use crate::ast; use crate::lalrpop::*; use either::Either; use lalrpop_util::ParseError; grammar<'err>(errors: &'err mut Vec, ast::PtxError>>); extern { type Error = ast::PtxError; } match { r"\s+" => { }, r"//[^\n\r]*[\n\r]*" => { }, r"/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/" => { }, r"0[fF][0-9a-zA-Z]{8}" => F32NumToken, r"0[dD][0-9a-zA-Z]{16}" => F64NumToken, r"0[xX][0-9a-zA-Z]+U?" => HexNumToken, r"[0-9]+U?" => DecimalNumToken, r#""[^"]*""# => String, r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" => VersionNumber, "!", "(", ")", "+", "-", "_", ",", ".", ":", ";", "@", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">", "|", "=", ".1d", ".2d", ".3d", ".a1d", ".a2d", ".acq_rel", ".acquire", ".add", ".address_size", ".align", ".aligned", ".all", ".and", ".any", ".approx", ".b", ".b16", ".b32", ".b64", ".b8", ".ballot", ".bfly", ".ca", ".callprototype", ".cas", ".cc", ".cg", ".clamp", ".common", ".const", ".cs", ".cta", ".cv", ".dec", ".down", ".entry", ".eq", ".equ", ".exch", ".extern", ".f16", ".f16x2", ".f32", ".f64", ".file", ".ftz", ".full", ".func", ".ge", ".geu", ".gl", ".global", ".gpu", ".gt", ".gtu", ".hi", ".hs", ".idx", ".inc", ".l", ".le", ".leu", ".lo", ".loc", ".local", ".ls", ".lt", ".ltu", ".lu", ".m8n8", ".max", ".maxnreg", ".maxntid", ".minnctapersm", ".min", ".nan", ".NaN", ".nc", ".ne", ".neu", ".noftz", ".num", ".or", ".param", ".popc", ".pragma", ".pred", ".r", ".red", ".reg", ".relaxed", ".release", ".reqntid", ".rm", ".rmi", ".rn", ".rni", ".rp", ".rpi", ".rz", ".rzi", ".s16", ".s32", ".s64", ".s8" , ".sat", ".section", ".shared", ".shiftamt", ".surfref", ".sync", ".sys", ".target", ".texref", ".to", ".trap", ".u16", ".u32", ".u64", ".u8" , ".uni", ".up", ".v2", ".v4", ".version", ".visible", ".volatile", ".warp", ".wb", ".weak", ".wide", ".wrap", ".wt", ".x4", ".xor", ".zero", } else { // IF YOU ARE ADDING A NEW TOKEN HERE ALSO ADD IT BELOW TO ExtendedID "abs", "activemask", "add", "addc", "and", "atom", "bar", "barrier", "bfe", "bfi", "bfind", "bra", "brev", "brkpt", "call", "clz", "cos", "cvt", "cvta", "debug", "div", "dp4a", "ex2", "exit", "fma", "function_name", "generic", "inlined_at", "ld", "ldmatrix", "lg2", "mad", "madc", "map_f64_to_f32", "match", "max", "membar", "min", "mov", "mul", "nanosleep", "neg", "not", "or", "popc", "prmt", "rcp", "red", "rem", "ret", "rsqrt", "selp", "set", "setp", "shf", "shfl", "shl", "shr", "sin", r"sm_[0-9]+" => ShaderModel, "sqrt", "st", "sub", "subc", "suld", "sust", "tex", "texmode_independent", "texmode_unified", "trap", "vote", "vshr", "xor", } else { "WARP_SZ", // r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|[_$%][a-zA-Z0-9_$]+" => ID, r"\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*" => DotID, } ExtendedID : &'input str = { "abs", "activemask", "add", "addc", "and", "atom", "bar", "barrier", "bfe", "bfi", "bfind", "bra", "brev", "brkpt", "call", "clz", "cos", "cvt", "cvta", "debug", "div", "dp4a", "ex2", "exit", "fma", "function_name", "generic", "inlined_at", "ld", "ldmatrix", "lg2", "mad", "madc", "map_f64_to_f32", "match", "max", "membar", "min", "mov", "mul", "nanosleep", "neg", "not", "or", "popc", "prmt", "rcp", "red", "rem", "ret", "rsqrt", "selp", "set", "setp", "shf", "shfl", "shl", "shr", "sin", ShaderModel, "sqrt", "st", "sub", "subc", "suld", "sust", "tex", "texmode_independent", "texmode_unified", "trap", "vote", "vshr", "xor", ID } ExtendedIDOrBlank = { ExtendedID, "_" } NumToken: (&'input str, u32, bool) = { => { if s.ends_with('U') { (&s[2..s.len() - 1], 16, true) } else { (&s[2..], 16, false) } }, => { let radix = if s.starts_with('0') { 8 } else { 10 }; if s.ends_with('U') { (&s[..s.len() - 1], radix, true) } else { (s, radix, false) } }, "WARP_SZ" => { ("32", 10, false) } } F32Num: f32 = { => { match u32::from_str_radix(&s[2..], 16) { Ok(x) => unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<_, f32>(x) }, Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0.0 } } } } F64Num: f64 = { => { match u64::from_str_radix(&s[2..], 16) { Ok(x) => unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<_, f64>(x) }, Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0.0 } } } } U8Num: u8 = { => { let (text, radix, _) = x; match u8::from_str_radix(text, radix) { Ok(x) => x, Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0 } } } } U16Num: u16 = { => { let (text, radix, _) = x; match u16::from_str_radix(text, radix) { Ok(x) => x, Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0 } } } } U32Num: u32 = { => { let (text, radix, _) = x; match u32::from_str_radix(text, radix) { Ok(x) => x, Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0 } } } } // TODO: handle negative number properly S64Num: i64 = { => { let (text, radix, _) = x; match i64::from_str_radix(text, radix) { Ok(x) => if sign.is_some() { -x } else { x }, Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0 } } } } pub Module: ast::Module<'input> = { PtxVersion => { ast::Module { sm_version, directives: without_none(d) } } }; PtxVersion = { ".version" VersionNumber } // Target: u32 = { ".target" > => { let max_sm_version = specifiers.iter().copied().fold(None, |acc, current| { match (acc, current) { (None, x) => x, (Some(x), None) => Some(x), (Some(x), Some(y)) => Some(u32::max(x, y)), } }); max_sm_version.unwrap_or_else(|| { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::NoSmVersion }); 0 }) } }; TargetSpecifier: Option = { => { let sm_version = sm[sm.find('_').unwrap() + 1 ..].parse::().unwrap_or_else(|err| { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); 0 }); Some(sm_version) }, "texmode_unified" => None, "texmode_independent" => None, "debug" => None, "map_f64_to_f32" => None }; Directive: Option>> = { AddressSize => None, => { let (linking, func) = f; if linking == ast::LinkingDirective::Extern && func.body.is_some() { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::ExternDefinition }); } Some(ast::Directive::Method(linking, func)) }, File => None, Section => None, ";" => { if var.len() != 1 { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::UnexpectedMultivariable }); } if linking == ast::LinkingDirective::Extern && matches!