diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zluda_rt/src/context.rs')
-rw-r--r-- | zluda_rt/src/context.rs | 698 |
1 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zluda_rt/src/context.rs b/zluda_rt/src/context.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6973751 --- /dev/null +++ b/zluda_rt/src/context.rs @@ -0,0 +1,698 @@ +use crate::{
+ acceleration::AccelerationData,
+ buffer::{Buffer, BufferData, DeviceBuffer},
+ cache::KernelCache,
+ definitions, div_positive_round_up,
+ geometry::GeometryData,
+ geometry_group::GeometryGroupData,
+ geometry_instance::GeometryInstanceData,
+ geometry_triangles::GeometryTrianglesData,
+ group::GroupData,
+ hip, hiprt,
+ material::MaterialData,
+ null_check, null_unwrap, null_unwrap_mut,
+ program::{self, Program, ProgramData},
+ repr_gpu::{self, Scene, TrivialHIPAllocator},
+ texture_sampler::TextureSamplerData,
+ transform::TransformData,
+ variable::{Variable, VariableData},
+ MaybeWeakRefMut, OptixCell, OptixObjectData, RcHashSet, TypeTag,
+use comgr::Comgr;
+use hip_common::raytracing::VariablesBlock;
+use hip_runtime_sys::*;
+use hiprt_sys::*;
+use optix_types::*;
+use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
+use std::{
+ ffi::{CStr, CString},
+ fs,
+ mem::{self, ManuallyDrop},
+ path::PathBuf,
+ ptr,
+ rc::{Rc, Weak},
+pub(crate) type Context = *const OptixCell<ContextData>;
+pub(crate) struct ContextData {
+ pub(crate) hip_context: hipCtx_t,
+ pub(crate) hiprt: Rc<HipRt>,
+ pub(crate) ray_type_count: u32,
+ pub(crate) geometry_group_count: u32,
+ pub(crate) context: hiprtContext,
+ pub(crate) comgr: Rc<Comgr>,
+ pub(crate) isa: CString,
+ pub(crate) buffers: RcHashSet<OptixCell<BufferData>>,
+ pub(crate) buffers_counter: u32,
+ pub(crate) variables: FxHashMap<CString, Rc<OptixCell<VariableData>>>,
+ pub(crate) programs: RcHashSet<OptixCell<ProgramData>>,
+ pub(crate) callable_program_counter: u32,
+ pub(crate) cumulative_attributes: VariablesBlock,
+ pub(crate) materials: RcHashSet<OptixCell<MaterialData>>,
+ pub(crate) geometry: RcHashSet<OptixCell<GeometryData>>,
+ pub(crate) geometry_triangles: RcHashSet<OptixCell<GeometryTrianglesData>>,
+ pub(crate) geometry_instances: RcHashSet<OptixCell<GeometryInstanceData>>,
+ pub(crate) geometry_groups: RcHashSet<OptixCell<GeometryGroupData>>,
+ pub(crate) groups: RcHashSet<OptixCell<GroupData>>,
+ pub(crate) accelerations: RcHashSet<OptixCell<AccelerationData>>,
+ pub(crate) texture_samplers: RcHashSet<OptixCell<TextureSamplerData>>,
+ pub(crate) transforms: RcHashSet<OptixCell<TransformData>>,
+ pub(crate) texture_counter: u32,
+ pub(crate) entry_points: Vec<Option<Rc<OptixCell<ProgramData>>>>,
+ pub(crate) exception_programs: Vec<Option<Rc<OptixCell<ProgramData>>>>,
+ pub(crate) miss_programs: Vec<Option<Rc<OptixCell<ProgramData>>>>,
+ disk_cache_location: PathBuf,
+ pub(crate) optix_salt: [u8; 32],
+ pub(crate) vendor_salt: [u8; 32],
+ pub(crate) public_vendor_key: Vec<u8>,
+ pub(crate) cache: Option<KernelCache>,
+ pub(crate) compiler_version: String,
+ pub(crate) hiprt_version: String,
+ pub(crate) scene_rebuild_pending: bool,
+ pub(crate) scene: Scene,
+ pub(crate) global_stack: GlobalStack,
+// 16kB is the maximum allowed in rocm 5.4 and seems to be enough for Arnold
+const MAX_GPU_STACK: usize = 16 * 1_024;
+impl ContextData {
+ pub(crate) fn new() -> Result<Self, RTresult> {
+ let comgr = comgr::Comgr::find_and_load()
+ .map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED)?;
+ let mut stack_size = 0;
+ hip! { hipDeviceGetLimit(&mut stack_size, hipLimit_t::hipLimitStackSize), RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED };
+ if stack_size < MAX_GPU_STACK {
+ hip! { hipDeviceSetLimit(hipLimit_t::hipLimitStackSize, MAX_GPU_STACK), RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED };
+ }
+ let mut hip_context = ptr::null_mut();
+ hip! { hipCtxCreate(&mut hip_context, 0, 0), RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED };
+ let mut context_input = hiprtContextCreationInput {
+ ctxt: hip_context as _,
+ device: 0,
+ deviceType: hiprtDeviceType::hiprtDeviceAMD,
+ };
+ let hiprt =
+ unsafe { HipRt::load() }.map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED)?;
+ let mut context = ptr::null_mut();
+ hiprt! {
+ hiprt.hiprtCreateContext(HIPRT_API_VERSION, &mut context_input, &mut context),
+ };
+ let isa = unsafe {
+ hip_common::comgr_isa(0).map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED)?
