use crate::llvm; use crate::ptx; use crate::translate; use comgr::Comgr; use half::f16; use hip_common::CompilationMode; use hip_runtime_sys::*; use paste::paste; use std::error; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::mem; use std::sync::Once; use std::{env, fs, path::PathBuf, ptr, str}; use zluda_llvm::bit_writer::*; macro_rules! test_ptx { ($fn_name:ident, $input:expr, $output:expr) => { paste! { #[test] fn [<$fn_name _hip>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let input = $input; let mut output = $output; test_hip_assert(stringify!($fn_name), ptx, &input, &mut output) } } paste! { #[test] fn [<$fn_name _cuda>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let input = $input; let mut output = $output; test_cuda_assert(stringify!($fn_name), ptx, Some(&input), &mut output, 1) } } paste! { #[test] fn [<$fn_name _llvm_ir>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx_txt = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let llvm_file_name = concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ll"); let llvm_ir = include_bytes!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ll")); unsafe { test_llvm_assert(ptx_txt, llvm_ir, llvm_file_name) } } } }; ($fn_name:ident) => { paste! { #[test] fn [<$fn_name _comgr>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx_txt = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); unsafe { test_compile_assert(ptx_txt) } } } paste! { #[test] fn [<$fn_name _llvm_ir>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx_txt = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let llvm_file_name = concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ll"); let llvm_ir = include_bytes!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ll")); unsafe { test_llvm_assert(ptx_txt, llvm_ir, llvm_file_name) } } } }; } macro_rules! test_ptx_warp { ($fn_name:ident, $expected:expr) => { paste! { #[test] fn [<$fn_name _cuda>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let mut expected = $expected; test_cuda_assert::(stringify!($fn_name), ptx, None, &mut expected, 64) } #[test] fn [<$fn_name _hip_wave32>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let mut expected = $expected; test_hip_assert_output(CompilationMode::Wave32, stringify!($fn_name), ptx, &mut expected) } #[test] fn [<$fn_name _hip_wave32onwave64>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let mut expected = $expected; test_hip_assert_output(CompilationMode::Wave32OnWave64,stringify!($fn_name), ptx, &mut expected) } #[test] fn [<$fn_name _hip_doublewave32onwave64>]() -> Result<(), Box> { let ptx = include_str!(concat!(stringify!($fn_name), ".ptx")); let mut expected = $expected; test_hip_assert_output(CompilationMode::DoubleWave32OnWave64, stringify!($fn_name), ptx, &mut expected) } } } } test_ptx!(ld_st, [1u64], [1u64]); test_ptx!(ld_st_implicit, [0.5f32, 0.25f32], [0.5f32]); test_ptx!(mov, [1u64], [1u64]); test_ptx!(mul_lo, [1u64], [2u64]); test_ptx!(mul_hi, [u64::max_value()], [1u64]); test_ptx!(add, [1u64], [2u64]); test_ptx!(add_global, [1f32], [0x408487EEu32]); test_ptx!(amdgpu_unnamed, [2u64], [3u64]); test_ptx!(setp, [10u64, 11u64], [1u64, 0u64]); test_ptx!(setp_gt, [f32::NAN, 1f32], [1f32]); test_ptx!(setp_pred2, [100f32, 23f32], [100f32]); test_ptx!(setp_bool, [100f32, 23f32, 9f32], [9f32]); test_ptx!(setp_leu, [1f32, f32::NAN], [1f32]); test_ptx!(bra, [10u64], [11u64]); test_ptx!(not, [0u64], [u64::max_value()]); test_ptx!(shf, [11u32, 12u32], [196608u32]); test_ptx!