(var[0].suffix, Some(ast::DeclarationSuffix::Initializer(_))) { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::ExternDefinition }); } if linking != ast::LinkingDirective::Extern && var[0].variable.type_.layout().size() == 0 { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::ExternDefinition }); } Some(ast::Directive::Variable(linking, var.into_iter().next().unwrap())) }, @L ! @R => { let (start, _, end)= (<>); errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::UnrecognizedDirective { start, end } }); None } }; AddressSize = { ".address_size" U8Num }; Function: (ast::LinkingDirective, ast::Function<'input, &'input str, ast::Statement>>) = { => { (linking, ast::Function{func_directive, tuning, body}) } }; LinkingDirective: ast::LinkingDirective = { ".extern" => ast::LinkingDirective::Extern, ".visible" => ast::LinkingDirective::Visible, ".weak" => ast::LinkingDirective::Weak, ".common" => ast::LinkingDirective::Common, => ast::LinkingDirective::None, }; TuningDirective: ast::TuningDirective = { ".maxnreg" => ast::TuningDirective::MaxNReg(ncta), ".maxntid" => ast::TuningDirective::MaxNtid(nx, 1, 1), ".maxntid" "," => ast::TuningDirective::MaxNtid(nx, ny, 1), ".maxntid" "," "," => ast::TuningDirective::MaxNtid(nx, ny, nz), ".reqntid" => ast::TuningDirective::ReqNtid(nx, 1, 1), ".reqntid" "," => ast::TuningDirective::ReqNtid(nx, ny, 1), ".reqntid" "," "," => ast::TuningDirective::ReqNtid(nx, ny, nz), ".minnctapersm" => ast::TuningDirective::MinNCtaPerSm(ncta), }; MethodDeclaration: ast::MethodDeclaration<'input, &'input str> = { ".entry" => { let return_arguments = Vec::new(); let name = ast::MethodName::Kernel(name); ast::MethodDeclaration{ return_arguments, name, input_arguments } }, ".func" => { let return_arguments = return_arguments.unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::new()); let name = ast::MethodName::Func(name); ast::MethodDeclaration{ return_arguments, name, input_arguments } } }; KernelArguments: Vec> = { "(" > ")" => args }; FnArguments: Vec> = { "(" > ")" => args }; ProtoArguments: Vec> = { "(" > ")" => args }; FunctionBody: Option>>> = { "{" "}" => Some(without_none(s)), ";" => None }; StateSpaceSpecifier: ast::StateSpace = { ".reg" => ast::StateSpace::Reg, ".const" => ast::StateSpace::Const, ".global" => ast::StateSpace::Global, ".local" => ast::StateSpace::Local, ".shared" => ast::StateSpace::Shared, ".param" => ast::StateSpace::Param, // used to prepare function call }; #[inline] ScalarType: ast::ScalarType = { ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f16x2" => ast::ScalarType::F16x2, ".pred" => ast::ScalarType::Pred, ".b8" => ast::ScalarType::B8, ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u8" => ast::ScalarType::U8, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s8" => ast::ScalarType::S8, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, }; Statement: Option>> = { => Some(ast::Statement::Label(l)), ";" => Some(ast::Statement::Callprototype(c)), DebugDirective => None, ";" => Some(ast::Statement::Variable(v)), ";" => Some(ast::Statement::Instruction(p, i)), PragmaStatement => None, "{" "}" => Some(ast::Statement::Block(without_none(s))), @L ! ";" @R => { let (start, _, _, end) = (<>); errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::UnrecognizedStatement { start, end } }); None } }; PragmaStatement: () = { ".pragma" String ";" } DebugDirective: () = { DebugLocation }; // DebugLocation: () = { ".loc" U32Num U32Num U32Num => {}, ".loc" U32Num U32Num U32Num "," "function_name" ExtendedID "," "inlined_at" U32Num U32Num U32Num => {}, ".loc" U32Num U32Num U32Num "," "function_name" ExtendedID "+" U32Num "," "inlined_at" U32Num U32Num U32Num => {} }; Label: &'input str = { ":" => id }; Align: u32 = { ".align" => x }; Initializer: ast::Initializer<&'input str> = { "+" => ast::Initializer::Add(Box::new((init1, init2))), InitializerNoAdd } InitializerNoAdd: ast::Initializer<&'input str> = { => ast::Initializer::Constant(val), => ast::Initializer::Global(id, ast::Type::Struct(Vec::new())), "generic" "(" ")" => ast::Initializer::GenericGlobal(id, ast::Type::Struct(Vec::new())), "{" > "}" => ast::Initializer::Array(array_init) } VariableDeclarationFunc: ast::VariableDeclaration<&'input str> = { => validate_variable_declaration_func(var, errors) } VariableDeclarationEntry: ast::VariableDeclaration<&'input str> = { => validate_variable_declaration_entry(var, errors) } VariableDeclarationProto: ast::VariableDeclaration<&'input str> = { => validate_variable_declaration_proto(var, errors) } VariableDeclarationBase: ast::VariableDeclaration<&'input str> = { => { let mut variable = variable.clone(); = name; variable.type_ = make_array_type(variable.type_, dims, errors); report_incorrect_variable(&variable, errors); variable } } MultiVariableDefinition: Vec> = { > => { defs.into_iter().map(|(name, def_suffix, initializer)| { let mut variable = variable.clone(); = name; let suffix = if let Some(Either::Left(count)) = def_suffix { Some(ast::DeclarationSuffix::Count(count)) } else if let Some(initializer) = initializer { Some(ast::DeclarationSuffix::Initializer(initializer)) } else { None }; if let Some(Either::Right(dims)) = def_suffix { variable.type_ = make_array_type(variable.type_, Some(dims), errors); } let mut definition = ast::MultiVariableDefinition { variable, suffix }; report_incorrect_variable(&definition.variable, errors); validate_variable_declaration2(&mut definition, errors); definition }).collect::>() } } VariableDeclarationBegin: ast::VariableDeclaration<&'input str> = { => { ast::VariableDeclaration { align, type_, state_space, name: "" } } } VariableDefinitionOnce: (&'input str, Option>>, Option>) = { => (name, suffix, init) } VariableDefinitionSuffix: Either> = { // "<" ">" => either::Left(n), => either::Right(dims), } VariableDefinitionInitializer: ast::Initializer<&'input str> = { "=" => init } AnyType: ast::Type = { ".texref" => ast::Type::Texref, ".surfref" => ast::Type::Surfref, => ast::Type::Vector(type_, v_len), => ast::Type::Scalar(type_), } #[inline] SizedScalarType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b8" => ast::ScalarType::B8, ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u8" => ast::ScalarType::U8, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s8" => ast::ScalarType::S8, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f16x2" => ast::ScalarType::F16x2, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, } #[inline] LdStScalarType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b8" => ast::ScalarType::B8, ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u8" => ast::ScalarType::U8, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s8" => ast::ScalarType::S8, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, } Instruction: ast::Instruction> = { InstLd, InstMov, InstMul, InstAdd, InstAddC, InstAddCC, InstSetp, InstNot, InstBra, InstCvt, InstShl, InstShr, InstSt, InstRet, InstCvta, InstCall, InstAbs, InstMad, InstMadC, InstMadCC, InstFma, InstOr, InstAnd, InstSub, InstSubC, InstSubCC, InstMin, InstMax, InstRcp, InstSelp, InstBar, InstAtom, InstAtomCas, InstDiv, InstSqrt, InstRsqrt, InstNeg, InstSin, InstCos, InstLg2, InstEx2, InstClz, InstBrev, InstPopc, InstXor, InstRem, InstBfe, InstBfi, InstPrmt, InstActivemask, InstMembar, InstTex, InstSuld, InstSust, InstShfl, InstShf, InstVote, InstExit, InstBarRed, InstTrap, InstBrkpt, InstVshr, InstBfind, InstSet, InstDp4a, InstMatch, InstRed, InstNanosleep, }; // InstLd: ast::Instruction> = { "ld" "," => { ast::Instruction::Ld( ast::LdDetails { qualifier: q.unwrap_or(ast::LdStQualifier::Weak), state_space: ss.