+ };
+ let hiprt_version = hiprt::HIPRT_API_VERSION.to_string();
+ let compiler_version = comgr
+ .version()
+ .map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED)?;
+ let mut disk_cache_location =
+ dirs::cache_dir().ok_or(RTresult::RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED)?;
+ disk_cache_location.push("ZLUDA");
+ disk_cache_location.push("OptixCache");
+ fs::create_dir_all(&disk_cache_location)
+ .map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_CONTEXT_CREATION_FAILED)?;
+ let cache = KernelCache::new(&disk_cache_location)
+ Ok(ContextData {
+ hip_context,
+ hiprt: Rc::new(hiprt),
+ context,
+ ray_type_count: 0,
+ geometry_group_count: 0,
+ comgr: Rc::new(comgr),
+ buffers: RcHashSet::new(),
+ buffers_counter: 0,
+ variables: FxHashMap::default(),
+ programs: RcHashSet::new(),
+ callable_program_counter: 0,
+ cumulative_attributes: VariablesBlock::empty(),
+ materials: RcHashSet::new(),
+ geometry: RcHashSet::new(),
+ geometry_triangles: RcHashSet::new(),
+ geometry_instances: RcHashSet::new(),
+ geometry_groups: RcHashSet::new(),
+ transforms: RcHashSet::new(),
+ groups: RcHashSet::new(),
+ accelerations: RcHashSet::new(),
+ texture_samplers: RcHashSet::new(),
+ texture_counter: 0,
+ entry_points: Vec::new(),
+ exception_programs: Vec::new(),
+ miss_programs: Vec::new(),
+ isa,
+ disk_cache_location,
+ optix_salt: [0; 32],
+ vendor_salt: [0; 32],
+ public_vendor_key: Vec::new(),
+ cache: Some(cache),
+ compiler_version,
+ hiprt_version,
+ scene_rebuild_pending: true,
+ scene: Scene::empty(),
+ global_stack: GlobalStack::empty(),
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn attributes_layout(&self) -> (u16, u16) {
+ let size = div_positive_round_up(
+ self.cumulative_attributes.layout.size() as u64,
+ mem::size_of::<u32>() as u64,
+ );
+ let align = div_positive_round_up(
+ self.cumulative_attributes.layout.align() as u64,
+ mem::size_of::<u32>() as u64,
+ );
+ (size as u16, align as u16)
+ }
+ pub fn allocate_miss_programs(
+ &self,
+ allocator: &mut TrivialHIPAllocator,
+ ) -> Result<hipDeviceptr_t, RTresult> {
+ let call_chain_visitor = repr_gpu::MissProgramsVisitCallChain {
+ context: self,
+ miss_programs: &self.miss_programs,
+ };
+ let chain_layout = repr_gpu::get_layout(0, &call_chain_visitor)?;
+ let chain_on_gpu = allocator.allocate(chain_layout.layout.size())?;
+ repr_gpu::copy_to_gpu(0, &call_chain_visitor, &chain_layout, chain_on_gpu)?;
+ Ok(chain_on_gpu)
+ }
+ pub fn allocate_callable_programs(
+ &self,
+ allocator: &mut TrivialHIPAllocator,
+ ) -> Result<hipDeviceptr_t, RTresult> {
+ let visitor = repr_gpu::CallableProgramsVisitor::new(self)?;
+ let chain_layout = repr_gpu::get_layout(self.ray_type_count, &visitor)?;
+ let dev_ptr = allocator.allocate(chain_layout.layout.size())?;
+ repr_gpu::copy_to_gpu(self.ray_type_count, &visitor, &chain_layout, dev_ptr)?;
+ Ok(dev_ptr)
+ }
+ pub fn allocate_buffers(
+ &self,
+ allocator: &mut TrivialHIPAllocator,
+ ) -> Result<hipDeviceptr_t, RTresult> {
+ let mut buffers = (0..self.buffers_counter + 1)
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|_| unsafe { mem::zeroed::<DeviceBuffer>() })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // We allocate this additional buffer for bug compatiblity with OptiX
+ // Arnold has a bug where it tries to access buffer with id = 0
+ // On OptiX this returns NULL pointer. Furthermore, in OptiX, dereferencing
+ // an invalid pointer returns zeros. We emulate this behavior by returning
+ // this zero-filled buffer. It actually works well enough to run Arnold
+ let page_zero = allocator.allocate(1024 * 4)?;
+ hip! { hipMemset(page_zero.0, 0, 1024 * 4), RT_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED };
+ buffers[0] = DeviceBuffer {
+ pointer: page_zero,
+ width: 1024,
+ height: 0,
+ };
+ for buffer in self.buffers.iter() {
+ let buffer = buffer.borrow()?;
+ buffers[buffer.index as usize] = buffer.get_device_mip0();
+ }
+ allocator.copy_to_device(&buffers[..])
+ }
+ pub fn get_uv_offset(&self) -> Result<u32, RTresult> {
+ let uv_offset = self
+ .cumulative_attributes
+ .variables
+ .get(unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"rtTriangleBarycentrics\0") })
+ .map(|var| var.offset)