(shl, [11u64], [44u64]); test_ptx!(shl_link_hack, [11u64], [44u64]); test_ptx!(shl_overflow, [1u32, 31, 32, 33], [2147483648u32, 0, 0]); test_ptx!(cvt_sat_s_u, [-1i32], [0i32, -1i32]); test_ptx!(cvta, [3.0f32], [3.0f32]); test_ptx!(block, [1u64], [2u64]); test_ptx!(local_align, [1u64], [1u64]); test_ptx!(call, [1u64], [2u64]); // In certain situations LLVM will miscompile AMDGPU binaries. // This happens if the return type of a function is a .b8 array. // This test checks if our workaround for this bug works test_ptx!(call_bug, [1u64], [2u64]); test_ptx!(callprototype, [1u64], [2u64]); test_ptx!(call_multi_return, [2u32, 3u32], [5u64, 6u64]); test_ptx!(vector, [1u32, 2u32], [3u32, 3u32]); test_ptx!(vector4, [1u32, 2u32, 3u32, 4u32], [4u32]); test_ptx!(ld_st_offset, [1u32, 2u32], [2u32, 1u32]); test_ptx!(ntid, [3u32], [4u32]); test_ptx!(reg_local, [12u64], [13u64]); test_ptx!(mov_address, [0xDEADu64], [0u64]); test_ptx!(b64tof64, [111u64], [111u64]); // This segfaults NV compiler // test_ptx!(implicit_param, [34u32], [34u32]); test_ptx!(pred_not, [10u64, 11u64], [2u64, 0u64]); test_ptx!( mad_s32, [0xffffffu32, 0xffffffu32, 1u32, 0u32, 1u32], [0xFE000002u64, 0x10000u64, 0xFFFFFE000002u64] ); // 16777216 * -268435456 = -4503599627370496 test_ptx!( mul_wide, [0x01_00_00_00__f0_00_00_00i64], [0xff_f0_00_00_00_00_00_00u64] ); test_ptx!(vector_extract, [1u8, 2u8, 3u8, 4u8], [3u8, 4u8, 1u8, 2u8]); test_ptx!(shr_s32, [-4i32, 32i32], [-1i32]); test_ptx!(shr_u32, [u32::MAX, 31u32, 32u32], [1u32, 0u32]); test_ptx!(or, [1u64, 2u64], [3u64]); test_ptx!(sub, [2u64], [1u64]); test_ptx!(min, [555i32, 444i32], [444i32]); test_ptx!(max, [555i32, -1i32], [555i32]); test_ptx!(global_array, [0xDEADu32], [4294967295u32]); test_ptx!(extern_shared, [127u64], [127u64]); test_ptx!(extern_shared_call, [121u64], [123u64]); test_ptx!(rcp, [2f32], [0.5f32]); // 0b1_00000000_10000000000000000000000u32 is a large denormal // 0x3f000000 is 0.5 test_ptx!( mul_ftz, [0b1_00000000_10000000000000000000000u32, 0x3f000000u32], [0b1_00000000_00000000000000000000000u32] ); test_ptx!( mul_non_ftz, [0b1_00000000_10000000000000000000000u32, 0x3f000000u32], [0b1_00000000_01000000000000000000000u32] ); test_ptx!(constant_f32, [10f32], [5f32]); test_ptx!(constant_negative, [-101i32], [101i32]); test_ptx!(and, [6u32, 3u32], [2u32]); test_ptx!(selp, [100u16, 200u16], [200u16]); test_ptx!(selp_true, [100u16, 200u16], [100u16]); test_ptx!(fma, [2f32, 3f32, 5f32], [11f32]); test_ptx!(shared_variable, [513u64], [513u64]); test_ptx!(shared_ptr_32, [513u64], [513u64]); test_ptx!(atom_cas, [91u32, 91u32], [91u32, 100u32]); test_ptx!(atom_inc, [100u32], [100u32, 101u32, 0u32]); test_ptx!(atom_add, [2u32, 4u32], [2u32, 6u32]); test_ptx!(div_approx, [1f32, 2f32], [0.5f32]); test_ptx!(sqrt, [0.25f32], [0.5f32]); test_ptx!(rsqrt, [0.25f64], [2f64]); test_ptx!(neg, [181i32], [-181i32]); test_ptx!(sin, [std::f32::consts::PI / 2f32], [1f32]); test_ptx!(cos, [std::f32::consts::PI], [-1f32]); test_ptx!(lg2, [512f32], [9f32]); test_ptx!( ex2, [10f32, f32::NEG_INFINITY, 0f32, f32::INFINITY], [1024f32, 0f32, 1f32, f32::INFINITY] ); test_ptx!(cvt_rni, [9.5f32, 10.5f32], [10f32, 10f32]); test_ptx!(cvt_rzi, [-13.8f32, 12.9f32], [-13f32, 12f32]); // Logically, 33554434i32 with `rn` rounding could round to either 33554432f32 or 33554436f32 // Maybe IEEE is more precise than NV PTX docs? test_ptx!( cvt_f32_s32, [33554434i32, 33554435i32, 33554435i32, 33554435i32], [33554432f32, 33554432f32, 33554432f32, 33554436f32] ); test_ptx!