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), caching: cop.unwrap_or(ast::LdCacheOperator::Cached), typ: t, non_coherent: false }, ast::Arg2Ld { dst:dst, src:src } ) }, "ld" ".global" "," => { ast::Instruction::Ld( ast::LdDetails { qualifier: q.unwrap_or(ast::LdStQualifier::Weak), state_space: ast::StateSpace::Global, caching: cop.unwrap_or(ast::LdCacheOperator::Cached), typ: t, non_coherent: false }, ast::Arg2Ld { dst:dst, src:src } ) }, "ld" ".global" ".nc" "," => { ast::Instruction::Ld( ast::LdDetails { qualifier: ast::LdStQualifier::Weak, state_space: ast::StateSpace::Global, caching: cop.unwrap_or(ast::LdCacheOperator::Cached), typ: t, non_coherent: true }, ast::Arg2Ld { dst:dst, src:src } ) } }; LdStType: ast::Type = { => ast::Type::Vector(t, v), => ast::Type::Scalar(t), } LdStQualifier: ast::LdStQualifier = { ".weak" => ast::LdStQualifier::Weak, ".volatile" => ast::LdStQualifier::Volatile, ".relaxed" => ast::LdStQualifier::Relaxed(s), ".acquire" => ast::LdStQualifier::Acquire(s), ".release" => ast::LdStQualifier::Release(s), }; MemScope: ast::MemScope = { ".cta" => ast::MemScope::Cta, ".gpu" => ast::MemScope::Gpu, ".sys" => ast::MemScope::Sys }; MembarLevel: ast::MemScope = { ".cta" => ast::MemScope::Cta, ".gl" => ast::MemScope::Gpu, ".sys" => ast::MemScope::Sys }; LdNonGlobalStateSpace: ast::StateSpace = { ".const" => ast::StateSpace::Const, ".local" => ast::StateSpace::Local, ".param" => ast::StateSpace::Param, ".shared" => ast::StateSpace::Shared, }; LdCacheOperator: ast::LdCacheOperator = { ".ca" => ast::LdCacheOperator::Cached, ".cg" => ast::LdCacheOperator::L2Only, ".cs" => ast::LdCacheOperator::Streaming, ".lu" => ast::LdCacheOperator::LastUse, ".cv" => ast::LdCacheOperator::Uncached, }; LdNcCacheOperator: ast::LdCacheOperator = { ".ca" => ast::LdCacheOperator::Cached, ".cg" => ast::LdCacheOperator::L2Only, ".cs" => ast::LdCacheOperator::Streaming, }; // InstMov: ast::Instruction> = { "mov" "," => { let motype_ = match pref { Some(vec_width) => ast::Type::Vector(t, vec_width), None => ast::Type::Scalar(t) }; let details = ast::MovDetails::new(motype_); ast::Instruction::Mov( details, ast::Arg2Mov { dst, src } ) } } #[inline] MovScalarType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, ".pred" => ast::ScalarType::Pred }; // // // InstMul: ast::Instruction> = { "mul" => ast::Instruction::Mul(d, a) }; MulDetails: ast::MulDetails = { => ast::MulDetails::Unsigned(ast::MulInt{ typ: t, control: ctr }), => ast::MulDetails::Signed(ast::MulInt{ typ: t, control: ctr }), => ast::MulDetails::Float(f) }; MulIntControl: ast::MulIntControl = { ".hi" => ast::MulIntControl::High, ".lo" => ast::MulIntControl::Low, ".wide" => ast::MulIntControl::Wide }; #[inline] RoundingModeFloat : ast::RoundingMode = { ".rn" => ast::RoundingMode::NearestEven, ".rz" => ast::RoundingMode::Zero, ".rm" => ast::RoundingMode::NegativeInf, ".rp" => ast::RoundingMode::PositiveInf, }; RoundingModeInt : ast::RoundingMode = { ".rni" => ast::RoundingMode::NearestEven, ".rzi" => ast::RoundingMode::Zero, ".rmi" => ast::RoundingMode::NegativeInf, ".rpi" => ast::RoundingMode::PositiveInf, }; IntType : ast::ScalarType = { ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, }; IntType3264: ast::ScalarType = { ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, } UIntType: ast::ScalarType = { ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, }; SIntType: ast::ScalarType = { ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, }; FloatType: ast::ScalarType = { ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f16x2" => ast::ScalarType::F16x2, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, }; // Callprototype: ast::Callprototype<&'input str> = { ":" ".callprototype" "_" => { let return_arguments = return_arguments .map(|args| { args.into_iter() .map(|var| (var.type_, var.state_space)) .collect() }) .unwrap_or(Vec::new()); let input_arguments = input_arguments .into_iter() .map(|var| (var.type_, var.state_space)) .collect(); ast::Callprototype { name, return_arguments, input_arguments } } }; // // // InstAdd: ast::Instruction> = { "add" => ast::Instruction::Add(d, a) }; InstAddC: ast::Instruction> = { "addc" => { let details = ast::CarryInDetails { carry_out: carry_out.is_some(), type_ }; ast::Instruction::AddC(details, a) } }; InstAddCC: ast::Instruction> = { "add" ".cc" => ast::Instruction::AddCC(type_, a) }; // // // TODO: support f16 setp InstSetp: ast::Instruction> = { "setp" => ast::Instruction::Setp(d, a), "setp" "," "," "," => { let args = ast::Arg5Setp{ dst1, dst2, src1, src2, src3 }; let mut details = d; details.negate_src3 = neg_src3.is_some(); ast::Instruction::SetpBool(details, args) } }; // InstSet: ast::Instruction> = { "set" ".u32" ".f16x2" => { let data = ast::SetData { dst_type: ast::ScalarType::U32, src_type: ast::ScalarType::F16x2, flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), cmp_op: cmp_op, }; ast::Instruction::Set(data, arg) } } SetpMode: ast::SetpData = { => ast::SetpData { typ: t, flush_to_zero: None, cmp_op: cmp_op, }, ".f32" => ast::SetpData { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), cmp_op: cmp_op, } }; SetpBoolMode: ast::SetpBoolData = { => ast::SetpBoolData { base: ast::SetpData { typ: t, flush_to_zero: None, cmp_op: cmp_op, }, bool_op: bool_op, negate_src3: false, }, ".f32" => ast::SetpBoolData { base: ast::SetpData { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), cmp_op: cmp_op, }, bool_op: bool_op, negate_src3: false, } }; SetpCompareOp: ast::SetpCompareOp = { ".eq" => ast::SetpCompareOp::Eq, ".ne" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NotEq, ".lt" => ast::SetpCompareOp::Less, ".le" => ast::SetpCompareOp::LessOrEq, ".gt" => ast::SetpCompareOp::Greater, ".ge" => ast::SetpCompareOp::GreaterOrEq, ".lo" => ast::SetpCompareOp::Less, ".ls" => ast::SetpCompareOp::LessOrEq, ".hi" => ast::SetpCompareOp::Greater, ".hs" => ast::SetpCompareOp::GreaterOrEq, ".equ" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NanEq, ".neu" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NanNotEq, ".ltu" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NanLess, ".leu" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NanLessOrEq, ".gtu" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NanGreater, ".geu" => ast::SetpCompareOp::NanGreaterOrEq, ".num" => ast::SetpCompareOp::IsNotNan, ".nan" => ast::SetpCompareOp::IsAnyNan, }; SetpBoolPostOp: ast::SetpBoolPostOp = { ".and" => ast::SetpBoolPostOp::And, ".or" => ast::SetpBoolPostOp::Or, ".xor" => ast::SetpBoolPostOp::Xor, }; SetpTypeNoF32: ast::ScalarType = { ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, // PTX docs lie, f16 is allowed ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, }; // InstNot: ast::Instruction> = { "not" => ast::Instruction::Not(t, a) }; BooleanType: ast::ScalarType = { ".pred" => ast::ScalarType::Pred, ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, }; // PredAt: ast::PredAt<&'input str> = { "@" => ast::PredAt { not: false, label:label }, "@" "!" => ast::PredAt { not: true, label:label } }; // InstBra: ast::Instruction> = { "bra" => ast::Instruction::Bra(ast::BraData{ uniform: u.is_some() }, a) }; // InstCvt: ast::Instruction> = { "cvt" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::new_int_from_int_checked( s.is_some(), dst_t, src_t, errors ), a) }, "cvt" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::new_float_from_int_checked( r, f.is_some(), s.is_some(), dst_t, src_t, errors ), a) }, "cvt" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::new_int_from_float_checked( r, f.is_some(), s.is_some(), dst_t, src_t, errors ), a) }, "cvt" ".f16" ".f16" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: r, flush_to_zero: None, saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F16, src: ast::ScalarType::F16 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f32" ".f16" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: None, flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F32, src: ast::ScalarType::F16 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f64" ".f16" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: None, flush_to_zero: None, saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F64, src: ast::ScalarType::F16 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f16" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: Some(r), flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F16, src: ast::ScalarType::F32 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f32" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: r, flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F32, src: ast::ScalarType::F32 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f64" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: None, flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F64, src: ast::ScalarType::F32 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f16" ".f64" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: Some(r), flush_to_zero: None, saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F16, src: ast::ScalarType::F64 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f32" ".f64" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: Some(r), flush_to_zero: Some(s.is_some()), saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F32, src: ast::ScalarType::F64 } ), a) }, "cvt" ".f64" ".f64" => { ast::Instruction::Cvt(ast::CvtDetails::FloatFromFloat( ast::CvtDesc { rounding: r, flush_to_zero: None, saturate: s.is_some(), dst: ast::ScalarType::F64, src: ast::ScalarType::F64 } ), a) }, }; CvtTypeInt: ast::ScalarType = { ".u8" => ast::ScalarType::U8, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s8" => ast::ScalarType::S8, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, }; CvtTypeFloat: ast::ScalarType = { ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, }; // InstShl: ast::Instruction> = { "shl" => ast::Instruction::Shl(t, a) }; ShlType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, }; // InstShr: ast::Instruction> = { "shr" => ast::Instruction::Shr(t, a) }; ShrType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, }; // // Warning: NVIDIA documentation is incorrect, you can specify scope only once InstSt: ast::Instruction> = { "st" "," => { ast::Instruction::St( ast::StData { qualifier: q.unwrap_or(ast::LdStQualifier::Weak), state_space: ss.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), caching: cop.unwrap_or(ast::StCacheOperator::Writeback), typ: t }, ast::Arg2St { src1:src1, src2:src2 } ) }, // Wrong order, used by QUDA "st" "," => { ast::Instruction::St( ast::StData { qualifier: ast::LdStQualifier::Weak, state_space, caching, typ: t }, ast::Arg2St { src1:src1, src2:src2 } ) } }; // MemoryOperand: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { "[" "]" => o } StStateSpace: ast::StateSpace = { ".global" => ast::StateSpace::Global, ".local" => ast::StateSpace::Local, ".param" => ast::StateSpace::Param, ".shared" => ast::StateSpace::Shared, }; StCacheOperator: ast::StCacheOperator = { ".wb" => ast::StCacheOperator::Writeback, ".cg" => ast::StCacheOperator::L2Only, ".cs" => ast::StCacheOperator::Streaming, ".wt" => ast::StCacheOperator::Writethrough, }; // InstRet: ast::Instruction> = { "ret" => ast::Instruction::Ret(ast::RetData { uniform: u.is_some() }) }; // InstCvta: ast::Instruction> = { "cvta" => { ast::Instruction::Cvta(ast::CvtaDetails { to: ast::StateSpace::Generic, from, size: s }, a) }, "cvta" ".to" => { ast::Instruction::Cvta(ast::CvtaDetails { to, from: ast::StateSpace::Generic, size: s }, a) } } CvtaStateSpace: ast::StateSpace = { ".const" => ast::StateSpace::Const, ".global" => ast::StateSpace::Global, ".local" => ast::StateSpace::Local, ".shared" => ast::StateSpace::Shared, } CvtaSize: ast::CvtaSize = { ".u32" => ast::CvtaSize::U32, ".u64" => ast::CvtaSize::U64, } // InstCall: ast::Instruction> = { "call" => { let (ret_params, func, param_list, prototype) = args; ast::Instruction::Call(ast::CallInst { uniform: u.is_some(), ret_params, func, param_list, prototype }) } }; // InstAbs: ast::Instruction> = { "abs" => { ast::Instruction::Abs(ast::AbsDetails { flush_to_zero: None, typ: t }, a) }, "abs" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Abs(ast::AbsDetails { flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), typ: ast::ScalarType::F32 }, a) }, "abs" ".f64" => { ast::Instruction::Abs(ast::AbsDetails { flush_to_zero: None, typ: ast::ScalarType::F64 }, a) }, "abs" ".f16" => { ast::Instruction::Abs(ast::AbsDetails { flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), typ: ast::ScalarType::F16 }, a) }, "abs" ".f16x2" => { ast::Instruction::Abs(ast::AbsDetails { flush_to_zero: Some(f.is_some()), typ: ast::ScalarType::F16x2 }, a) }, }; // // InstMad: ast::Instruction> = { "mad" => ast::Instruction::Mad(d, a), "mad" ".hi" ".sat" ".s32" => todo!