+ .unwrap_or(!0u32);
+ Ok(uv_offset)
+ }
+ pub fn invalidate(&mut self) {
+ self.scene_rebuild_pending = true;
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn buffers_load_from_callback(&mut self) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ for buffer_rc in self.buffers.iter() {
+ BufferData::load_from_callback(buffer_rc)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Drop for ContextData {
+ #[allow(unused_must_use)]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ self.hiprt.hiprtDestroyContext(self.context);
+ hipCtxDestroy(self.hip_context);
+ }
+ }
+impl OptixObjectData for ContextData {
+ const TYPE: TypeTag = TypeTag::Context;
+ fn deregister(&mut self, _this: &Rc<OptixCell<Self>>) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ }
+ fn context<'a>(&'a mut self) -> crate::MaybeWeakRefMut<'a, ContextData> {
+ MaybeWeakRefMut::Ref(self)
+ }
+pub(crate) struct GlobalStack {
+ pointer: hipDeviceptr_t,
+ thread_space: usize,
+impl GlobalStack {
+ pub(crate) const THREAD_STACK_DEPTH: u16 = 512;
+ fn empty() -> GlobalStack {
+ GlobalStack {
+ pointer: hipDeviceptr_t(ptr::null_mut()),
+ thread_space: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ fn reallocate(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ let (grid_dim_x, block_dim_x) = program::get_launch_dimensions_x(width)?;
+ let thread_space = grid_dim_x as usize * block_dim_x as usize * height as usize;
+ if thread_space <= self.thread_space {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ hip::free(self.pointer).map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED)?;
+ self.pointer =
+ hip::malloc(thread_space * Self::THREAD_STACK_DEPTH as usize * mem::size_of::<u32>())
+ self.thread_space = thread_space;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+pub(crate) unsafe fn get_error_string(
+ _context: Context,
+ _code: RTresult,
+ string_return: *mut *const i8,
+) {
+ *string_return = b"\0".as_ptr() as _;
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_entry_point_count(context: Context, count: u32) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = (*context).borrow_mut()?;
+ context.entry_points.resize(count as usize, None);
+ context.exception_programs.resize(count as usize, None);
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_ray_type_count(
+ context: Context,
+ ray_type_count: u32,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = context.borrow_mut()?;
+ context.ray_type_count = ray_type_count;
+ context.miss_programs.resize(ray_type_count as usize, None);
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn create(context: *mut Context) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ *context = Rc::into_raw(Rc::new(OptixCell::new(ContextData::new()?))) as *mut _;
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn destroy(context: Context) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ Rc::from_raw(context);
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn declare_variable(
+ context_ptr: Context,
+ name: *const i8,
+ v: *mut Variable,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(name)?;
+ let v = null_unwrap_mut(v)?;
+ let context = null_unwrap(context_ptr)?;
+ let variable = VariableData::new_with_context(context)?;
+ let mut context = context.borrow_mut()?;
+ let name = CStr::from_ptr(name as _).to_owned();
+ let result = Rc::as_ptr(&variable);
+ context.variables.insert(name, variable);
+ *v = result;
+ Ok(())
+// TODO: implement
+pub(crate) fn validate(_context: Context) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_ray_generation_program(
+ context: Context,
+ entry_point_index: u32,
+ program: Program,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ set_program(context, entry_point_index, program, |ctx| {
+ &mut ctx.entry_points
+ })
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_exception_program(
+ context: Context,
+ entry_point_index: u32,
+ program: Program,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ set_program(context, entry_point_index, program, |ctx| {
+ &mut ctx.exception_programs
+ })
+unsafe fn set_program<F>(
+ context: Context,
+ entry_point_index: u32,
+ program: Program,
+ setter: F,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult>