(cvt_s32_f32, [-13.8f32, 12.9f32], [-13i32, 13i32]); test_ptx!(clz, [0b00000101_00101101_00010011_10101011u32], [5u32]); test_ptx!(popc, [0b10111100_10010010_01001001_10001010u32], [14u32]); test_ptx!( brev, [0b11000111_01011100_10101110_11111011u32], [0b11011111_01110101_00111010_11100011u32] ); test_ptx!( xor, [ 0b01010010_00011010_01000000_00001101u32, 0b11100110_10011011_00001100_00100011u32 ], [0b10110100100000010100110000101110u32] ); test_ptx!(rem, [21692i32, 13i32], [8i32]); test_ptx!( bfe, [0b11111000_11000001_00100010_10100000u32, 16u32, 8u32], [0b11000001u32] ); test_ptx!(bfi, [0b10u32, 0b101u32, 0u32, 2u32], [0b110u32]); test_ptx!(shared_ptr_take_address, [97815231u64], [97815231u64]); test_ptx!(cvt_s64_s32, [-1i32], [-1i64]); test_ptx!(add_tuning, [2u64], [3u64]); test_ptx!(add_non_coherent, [3u64], [4u64]); test_ptx!(sign_extend, [-1i16], [-1i32]); test_ptx!(atom_add_float, [1.25f32, 0.5f32], [1.25f32, 1.75f32]); test_ptx!( setp_nan, [ 0.5f32, f32::NAN, f32::NAN, 0.5f32, f32::NAN, f32::NAN, 0.5f32, 0.5f32 ], [1u32, 1u32, 1u32, 0u32] ); test_ptx!( setp_num, [ 0.5f32, f32::NAN, f32::NAN, 0.5f32, f32::NAN, f32::NAN, 0.5f32, 0.5f32 ], [0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 2u32] ); test_ptx!(non_scalar_ptr_offset, [1u32, 2u32, 3u32, 4u32], [7u32]); test_ptx!(const, [0u16], [10u16, 20, 30, 40]); test_ptx!(cvt_s16_s8, [0x139231C2u32], [0xFFFFFFC2u32]); test_ptx!(cvt_f64_f32, [0.125f32], [0.125f64]); test_ptx!(cvt_f32_f16, [0xa1u16], [0x37210000u32]); test_ptx!(prmt, [0x70c507d6u32, 0x6fbd4b5cu32], [0x6fbdd65cu32]); test_ptx!( prmt_non_immediate, [0x70c507d6u32, 0x6fbd4b5cu32], [0xD6D65CD6u32] ); test_ptx!(activemask, [0u32], [1u32]); test_ptx!(membar, [152731u32], [152731u32]); test_ptx!(shared_unify_decl, [7681u64, 7682u64], [15363u64]); test_ptx!(shared_unify_extern, [7681u64, 7682u64], [15363u64]); test_ptx!(shared_unify_local, [16752u64, 714u64], [17466u64]); test_ptx!(cvt_u32_s16, [-1i16, -1i16], [0xffffffffu32]); test_ptx!(abs, [i32::MIN, -134i32], [i32::MIN, 134i32]); test_ptx!( madc_cc, [65521u32, 2147549199, 0x1000], [2147487519u32, 4294934539] ); test_ptx!(madc_cc2, [0xDEADu32], [0u32, 1, 1, 2]); test_ptx!(mov_vector_cast, [0x200000001u64], [2u32, 1u32]); test_ptx!( cvt_clamp, [f32::NAN, f32::NEG_INFINITY, f32::INFINITY, 1.00001], [0f32, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] ); test_ptx!(generic, [0xDEADu32], [210u32]); test_ptx!(vote_ballot, [0xDEADu32], [1u32, 0, 0, 1]); test_ptx!(param_ptr, [1u64], [2u64]); test_ptx!(s64_min, [0xDEADu32], [i64::MIN]); test_ptx!(multireg, [441u64], [442u64]); test_ptx!( addc_cc, [ 2_147_483_650u32, 2_147_483_649u32, 4_294_967_294u32, 4_294_967_294u32 ], [3u32, 2u32, 1u32] ); test_ptx!(addc_cc2, [0xDEADu32], [1u32, 1u32]); test_ptx!( subc_cc, [ 2_147_483_649u32, 2_147_483_650u32, 4_294_967_294u32, 4_294_967_294u32 ], [4294967295u32, 0, 2] ); test_ptx!(carry_mixed, [0xDEADu32], [1u32, 1u32]); test_ptx!( subc_cc2, [0xDEADu32], [0u32, 1, 0, 4294967295, 1, 4294967295, 1] ); test_ptx!(vshr, [0x6f3650f4u32, 22, 0xc62d4586], [0xC62D4742u32]); test_ptx!(bfind, [0u32, 1u32, 0x64eb0414], [u32::MAX, 0, 30]); test_ptx!(bfind_shiftamt, [0u32, 1u32, 0x19bea67d], [u32::MAX, 31, 3]); test_ptx!( atom_add_f16, [f16::from_f32(2.0), f16::from_f32(3.0)], [f16::from_f32(2.0), f16::from_f32(5.0)] ); test_ptx!(st_f16x2, [0xc1690e6eu32, 0x13739444u32], [0xffffu32]); test_ptx!( dp4a, [0xde3032f5u32, 0x2474fe15, 0xf51d8d6c], [0xF51D9D19u32] ); test_ptx!(add_param_ptr, [61382u64], [61383u64]); test_ptx!