader = Loader::new();
- rspirv::binary::parse_words(&parsed_spirv, &mut loader)?;
- let spvtxt_mod = loader.module();
- unsafe { spirv_tools::spvBinaryDestroy(spv_binary) };
- if !is_spirv_fns_equal(&spirv_module.spirv.functions, &spvtxt_mod.functions) {
- // We could simply use ptx_mod.disassemble, but SPIRV-Tools text formattinmg is so much nicer
- let spv_from_ptx_binary = spirv_module.spirv.assemble();
- let mut spv_text: spirv_tools::spv_text = ptr::null_mut();
- let result = unsafe {
- spirv_tools::spvBinaryToText(
- spv_context,
- spv_from_ptx_binary.as_ptr(),
- spv_from_ptx_binary.len(),
- (spirv_tools::spv_binary_to_text_options_t::SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_INDENT | spirv_tools::spv_binary_to_text_options_t::SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_NO_HEADER | spirv_tools::spv_binary_to_text_options_t::SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_FRIENDLY_NAMES).0,
- &mut spv_text as *mut _,
- ptr::null_mut()
+ unsafe {
+ hipModuleLaunchKernel(
+ kernel,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1024,
+ stream,
+ args.as_mut_ptr() as _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ )
+ }
+ .unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ hipMemcpyAsync(
+ result.as_mut_ptr() as _,
+ out_b,
+ output.len() * mem::size_of::<Output>(),
+ hipMemcpyKind::hipMemcpyDeviceToHost,
+ stream,
- };
- unsafe { spirv_tools::spvContextDestroy(spv_context) };
- let spirv_text = if result == spv_result_t::SPV_SUCCESS {
- let raw_text = unsafe {
- std::slice::from_raw_parts((*spv_text).str_ as *const u8, (*spv_text).length)
- };
- let spv_from_ptx_text = unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(raw_text) };
- // TODO: stop leaking kernel text
- Cow::Borrowed(spv_from_ptx_text)
- } else {
- Cow::Owned(spirv_module.spirv.disassemble())
- };
- if let Ok(dump_path) = env::var("ZLUDA_TEST_SPIRV_DUMP_DIR") {
- let mut path = PathBuf::from(dump_path);
- if let Ok(()) = fs::create_dir_all(&path) {
- path.push(spirv_file_name);
- #[allow(unused_must_use)]
- {
- fs::write(path, spirv_text.as_bytes());
- }
- }
- panic!("{}", spirv_text.to_string());
+ .unwrap();
+ unsafe { hipStreamSynchronize(stream) }.unwrap();
+ unsafe { hipFree(inp_b) }.unwrap();
+ unsafe { hipFree(out_b) }.unwrap();
+ unsafe { hipModuleUnload(module) }.unwrap();
- unsafe { spirv_tools::spvContextDestroy(spv_context) };
- Ok(())
+ Ok(result)
struct EqMap<T>
@@ -654,110 +572,6 @@ const AMDGPU_BITCODE: [&'static str; 8] = [
const AMDGPU_BITCODE_DEVICE_PREFIX: &'static str = "oclc_isa_version_";
-fn compile_amd(
- device_pros: &hip::hipDeviceProp_t,
- spirv_il: &[u32],
- ptx_lib: Option<(&'static [u8], &'static [u8])>,
-) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
- let null_terminator = device_pros
- .gcnArchName
- .iter()
- .position(|&x| x == 0)
- .unwrap();
- let gcn_arch_slice = unsafe {
- slice::from_raw_parts(device_pros.gcnArchName.as_ptr() as _, null_terminator + 1)
- };
- let device_name =
- if let Ok(Ok(name)) = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(gcn_arch_slice).map(|x| x.to_str()) {
- name
- } else {
- return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, ""));
- };
- let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
- let mut spirv = NamedTempFile::new_in(&dir)?;
- let llvm = NamedTempFile::new_in(&dir)?;
- let spirv_il_u8 = unsafe {
- slice::from_raw_parts(
- spirv_il.as_ptr() as *const u8,
- spirv_il.len() * mem::size_of::<u32>(),
- )
- };
- spirv.write_all(spirv_il_u8)?;
- let llvm_spirv_path = match env::var("LLVM_SPIRV") {
- Ok(path) => Cow::Owned(path),
- Err(_) => Cow::Borrowed(LLVM_SPIRV),
- };
- let to_llvm_cmd = Command::new(&*llvm_spirv_path)
- .arg("-r")
- .arg("-o")
- .arg(llvm.path())
- .arg(spirv.path())
- .status()?;
- assert!(to_llvm_cmd.success());
- if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
- persist_file(llvm.path())?;
- }
- let linked_binary = NamedTempFile::new_in(&dir)?;
- let mut llvm_link = PathBuf::from(AMDGPU);
- llvm_link.push("llvm");
- llvm_link.push("bin");
- llvm_link.push("llvm-link");
- let mut linker_cmd = Command::new(&llvm_link);
- linker_cmd
- .arg("--only-needed")
- .arg("-o")
- .arg(linked_binary.path())
- .arg(llvm.path())
- .args(get_bitcode_paths(device_name));
- if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
- linker_cmd.arg("-v");
- }
- let status = linker_cmd.status()?;
- assert!(status.success());
- if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
- persist_file(linked_binary.path())?;
- }
- let mut ptx_lib_bitcode = NamedTempFile::new_in(&dir)?;
- let compiled_binary = NamedTempFile::new_in(&dir)?;
- let mut clang_exe = PathBuf::from(AMDGPU);
- clang_exe.push("llvm");
- clang_exe.push("bin");
- clang_exe.push("clang");
- let mut compiler_cmd = Command::new(&clang_exe);
- compiler_cmd
- .arg(format!("-mcpu={}", device_name))
- .arg("-ffp-contract=off")
- .arg("-nogpulib")
- .arg("-mno-wavefrontsize64")
- .arg("-O3")
- .arg("-Xlinker")
- .arg("--no-undefined")
- .arg("-target")
- .arg("-o")
- .arg(compiled_binary.path())
- .arg("-x")
- .arg("ir")
- .arg(linked_binary.path());
- if let Some((_, bitcode)) = ptx_lib {
- ptx_lib_bitcode.write_all(bitcode)?;
- compiler_cmd.arg(ptx_lib_bitcode.path());
- };
- if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
- compiler_cmd.arg("-v");
- }
- let status = compiler_cmd.status()?;
- assert!(status.success());
- let mut result = Vec::new();
- let compiled_bin_path = compiled_binary.path();
- let mut compiled_binary = File::open(compiled_bin_path)?;
- compiled_binary.read_to_end(&mut result)?;
- if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
- persist_file(compiled_bin_path)?;
- }
- Ok(result)
fn persist_file(path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut persistent = PathBuf::from("/tmp/zluda");