+ F: for<'a> FnOnce(&'a mut ContextData) -> &'a mut Vec<Option<Rc<OptixCell<ProgramData>>>>,
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = (*context).borrow_mut()?;
+ match setter(&mut context).get_mut(entry_point_index as usize) {
+ None => Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE),
+ Some(context_entry) => {
+ let program = ManuallyDrop::new(Rc::from_raw(program));
+ *context_entry = Some((&*program).clone());
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_miss_program(
+ context: Context,
+ ray_type_index: u32,
+ program: Program,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ set_program(context, ray_type_index, program, |ctx| {
+ &mut ctx.miss_programs
+ })
+pub(crate) unsafe fn launch_2d(
+ context: Context,
+ entry_point_index: u32,
+ width: u64,
+ height: u64,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ if width > u32::MAX as u64 || height > u32::MAX as u64 {
+ return Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ }
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = (context).borrow_mut_no_invalidate()?;
+ context.buffers_load_from_callback()?;
+ if context.scene_rebuild_pending {
+ context.scene = Scene::new(&context)?;
+ context.scene_rebuild_pending = false;
+ }
+ if width == 0 || height == 0 {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ context
+ .global_stack
+ .reallocate(width as u32, height as u32)?;
+ let main_program = context
+ .entry_points
+ .get(entry_point_index as usize)
+ .ok_or(RTresult::RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE)?
+ .as_ref()
+ .ok_or(RTresult::RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE)?;
+ let main_program = main_program.borrow()?;
+ let exception_program = context
+ .exception_programs
+ .get(entry_point_index as usize)
+ .map(Option::as_ref)
+ .flatten()
+ .map(Rc::as_ref)
+ .map(OptixCell::borrow)
+ .transpose()?;
+ context.scene.launch_2d(
+ entry_point_index,
+ &main_program,
+ exception_program,
+ width as u32,
+ height as u32,
+ context.global_stack.pointer,
+ )
+pub(crate) unsafe fn create_subobject<T: OptixObjectData>(
+ context: Context,
+ constructor: impl FnOnce(Weak<OptixCell<ContextData>>, &mut ContextData) -> T,
+ register: impl FnOnce(Rc<OptixCell<T>>, &mut ContextData),
+) -> Result<*const OptixCell<T>, RTresult> {
+ let context = ManuallyDrop::new(Rc::from_raw(context));
+ let weak_context = Rc::downgrade(&context);
+ let mut context = (**context).borrow_mut()?;
+ let object = Rc::new(OptixCell::new(constructor(weak_context, &mut context)));
+ let result = Rc::as_ptr(&object);
+ register(object, &mut *context);
+ Ok(result)
+pub(crate) fn set_stack_size(_context: Context, _bytes: u64) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) fn set_max_depth(_context: Context, _max_depth: u32) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn query_variable(
+ context: Context,
+ name: *const i8,
+ v: *mut Variable,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(name)?;
+ null_check(v)?;
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let context = (context).borrow()?;
+ *v = context
+ .variables
+ .get(CStr::from_ptr(name))
+ .map(|variable| Rc::as_ptr(variable))
+ .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_attribute(
+ context: Context,
+ attrib: RTcontextattribute,
+ size: u64,
+ p: *const std::ffi::c_void,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(p)?;
+ match attrib {
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = OptixCell::borrow_mut_no_invalidate(context)?;
+ let cache_location = CStr::from_ptr(p as _);
+ let cache_location = cache_location
+ .to_str()
+ .map_err(|_| RTresult::RT_ERROR_UNKNOWN)?;
+ let cache_location = PathBuf::from(cache_location);
+ let cache = KernelCache::new(&cache_location).ok_or(RTresult::RT_ERROR_UNKNOWN)?;
+ context.disk_cache_location = cache_location;
+ context.cache = Some(cache);
+ }
+ if size != mem::size_of::<u32>() as u64 {
+ return Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE);
+ }
+ let value = p as *const u32;
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = OptixCell::borrow_mut_no_invalidate(context)?;
+ if *value == 0 {
+ context.cache = None;
+ } else {