(atom_max_u32, [1u32, u32::MAX], [u32::MAX]); test_ptx!(atom_ld_st, [1923569713u32], [1923569713u32]); test_ptx!( atom_ld_st_vec, [1923569713u64, 1923569712], [1923569713u64, 1923569712] ); test_ptx_warp!( shfl, [ 1u32, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 63 ] ); test_ptx_warp!( laneid, [ 0u32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 ] ); test_ptx_warp!( match_any_32, [ 369229872u32, 1077973120, 2157985796, 1077973120, 369229872, 369229872, 2157985796, 1077973120, 369229872, 1077973120, 369229872, 369229872, 1077973120, 2157985796, 2157985796, 1077973120, 1077973120, 369229872, 2157985796, 369229872, 369229872, 2157985796, 1077973120, 2157985796, 1077973120, 369229872, 369229872, 369229872, 369229872, 1077973120, 1077973120, 2157985796, 4148, 348176512, 4148, 3257008128, 4148, 4148, 348176512, 348176512, 3257008128, 4148, 3257008128, 348176512, 4148, 348176512, 348176512, 348176512, 3257008128, 3257008128, 4148, 348176512, 4148, 3257008128, 348176512, 348176512, 3257008128, 3257008128, 348176512, 3257008128, 348176512, 3257008128, 3257008128, 3257008128 ] ); test_ptx_warp!( red_shared, [ 1025u32, 1058, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 ] ); test_ptx!(barrier); test_ptx!(assertfail); test_ptx!(func_ptr); test_ptx!(lanemask_lt); test_ptx!(alloca_call); struct DisplayError { err: T, } impl Display for DisplayError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(&self.err, f) } } impl Debug for DisplayError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(&self.err, f) } } impl error::Error for DisplayError {} fn test_hip_assert< 'a, Input: From + Debug + Copy + PartialEq, Output: From + Debug + Copy + PartialEq + Default, >( name: &str, ptx_text: &'a str, input: &[Input], output: &mut [Output], ) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); let ast = ptx::ModuleParser::new().parse(&mut errors, ptx_text)?; assert!(errors.len() == 0); let zluda_module = translate::to_llvm_module(CompilationMode::Wave32, vec![ast])?; let name = CString::new(name)?; let result = run_hip( CompilationMode::Wave32, name.as_c_str(), zluda_module, Some(input), output, [1, 1, 1], ) .map_err(|err| DisplayError { err })?; assert_eq!(result.as_slice(), output); Ok(()) } fn test_hip_assert_output<'a>( compilation_mode: CompilationMode, name: &str, ptx_text: &'a str, expected: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); let ast = ptx::ModuleParser::new().parse(&mut errors, ptx_text)?; assert!(errors.len() == 0); let zluda_module = translate::to_llvm_module(compilation_mode, vec![ast])?; let name = CString::new(name)?; let z_dimension = if compilation_mode == CompilationMode::Wave32OnWave64 { 2 } else { 1 }; let result = run_hip::( compilation_mode, name.as_c_str(), zluda_module, None, expected, [64, 1, z_dimension], ) .map_err(|err| DisplayError { err })?; assert_eq!(result.as_slice(), expected); Ok(()) } fn test_cuda_assert< 'a, Input: From + Debug + Copy + PartialEq, Output: From + Debug + Copy + PartialEq + Default, >( name: &str, ptx_text: &'a str, input: Option<&[Input]>, output: &mut [Output], block_size_x: u32, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let name = CString::new(name)?; let result = unsafe { run_cuda(name.as_c_str(), ptx_text, input, output, block_size_x) }; assert_eq!