(), }; // InstMadCC: ast::Instruction> = { "mad" ".lo" ".cc" => ast::Instruction::MadCC{<>}, }; // InstMadC: ast::Instruction> = { "madc" ".lo" => { ast::Instruction::MadC { type_, arg, is_hi: false, carry_out: carry_out.is_some() } }, "madc" ".hi" => { ast::Instruction::MadC { type_, arg, is_hi: true, carry_out: carry_out.is_some() } }, }; // InstFma: ast::Instruction> = { "fma" => ast::Instruction::Fma(f, a), }; SignedIntType: ast::ScalarType = { ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, }; // InstOr: ast::Instruction> = { "or" => ast::Instruction::Or(d, a), }; // InstAnd: ast::Instruction> = { "and" => ast::Instruction::And(d, a), }; // InstRcp: ast::Instruction> = { "rcp" ".approx" ".f32" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind: ast::RcpSqrtKind::Approx, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), type_: ast::ScalarType::F32, }; ast::Instruction::Rcp(details, a) }, // PyTorch "rcp" ".approx" ".f32" ".ftz" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind: ast::RcpSqrtKind::Approx, flush_to_zero: Some(true), type_: ast::ScalarType::F32, }; ast::Instruction::Rcp(details, a) }, // Undocumented, but supported. Used in some Thrust code from waifu2x "rcp" ".approx" ".f64" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind: ast::RcpSqrtKind::Approx, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), type_: ast::ScalarType::F64, }; ast::Instruction::Rcp(details, a) }, "rcp" ".f32" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), type_: ast::ScalarType::F32, }; ast::Instruction::Rcp(details, a) }, "rcp" ".f64" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind, flush_to_zero: None, type_: ast::ScalarType::F64, }; ast::Instruction::Rcp(details, a) } }; RcpSqrtRounding: ast::RcpSqrtKind = { => ast::RcpSqrtKind::Rounding(r) }; // // // InstSub: ast::Instruction> = { "sub" => ast::Instruction::Sub(d, a), }; InstSubC: ast::Instruction> = { "subc" => { let details = ast::CarryInDetails { carry_out: carry_out.is_some(), type_ }; ast::Instruction::SubC(details, a) } }; InstSubCC: ast::Instruction> = { "sub" ".cc" => ast::Instruction::SubCC(type_, a) }; // // // InstMin: ast::Instruction> = { "min" => ast::Instruction::Min(d, a), }; // // // InstMax: ast::Instruction> = { "max" => ast::Instruction::Max(d, a), }; MinMaxDetails: ast::MinMaxDetails = { => ast::MinMaxDetails::Unsigned(t), => ast::MinMaxDetails::Signed(t), ".f32" => ast::MinMaxDetails::Float( ast::MinMaxFloat{ flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), nan: nan.is_some(), typ: ast::ScalarType::F32 } ), ".f64" => ast::MinMaxDetails::Float( ast::MinMaxFloat{ flush_to_zero: None, nan: false, typ: ast::ScalarType::F64 } ), ".f16" => ast::MinMaxDetails::Float( ast::MinMaxFloat{ flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), nan: nan.is_some(), typ: ast::ScalarType::F16 } ), ".f16x2" => ast::MinMaxDetails::Float( ast::MinMaxFloat{ flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), nan: nan.is_some(), typ: ast::ScalarType::F16x2 } ) } // InstSelp: ast::Instruction> = { "selp" => ast::Instruction::Selp(t, a), }; SelpType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, ".u16" => ast::ScalarType::U16, ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64, }; // InstBar: ast::Instruction> = { "bar" ".sync" => ast::Instruction::Bar(ast::BarDetails::SyncAligned, a), "bar" ".warp" ".sync" => ast::Instruction::BarWarp(ast::BarDetails::SyncAligned, a), "barrier" ".sync" => ast::Instruction::Bar(ast::BarDetails::SyncAligned, a), "barrier" ".sync" ".aligned" => ast::Instruction::Bar(ast::BarDetails::SyncAligned, a), } // InstBarRed: ast::Instruction> = { "bar" ".red" ".and" ".pred" => { let reduction = ast::ReductionOp::And; ast::Instruction::BarRed(reduction, a) }, "bar" ".red" ".or" ".pred" => { let reduction = ast::ReductionOp::Or; ast::Instruction::BarRed(reduction, a) }, "bar" ".red" ".popc" ".u32" => { let reduction = ast::ReductionOp::Popc; ast::Instruction::BarRed(reduction, a) }, } // // The documentation does not mention all spported operations: // * Operation .add requires .u32 or .s32 or .u64 or .f64 or f16 or f16x2 or .f32 // * Operation .inc requires .u32 type for instuction // * Operation .dec requires .u32 type for instuction // Otherwise as documented InstAtom: ast::Instruction> = { "atom" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Bit { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, // Wrong order, used by QUDA "atom" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed, scope, space: ast::StateSpace::Generic, inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Bit { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, // Wrong order, used by QUDA "atom" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed, scope, space: ast::StateSpace::Generic, inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Unsigned { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, "atom" ".inc" ".u32" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Unsigned { op: ast::AtomUIntOp::Inc, typ: ast::ScalarType::U32 } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, "atom" ".dec" ".u32" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Unsigned { op: ast::AtomUIntOp::Dec, typ: ast::ScalarType::U32 } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, "atom" ".add" => { let op = ast::AtomFloatOp::Add; let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Float { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, // TODO: propagate .noftz "atom" ".add" ".noftz" ".f16" => { let op = ast::AtomFloatOp::Add; let typ = ast::ScalarType::F16; let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Float { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, "atom" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Unsigned { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, // Wrong order, used by PETSc "atom" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics, scope, space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Unsigned { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) }, "atom" => { let details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Signed { op, typ } }; ast::Instruction::Atom(details,a) } } InstAtomCas: ast::Instruction> = { "atom" ".cas" => { let details = ast::AtomCasDetails { semantics: sema.unwrap_or(ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed), scope: scope.unwrap_or(ast::MemScope::Gpu), space: space.unwrap_or(ast::StateSpace::Generic), typ, }; ast::Instruction::AtomCas(details,a) }, } AtomSemantics: ast::AtomSemantics = { ".relaxed" => ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed, ".acquire" => ast::AtomSemantics::Acquire, ".release" => ast::AtomSemantics::Release, ".acq_rel" => ast::AtomSemantics::AcquireRelease } AtomSpace: ast::StateSpace = { ".global" => ast::StateSpace::Global, ".shared" => ast::StateSpace::Shared } AtomBitOp: ast::AtomBitOp = { ".and" => ast::AtomBitOp::And, ".or" => ast::AtomBitOp::Or, ".xor" => ast::AtomBitOp::Xor, ".exch" => ast::AtomBitOp::Exchange, } AtomUIntOp: ast::AtomUIntOp = { ".add" => ast::AtomUIntOp::Add, ".min" => ast::AtomUIntOp::Min, ".max" => ast::AtomUIntOp::Max, } AtomSIntOp: ast::AtomSIntOp = { ".add" => ast::AtomSIntOp::Add, ".min" => ast::AtomSIntOp::Min, ".max" => ast::AtomSIntOp::Max, } BitType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, } UIntType3264: ast::ScalarType = { ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".u64" => ast::ScalarType::U64, } SIntType3264: ast::ScalarType = { ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, } // // InstDiv: ast::Instruction> = { "div" => ast::Instruction::Div(ast::DivDetails::Unsigned(t), a), "div" => ast::Instruction::Div(ast::DivDetails::Signed(t), a), "div" ".f32" => { let inner = ast::DivFloatDetails { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), kind }; ast::Instruction::Div(ast::DivDetails::Float(inner), a) }, "div" ".f64" => { let inner = ast::DivFloatDetails { typ: ast::ScalarType::F64, flush_to_zero: None, kind: ast::DivFloatKind::Rounding(rnd) }; ast::Instruction::Div(ast::DivDetails::Float(inner), a) }, } DivFloatKind: ast::DivFloatKind = { ".approx" => ast::DivFloatKind::Approx, ".full" => ast::DivFloatKind::Full, => ast::DivFloatKind::Rounding(rnd), } // InstSqrt: ast::Instruction> = { "sqrt" ".approx" ".f32" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind: ast::RcpSqrtKind::Approx, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), type_: ast::ScalarType::F32, }; ast::Instruction::Sqrt(details, a) }, "sqrt" ".f32" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), type_: ast::ScalarType::F32, }; ast::Instruction::Sqrt(details, a) }, "sqrt" ".f64" => { let details = ast::RcpSqrtDetails { kind, flush_to_zero: None, type_: ast::ScalarType::F64, }; ast::Instruction::Sqrt(details, a) } } // // InstRsqrt: ast::Instruction> = { "rsqrt" ".approx" ".f32" => { let details = ast::RsqrtDetails { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), }; ast::Instruction::Rsqrt(details, a) }, // PyTorch "rsqrt" ".approx" ".f32" ".ftz" => { let details = ast::RsqrtDetails { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, flush_to_zero: true, }; ast::Instruction::Rsqrt(details, a) }, "rsqrt" ".approx" ".f64" => { let details = ast::RsqrtDetails { typ: ast::ScalarType::F64, flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), }; ast::Instruction::Rsqrt(details, a) }, } // // // InstNeg: ast::Instruction> = { "neg" => { let details = ast::NegDetails { typ, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), }; ast::Instruction::Neg(details, a) }, "neg" => { let details = ast::NegDetails { typ, flush_to_zero: None, }; ast::Instruction::Neg(details, a) }, } // InstSin: ast::Instruction> = { "sin" ".approx" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Sin{ flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), arg } }, } // InstCos: ast::Instruction> = { "cos" ".approx" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Cos{ flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), arg } }, } // InstLg2: ast::Instruction> = { "lg2" ".approx" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Lg2{ flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), arg } }, // PyTorch "lg2" ".approx" ".f32" ".ftz" => { ast::Instruction::Lg2{ flush_to_zero: true, arg } }, } // InstEx2: ast::Instruction> = { "ex2" ".approx" ".f32" => { ast::Instruction::Ex2{ flush_to_zero: ftz.is_some(), arg } }, // PyTorch "ex2" ".approx" ".f32" ".ftz" => { ast::Instruction::Ex2{ flush_to_zero: true, arg } }, } // InstClz: ast::Instruction> = { "clz" => ast::Instruction::Clz{ <> } } // InstBrev: ast::Instruction> = { "brev" => ast::Instruction::Brev{ <> } } // InstPopc: ast::Instruction> = { "popc" => ast::Instruction::Popc{ <> } } // InstXor: ast::Instruction> = { "xor" => ast::Instruction::Xor{ <> } } // InstBfe: ast::Instruction> = { "bfe" => ast::Instruction::Bfe{ <> } } // InstBfi: ast::Instruction> = { "bfi" => ast::Instruction::Bfi{ <> } } // InstPrmt: ast::Instruction> = { "prmt" ".b32" "," => ast::Instruction::Prmt{ <> }, "prmt" ".b32" "," => ast::Instruction::PrmtSlow{ <> } } // InstRem: ast::Instruction> = { "rem" => ast::Instruction::Rem{ <> } } // InstActivemask: ast::Instruction> = { "activemask" ".b32" => ast::Instruction::Activemask{ <> } } // InstMembar: ast::Instruction> = { "membar" => ast::Instruction::Membar{ <> } } // InstTex: ast::Instruction> = { "tex" ".v4" "," "[" "," "]" => { let args = ast::Arg4Tex { dst, image, coordinates, layer: None }; let details = ast::TexDetails { geometry, channel_type, coordinate_type, direct: false }; ast::Instruction::Tex(details, args) }, // We give a1d and a2d image operations distinctive treatment, because its // coordintate argument is a fake vector. If you try to pass a vector to // a1d/a2d image instructions on NVIDIA's compiler, it ICEs "tex" ".a1d" ".v4" "," "[" "," "{" "," "}" "]" => { let geometry = ast::TextureGeometry::Array1D; let args = ast::Arg4Tex { dst, image, coordinates: ast::Operand::VecPack(vec![x]), layer: Some(layer) }; let details = ast::TexDetails { geometry, channel_type, coordinate_type, direct: false }; ast::Instruction::Tex(details, args) }, "tex" ".a2d" ".v4" "," "[" "," "{" "," "," "," RegOrImmediate "}" "]" => { let geometry = ast::TextureGeometry::Array2D; let args = ast::Arg4Tex { dst, image, coordinates: ast::Operand::VecPack(vec![x, y]), layer: Some(layer) }; let details = ast::TexDetails { geometry, channel_type, coordinate_type, direct: false }; ast::Instruction::Tex(details, args) } } // InstSuld: ast::Instruction> = { "suld" ".b" ".trap" "," "[" "," "]" => { let args = ast::Arg4Tex { dst, image, coordinates, layer: None, }; let details = ast::SurfaceDetails { geometry, vector, type_, direct: false, }; ast::Instruction::Suld(details, args) }, "suld" ".b" ".a1d" ".trap" "," "[" "," "{" "," "}" "]" => { let geometry = ast::TextureGeometry::Array1D; let args = ast::Arg4Tex { dst, image, coordinates: ast::Operand::VecPack(vec![x]), layer: Some(layer), }; let details = ast::SurfaceDetails { geometry, vector, type_, direct: false, }; ast::Instruction::Suld(details, args) }, "suld" ".b" ".a2d" ".trap" "," "[" "," "{" "," "," "," RegOrImmediate "}" "]" => { let geometry = ast::TextureGeometry::Array2D; let