+ context.cache = Some(
+ KernelCache::new(&context.disk_cache_location)
+ .ok_or(RTresult::RT_ERROR_UNKNOWN)?,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = OptixCell::borrow_mut_no_invalidate(context)?;
+ context.public_vendor_key =
+ std::slice::from_raw_parts(p as *const u8, size as usize).to_vec();
+ }
+ if size != 32 {
+ return Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ }
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = OptixCell::borrow_mut_no_invalidate(context)?;
+ context.vendor_salt = *(p as *const [u8; 32]);
+ }
+ RTcontextattribute::RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIX_SALT => {
+ if size != 32 {
+ return Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ }
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let mut context = OptixCell::borrow_mut_no_invalidate(context)?;
+ context.optix_salt = *(p as *const [u8; 32]);
+ }
+ // TODO: implement
+ // TODO: reverse
+ RTcontextattribute(15)
+ | RTcontextattribute(16)
+ | RTcontextattribute(17)
+ | RTcontextattribute(33554454) => return Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED),
+ _ => return Err(definitions::unimplemented()),
+ }
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) fn set_max_callable_program_depth(_context: Context, _max_depth: u32) -> RTresult {
+ RTresult::RT_SUCCESS
+pub(crate) unsafe fn get_attribute(
+ context: Context,
+ attrib: RTcontextattribute,
+ size: u64,
+ p: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(p)?;
+ match attrib {
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let context = OptixCell::borrow(context)?;
+ let cache = context
+ .disk_cache_location
+ .to_str()
+ .ok_or(RTresult::RT_ERROR_UNKNOWN)?;
+ *(p as *mut _) = cache.as_ptr();
+ }
+ RTcontextattribute::RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIX_SALT => {
+ if size != 32 {
+ return Err(RTresult::RT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ }
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let context = OptixCell::borrow(context)?;
+ *(p as *mut [u8; 32]) = context.optix_salt;
+ }
+ _ => return Err(definitions::unimplemented()),
+ }
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn set_devices(
+ context: Context,
+ count: u32,
+ devices: *const i32,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ if count != 1 {
+ return Err(definitions::unimplemented());
+ }
+ if *devices != 0 {
+ return Err(definitions::unimplemented());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) fn set_exception_enabled(
+ context: Context,
+ _exception: RTexception,
+ _enabled: i32,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) fn set_print_enabled(
+ context: *const OptixCell<ContextData>,
+ _enabled: i32,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) fn set_usage_report_callback(
+ context: *const OptixCell<ContextData>,
+ _callback: RTusagereportcallback,
+ _verbosity: i32,
+ _cbdata: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) fn set_print_launch_index(
+ context: *const OptixCell<ContextData>,
+ _x: i32,
+ _y: i32,
+ _z: i32,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn get_device_count(context: Context, count: *mut u32) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ *count = 1;
+ Ok(())
+pub(crate) unsafe fn get_devices(context: Context, devices: *mut i32) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(context)?;
+ *devices = 0;
+ Ok(())
+// Used only during Arnold deinitialization
+pub(crate) unsafe fn get_buffer_from_id(
+ context: Context,
+ buffer_id: i32,
+ buffer_output: *mut Buffer,
+) -> Result<(), RTresult> {
+ null_check(buffer_output)?;
+ let context = null_unwrap(context)?;
+ let context = context.borrow()?;
+ for buffer_rc in context.buffers.iter() {
+ let buffer = buffer_rc.borrow()?;
+ if buffer.index == (buffer_id as u32) {
+ *buffer_output = Rc::as_ptr(buffer_rc);
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ }
+ *buffer_output = ptr::null_mut();
+mod tests {
+ use crate::optix_test;
+ use crate::test_common::OptixFns;
+ use std::ptr;
+ optix_test!(create_destroy_context);
+ unsafe fn create_destroy_context<Optix: OptixFns>(o: Optix) {
+ let mut ctx = ptr::null_mut();
+ o.rtContextCreate(&mut ctx);
+ o.rtContextDestroy(ctx);
+ }