(result.as_slice(), output); Ok(()) } macro_rules! hip_call { ($expr:expr) => { #[allow(unused_unsafe)] { let err = unsafe { $expr }; if err != hip_runtime_sys::hipError_t::hipSuccess { return Result::Err(err); } } }; } unsafe fn run_cuda + Copy + Debug, Output: From + Copy + Debug + Default>( name: &CStr, ptx_module: &str, input: Option<&[Input]>, output: &mut [Output], block_size_x: u32, ) -> Vec { use cuda_types::*; let cuda = CudaTestLibrary::new(); cuda.cuInit(0); let ptx_module = CString::new(ptx_module).unwrap(); let mut result = vec![0u8.into(); output.len()]; { let mut ctx = ptr::null_mut(); cuda.cuCtxCreate_v2(&mut ctx, 0, CUdevice_v1(0)); let mut module = ptr::null_mut(); cuda.cuModuleLoadData(&mut module, ptx_module.as_ptr() as _); let mut kernel = ptr::null_mut(); cuda.cuModuleGetFunction(&mut kernel, module, name.as_ptr()); let mut inp_b = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; let mut out_b = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; cuda.cuMemAlloc_v2(&mut out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::()); let mut args = if let Some(input) = input { cuda.cuMemAlloc_v2(&mut inp_b, input.len() * mem::size_of::()); cuda.cuMemcpyHtoD_v2( inp_b, input.as_ptr() as _, input.len() * mem::size_of::(), ); [&inp_b, &out_b] } else { [&out_b, &inp_b] }; cuda.cuMemsetD8_v2(out_b, 0, output.len() * mem::size_of::()); cuda.cuLaunchKernel( kernel, 1, 1, 1, block_size_x, 1, 1, 1024, 0 as _, args.as_mut_ptr() as _, ptr::null_mut(), ); cuda.cuMemcpyDtoH_v2( result.as_mut_ptr() as _, out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::(), ); cuda.cuStreamSynchronize(0 as _); cuda.cuMemFree_v2(inp_b); cuda.cuMemFree_v2(out_b); cuda.cuModuleUnload(module); cuda.cuCtxDestroy_v2(ctx); } result } static mut COMGR: comgr::Result = comgr::Result::Err(comgr::sys::amd_comgr_status_t::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR); static COMGR_INIT: Once = Once::new(); fn get_comgr() -> comgr::Result<&'static Comgr> { COMGR_INIT.call_once(|| unsafe { COMGR = Comgr::find_and_load() }); match unsafe { &COMGR } { Ok(c) => Ok(c), Err(e) => Err(*e), } } fn run_hip + Copy + Debug, Output: From + Copy + Debug + Default>( compilation_mode: CompilationMode, name: &CStr, module: translate::Module, input: Option<&[Input]>, output: &mut [Output], block_size: [u32; 3], ) -> Result, hipError_t> { use hip_runtime_sys::*; let mut result = vec![0u8.into(); output.len()]; let comgr = get_comgr().unwrap(); let isa = unsafe { hip_common::comgr_isa(0)? }; let compiled = comgr .compile( compilation_mode, &isa, module.get_bitcode_all(), &module.metadata.to_elf_section(), ) .unwrap(); hip_call! { hipInit(0) }; { let dev = 0; let mut stream = ptr::null_mut(); hip_call! { hipStreamCreateWithFlags(&mut stream, hipStreamNonBlocking) }; let mut dev_props = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; hip_call! { hipGetDeviceProperties(&mut dev_props, dev) }; let mut module = ptr::null_mut(); hip_call! { hipModuleLoadData(&mut module, compiled.as_ptr() as _) }; let mut kernel = ptr::null_mut(); hip_call! { hipModuleGetFunction(&mut kernel, module, name.as_ptr()) }; let mut inp_b = ptr::null_mut(); let mut out_b = ptr::null_mut(); hip_call! { hipMalloc(&mut out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::()) }; let mut args = if let Some(input) = input { hip_call! { hipMalloc(&mut inp_b, input.len() * mem::size_of::()) }; hip_call! { hipMemcpyWithStream(inp_b, input.as_ptr() as _, input.len() * mem::size_of::(), hipMemcpyKind::hipMemcpyHostToDevice, stream) }; [&inp_b, &out_b] } else { [&out_b, &out_b] }; hip_call! { hipMemsetAsync(out_b, 0, output.len() * mem::size_of::(), stream) }; hip_call! { hipModuleLaunchKernel(kernel, 