args = ast::Arg4Tex { dst, image, coordinates: ast::Operand::VecPack(vec![x, y]), layer: Some(layer), }; let details = ast::SurfaceDetails { geometry, vector, type_, direct: false, }; ast::Instruction::Suld(details, args) } } // InstSust: ast::Instruction> = { "sust" ".b" SustClamp "[" "," "]" "," => { let args = ast::Arg4Sust { image, coordinates, layer: None, value, }; let details = ast::SurfaceDetails { geometry, vector, type_, direct: false, }; ast::Instruction::Sust(details, args) }, "sust" ".b" ".a1d" SustClamp "[" "," "{" "," "}" "]" "," => { let geometry = ast::TextureGeometry::Array1D; let args = ast::Arg4Sust { image, coordinates: ast::Operand::VecPack(vec![x]), layer: Some(layer), value, }; let details = ast::SurfaceDetails { geometry, vector, type_, direct: false, }; ast::Instruction::Sust(details, args) }, "sust" ".b" ".a2d" SustClamp "[" "," "{" "," "," "," RegOrImmediate "}" "]" "," => { let geometry = ast::TextureGeometry::Array2D; let args = ast::Arg4Sust { image, coordinates: ast::Operand::VecPack(vec![x, y]), layer: Some(layer), value, }; let details = ast::SurfaceDetails { geometry, vector, type_, direct: false, }; ast::Instruction::Sust(details, args) } } SustClamp = { ".trap", ".clamp", ".zero" } UnlayeredTextureGeometry: ast::TextureGeometry = { ".1d" => ast::TextureGeometry::OneD, ".2d" => ast::TextureGeometry::TwoD, ".3d" => ast::TextureGeometry::ThreeD, } TextureChannelType: ast::ScalarType = { ".u32" => ast::ScalarType::U32, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, } TextureCoordinateType: ast::ScalarType = { ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, } // InstShfl: ast::Instruction> = { "shfl" ".b32" => { ast::Instruction::Shfl(shuffle_mode, args) }, "shfl" ".sync" ".b32" "," Operand => { ast::Instruction::Shfl(shuffle_mode, args) } } Arg5Shfl: ast::Arg5Shfl> = { "," "," "," => { ast::Arg5Shfl { dst1, dst2, src1, src2, src3 } } } ShflMode: ast::ShflMode = { ".up" => ast::ShflMode::Up, ".down" => ast::ShflMode::Down, ".bfly" => ast::ShflMode::Bfly, ".idx" => ast::ShflMode::Idx } // InstShf: ast::Instruction> = { "shf" ".b32" => { ast::Instruction::Shf(ast::FunnelShift{direction, mode}, args) } } FunnelDirection: ast::FunnelDirection = { ".l" => ast::FunnelDirection::Left, ".r" => ast::FunnelDirection::Right } ShiftNormalization: ast::ShiftNormalization = { ".wrap" => ast::ShiftNormalization::Wrap, ".clamp" => ast::ShiftNormalization::Clamp } // InstVote: ast::Instruction> = { "vote" ".ballot" ".sync" ".b32" "," "," => { let mode = ast::VoteMode::Ballot; let negate_pred = negate.is_some(); let args = ast::Arg3 {dst, src1, src2}; ast::Instruction::Vote(ast::VoteDetails{mode, negate_pred}, args) }, "vote" ".sync" ".ballot" ".b32" "," "," => { let mode = ast::VoteMode::Ballot; let negate_pred = negate.is_some(); let args = ast::Arg3 {dst, src1, src2}; ast::Instruction::Vote(ast::VoteDetails{mode, negate_pred}, args) }, "vote" ".sync" ".any" ".pred" "," "," => { let mode = ast::VoteMode::Any; let negate_pred = negate.is_some(); let args = ast::Arg3 {dst, src1, src2}; ast::Instruction::Vote(ast::VoteDetails{mode, negate_pred}, args) }, "vote" ".sync" ".all" ".pred" "," "," => { let mode = ast::VoteMode::All; let negate_pred = negate.is_some(); let args = ast::Arg3 {dst, src1, src2}; ast::Instruction::Vote(ast::VoteDetails{mode, negate_pred}, args) } } // InstExit: ast::Instruction> = { "exit" => { ast::Instruction::Exit } } // InstTrap: ast::Instruction> = { "trap" => { ast::Instruction::Trap } } // InstBrkpt: ast::Instruction> = { "brkpt" => { ast::Instruction::Brkpt } } // InstVshr: ast::Instruction> = { "vshr" ".u32" ".u32" ".u32" ".clamp" ".add" => { ast::Instruction::Vshr(arg) } } // InstBfind: ast::Instruction> = { "bfind" ".u32" => { let details = ast::BfindDetails { shift: false, type_: ast::ScalarType::U32 }; ast::Instruction::Bfind(details, arg) }, "bfind" ".u64" => { let details = ast::BfindDetails { shift: false, type_: ast::ScalarType::U64 }; ast::Instruction::Bfind(details, arg) }, "bfind" ".shiftamt" ".u32" => { let details = ast::BfindDetails { shift: true, type_: ast::ScalarType::U32 }; ast::Instruction::Bfind(details, arg) } } // InstDp4a: ast::Instruction> = { "dp4a" ".s32" ".s32" => { ast::Instruction::Dp4a(ast::ScalarType::S32, arg) }, "dp4a" ".u32" ".u32" => { ast::Instruction::Dp4a(ast::ScalarType::U32, arg) } } // InstMatch: ast::Instruction> = { "match" ".any" ".sync" ".b32" => { ast::Instruction::MatchAny(arg) } } // InstRed: ast::Instruction> = { "red" "," => { let atom_details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed, scope: ast::MemScope::Gpu, space, inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Unsigned { op, typ } }; let arg = ast::Arg2St { src1, src2 }; ast::Instruction::Red(atom_details, arg) }, "red" "," => { let atom_details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed, scope: ast::MemScope::Gpu, space, inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Bit { op, typ } }; let arg = ast::Arg2St { src1, src2 }; ast::Instruction::Red(atom_details, arg) }, "red" ".add" "," => { let op = ast::AtomFloatOp::Add; let atom_details = ast::AtomDetails { semantics: ast::AtomSemantics::Relaxed, scope: ast::MemScope::Gpu, space, inner: ast::AtomInnerDetails::Float { op, typ } }; let arg = ast::Arg2St { src1, src2 }; ast::Instruction::Red(atom_details, arg) } } // InstNanosleep: ast::Instruction> = { // Bare minimum for xgboost "nanosleep" ".u32" => { ast::Instruction::Nanosleep(a) } } NegTypeFtz: ast::ScalarType = { ".f16" => ast::ScalarType::F16, ".f16x2" => ast::ScalarType::F16x2, ".f32" => ast::ScalarType::F32, } NegTypeNonFtz: ast::ScalarType = { ".s16" => ast::ScalarType::S16, ".s32" => ast::ScalarType::S32, ".s64" => ast::ScalarType::S64, ".f64" => ast::ScalarType::F64 } ArithDetails: ast::ArithDetails = { => ast::ArithDetails::Unsigned(t), => ast::ArithDetails::Signed(ast::ArithSInt { typ: t, saturate: false, }), ".sat" ".s32" => ast::ArithDetails::Signed(ast::ArithSInt { typ: ast::ScalarType::S32, saturate: true, }), => ast::ArithDetails::Float(f) } ArithFloat: ast::ArithFloat = { ".f32" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, rounding: rn, flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), saturate: sat.is_some(), }, ".f64" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F64, rounding: rn, flush_to_zero: None, saturate: false, }, ".f16" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F16, rounding:|_| ast::RoundingMode::NearestEven), flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), saturate: sat.is_some(), }, ".f16x2" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F16x2, rounding:|_| ast::RoundingMode::NearestEven), flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), saturate: sat.is_some(), }, } ArithFloatMustRound: ast::ArithFloat = { ".f32" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F32, rounding: Some(rn), flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), saturate: sat.is_some(), }, ".f64" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F64, rounding: Some(rn), flush_to_zero: None, saturate: false, }, ".rn" ".f16" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F16, rounding: Some(ast::RoundingMode::NearestEven), flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), saturate: sat.is_some(), }, ".rn" ".f16x2" => ast::ArithFloat { typ: ast::ScalarType::F16x2, rounding: Some(ast::RoundingMode::NearestEven), flush_to_zero: Some(ftz.is_some()), saturate: sat.is_some(), }, } Operand: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { => ast::Operand::Reg(r), "+" => ast::Operand::RegOffset(r, offset), => ast::Operand::Imm(x) }; CallOperand: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { => ast::Operand::Reg(r), => ast::Operand::Imm(x) }; // TODO: start parsing whole constants sub-language: // ImmediateValue: ast::ImmediateValue = { => { let (num, radix, is_unsigned) = x; if neg.is_some() { // because abs(i32::MIN) > abs(i32::MAX) let mut neg_num = "-".to_string(); neg_num.push_str(num); match i64::from_str_radix(&neg_num, radix) { Ok(x) => ast::ImmediateValue::S64(x), Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); ast::ImmediateValue::S64(0) } } } else if is_unsigned { match u64::from_str_radix(num, radix) { Ok(x) => ast::ImmediateValue::U64(x), Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); ast::ImmediateValue::U64(0) } } } else { match i64::from_str_radix(num, radix) { Ok(x) => ast::ImmediateValue::S64(x), Err(_) => { match u64::from_str_radix(num, radix) { Ok(x) => ast::ImmediateValue::U64(x), Err(err) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::from(err) }); ast::ImmediateValue::U64(0) } } } } } }, => { ast::ImmediateValue::F32(f) }, => { ast::ImmediateValue::F64(f) } } Arg1: ast::Arg1> = { => ast::Arg1{<>} }; Arg1Bar: ast::Arg1Bar> = { => ast::Arg1Bar{<>} }; Arg2: ast::Arg2> = { "," => ast::Arg2{<>} }; MemberOperand: (&'input str, u8) = { "." => { let suf_idx = match vector_index(suf) { Ok(x) => x, Err(err) => { errors.push(err); 0 } }; (pref, suf_idx) }, => { let suf_idx = match vector_index(&suf[1..]) { Ok(x) => x, Err(err) => { errors.push(err); 0 } }; (pref, suf_idx) } }; VectorExtract: Vec> = { "{" "}" => { vec![r1] }, "{" "," "}" => { vec![r1, r2] }, "{" "," "," "," "}" => { vec![r1, r2, r3, r4] }, }; RegOrImmediate: ast::RegOrImmediate<&'input str> = { => ast::RegOrImmediate::Reg(r), => ast::RegOrImmediate::Imm(imm), }; Arg3: ast::Arg3> = { "," "," => ast::Arg3{<>} }; Arg3Atom: ast::Arg3> = { "," "[" "]" "," => ast::Arg3{<>} }; Arg4: ast::Arg4> = { "," "," "," => ast::Arg4{<>} }; Arg4Atom: ast::Arg4> = { "," "[" "]" "," "," => ast::Arg4{<>} }; Arg4Setp: ast::Arg4Setp> = { "," "," => ast::Arg4Setp{<>} }; Arg5: ast::Arg5> = { "," "," "," "," => ast::Arg5{<>} }; ArgCall: (Vec<&'input str>, &'input str, Vec>, Option<&'input str>) = { "(" > ")" "," "," "(" > ")" => { (ret_params, func, param_list, None) }, "(" > ")" "," "," "(" > ")" "," => { (ret_params, func, param_list, Some(fproto)) }, "(" > ")" "," => { (ret_params, func, Vec::new(), None) }, "(" > ")" "," "," => { (ret_params, func, Vec::new(), Some(fproto)) }, "," "(" > ")" => (Vec::new(), func, param_list, None), "," "(" > ")" "," => (Vec::new(), func, param_list, Some(fproto)), => (Vec::new(), func, Vec::>::new(), None), "," => (Vec::new(), func, Vec::>::new(), Some(fproto)), }; OptionalDst: &'input str = { "|" => dst2 } SrcOperand: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { => ast::Operand::Reg(r), "+" => ast::Operand::RegOffset(r, offset), => ast::Operand::Imm(x), => { let (reg, idx) = mem_op; ast::Operand::VecMember(reg, idx) } } SrcOperandVec: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { => normal, => ast::Operand::VecPack(vec), } DstOperand: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { => ast::Operand::Reg(r), => { let (reg, idx) = mem_op; ast::Operand::VecMember(reg, idx) } } DstOperandVec: ast::Operand<&'input str> = { => normal, => ast::Operand::VecPack(vec), } VectorPrefix: u8 = { ".v2" => 2, ".v4" => 4 }; // File = { ".file" U32Num String ("," U32Num "," U32Num)? }; // Section = { ".section" DotID "{" SectionDwarfLines* "}" }; SectionDwarfLines: () = { AnyBitType CommaNonEmpty => {}, SectionLabel ":", ".b32" SectionLabel, ".b64" SectionLabel, ".b32" SectionLabel "+" U32Num, ".b64" SectionLabel "+" U32Num, }; SectionLabel = { ID, DotID }; AnyBitType: ast::ScalarType = { ".b8" => ast::ScalarType::B8, ".b16" => ast::ScalarType::B16, ".b32" => ast::ScalarType::B32, ".b64" => ast::ScalarType::B64, }; VariableScalarUnitialized: (Option, T, &'input str) = { => { (align, type_, name) } } VariableScalar: (Option, T, &'input str, Vec) = { => { let initializer =; (align, type_, name, initializer) } } VariableInitalizer: ast::ImmediateValue = { "=" => v } VariableVector: (Option, u8, T, &'input str) = { => { (align, v_len, type_, name) } } // empty dimensions [0] means it's a pointer VariableArrayOrPointer: (Option, T, &'input str, ast::ArrayOrPointer) = { => { let mut dims = dims; let array_init = match init { Some(init) => { let init_vec = match init.to_vec(typ, &mut dims) { Err(error) => { errors.push(ParseError::User { error }); Vec::new() } Ok(x) => x }; ast::ArrayOrPointer::Array { dimensions: dims, init: init_vec } } None => { if dims.len() > 1 && dims.contains(&0) { errors.push(ParseError::User { error: ast::PtxError::ZeroDimensionArray }); } match &*dims { [0] => ast::ArrayOrPointer::Pointer, _ => ast::ArrayOrPointer::Array { dimensions: dims, init: Vec::new() } } } }; (align, typ, name, array_init) } } // [0] and [] are treated the same ArrayDimensions: Vec = { ArrayEmptyDimension => vec![0u32], ArrayEmptyDimension => { let mut dims = dims; let mut result = vec![0u32]; result.append(&mut dims); result }, => dims } ArrayEmptyDimension = { "[" "]" } ArrayDimension: u32 = { "[" "]" => n, } ArrayInitializer: ast::NumsOrArrays<'input> = { "=" => nums } NumsOrArraysBracket: ast::NumsOrArrays<'input> = { "{" "}" => nums } NumsOrArrays: ast::NumsOrArrays<'input> = { > => ast::NumsOrArrays::Arrays(n), > => ast::NumsOrArrays::Nums(n.into_iter().map(|(x,radix,_)| (x, radix)).collect()), } Comma: Vec = { ",")*> => match e { None => v, Some(e) => { let mut v = v; v.push(e); v } } }; CommaNonEmpty: Vec = { ",")*> => { let mut v = v; v.push(e); v } };