1,1,1, block_size[0],block_size[1],block_size[2], 1024, stream, args.as_mut_ptr().cast(), ptr::null_mut()) }; hip_call! { hipMemcpyAsync(result.as_mut_ptr() as _, out_b, output.len() * mem::size_of::(), hipMemcpyKind::hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream) }; hip_call! { hipStreamSynchronize(stream) }; hip_call! { hipFree(inp_b) }; hip_call! { hipFree(out_b) }; hip_call! { hipModuleUnload(module) }; } Ok(result) } unsafe fn test_llvm_assert<'a>( ptx_txt: &'a str, llvm_ir: &'a [u8], llvm_file_name: &'a str, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); let ast = ptx::ModuleParser::new().parse(&mut errors, ptx_txt)?; assert!(errors.len() == 0); let llvm_module_from_ptx = translate::to_llvm_module(CompilationMode::Wave32, vec![ast])?; let llvm_bitcode_from_ptx = llvm_module_from_ptx.get_bitcode_main(); let mut llvm_ir_copy = llvm_ir.to_vec(); llvm_ir_copy.push(0); let reference_llvm_ir_buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::create_no_copy(&*llvm_ir_copy, true); let reference_module = llvm::parse_ir_in_context( &llvm_module_from_ptx._llvm_context, reference_llvm_ir_buffer, )?; let reference_llvm_bitcode_buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::from_ffi(LLVMWriteBitcodeToMemoryBuffer(reference_module.get())); if reference_llvm_bitcode_buffer.as_slice() != llvm_bitcode_from_ptx.as_slice() { let ptx_string = llvm_module_from_ptx.get_llvm_text(); if ptx_string.as_cstr().to_bytes() != llvm_ir { if let Ok(dump_path) = env::var("ZLUDA_TEST_LLVM_DUMP_DIR") { let mut path = PathBuf::from(dump_path); if let Ok(()) = fs::create_dir_all(&path) { path.push(llvm_file_name); fs::write(path, &*ptx_string.as_cstr().to_string_lossy()).ok(); } } return Err(ptx_string.into()); } } Ok(()) } unsafe fn test_compile_assert<'a>(ptx_txt: &'a str) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); let ast = ptx::ModuleParser::new().parse(&mut errors, ptx_txt)?; assert!(errors.is_empty()); let zluda_module = translate::to_llvm_module(CompilationMode::Wave32, vec![ast])?; let comgr = get_comgr().unwrap(); let compilation_mode = CompilationMode::Wave32; let isa = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx1030\0") }; comgr .compile( compilation_mode, isa, zluda_module.get_bitcode_all(), &zluda_module.metadata.to_elf_section(), ) .unwrap(); Ok(()) } pub(crate) struct CudaTestLibrary { pub(crate) lib_handle: libloading::Library, } impl CudaTestLibrary { // We use full path because otherwise we will open ZLUDA's CUDA binary from target/debug #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] const CUDA_PATH: &'static str = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\nvcuda.dll"; #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] const CUDA_PATH: &'static str = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"; unsafe fn new() -> Self { let lib_handle = libloading::Library::new(Self::CUDA_PATH).unwrap(); Self { lib_handle } } } macro_rules! emit_cuda_fn_table { ($($abi:literal fn $fn_name:ident( $($arg_id:ident : $arg_type:ty),* ) -> $ret_type:path);*) => { impl CudaTestLibrary { $( #[allow(dead_code)] unsafe fn $fn_name(&self, $($arg_id : $arg_type),*) { let fn_ = self.lib_handle.get:: $ret_type>(stringify!($fn_name).as_bytes()).unwrap(); let result = fn_($($arg_id),*); if result != cuda_types::CUresult::CUDA_SUCCESS { panic!("{:?}", result); } } )* } }; } use cuda_base::cuda_function_declarations; cuda_function_declarations!(cuda_types, emit_cuda_fn_table, emit_cuda_fn_table, []);