use super::{context, transmute_lifetime, transmute_lifetime_mut, CUresult, GlobalState}; use crate::cuda; use cuda::{CUdevice_attribute, CUuuid_st}; use ocl_core::DeviceType; use std::{ cmp, mem, os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uint}, ptr, sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering}, }; const PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_SHORT: &'static str = " [ZLUDA]"; const PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_LONG: &'static str = " []"; #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub struct Index(pub c_int); pub struct Device { pub index: Index, pub base: l0::Device, pub ocl_base: ocl_core::DeviceId, pub default_queue: ocl_core::CommandQueue, pub ocl_context: ocl_core::Context, pub primary_context: context::Context, properties: Option>, image_properties: Option>, memory_properties: Option>, compute_properties: Option>, } unsafe impl Send for Device {} impl Device { pub fn new( drv: &l0::Driver, l0_dev: l0::Device, ocl_dev: ocl_core::DeviceId, idx: usize, ) -> Result { let ctx = ocl_core::create_context(None, &[ocl_dev], None, None)?; let queue = ocl_core::create_command_queue(&ctx, ocl_dev, None)?; let primary_context = context::Context::new(context::ContextData::new()); Ok(Self { index: Index(idx as c_int), base: l0_dev, ocl_base: ocl_dev, default_queue: queue, ocl_context: ctx, primary_context, properties: None, image_properties: None, memory_properties: None, compute_properties: None, }) } fn get_properties<'a>(&'a mut self) -> l0::Result<&'a l0::sys::ze_device_properties_t> { if let Some(ref prop) = { return Ok(prop); } let mut props = Default::default(); self.base.get_properties(&mut props)?; Ok( } fn get_image_properties(&mut self) -> l0::Result<&l0::sys::ze_device_image_properties_t> { if let Some(ref prop) = self.image_properties { return Ok(prop); } let mut props = Default::default(); self.base.get_image_properties(&mut props)?; Ok(self.image_properties.get_or_insert(Box::new(props))) } fn get_memory_properties(&mut self) -> l0::Result<&[l0::sys::ze_device_memory_properties_t]> { if let Some(ref prop) = self.memory_properties { return Ok(prop); } match self.base.get_memory_properties() { Ok(prop) => Ok(self.memory_properties.get_or_insert(prop)), Err(e) => Err(e), } } fn get_compute_properties(&mut self) -> l0::Result<&l0::sys::ze_device_compute_properties_t> { if let Some(ref prop) = self.compute_properties { return Ok(prop); } let mut props = Default::default(); self.base.get_compute_properties(&mut props)?; Ok(self.compute_properties.get_or_insert(Box::new(props))) } fn get_max_simd(&mut self) -> l0::Result { let props = self.get_compute_properties()?; Ok(*props.subGroupSizes[0..props.numSubGroupSizes as usize] .iter() .max() .unwrap()) } } pub fn get_count(count: *mut c_int) -> Result<(), CUresult> { let len = GlobalState::lock(|state| state.devices.len())?; unsafe { *count = len as c_int }; Ok(()) } pub fn get(device: *mut Index, ordinal: c_int) -> Result<(), CUresult> { if device == ptr::null_mut() || ordinal < 0 { return Err(CUresult::CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE); } let len = GlobalState::lock(|state| state.devices.len())?; if ordinal < (len as i32) { unsafe { *device = Index(ordinal) }; Ok(()) } else { Err(CUresult::CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE) } } pub fn get_name(name: *mut c_char, len: i32, dev_idx: Index) -> Result<(), CUresult> { if name == ptr::null_mut() || len < 0 { return Err(CUresult::CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE); } let name_ptr = GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>( })??; let name_len = (0..256) .position(|i| unsafe { *name_ptr.add(i) } == 0) .unwrap_or(256); let mut dst_null_pos = cmp::min((len - 1) as usize, name_len); unsafe { std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(name_ptr, name, dst_null_pos) }; if name_len + PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_LONG.len() < (len as usize) { unsafe { std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping( PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_LONG.as_ptr(), name.add(name_len) as *mut _, PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_LONG.len(), ) }; dst_null_pos += PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_LONG.len(); } else if name_len + PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_SHORT.len() < (len as usize) { unsafe { std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping( PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_SHORT.as_ptr(), name.add(name_len) as *mut _, PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_SHORT.len(), ) }; dst_null_pos += PROJECT_URL_SUFFIX_SHORT.len(); } unsafe { *(name.add(dst_null_pos)) = 0 }; Ok(()) } pub fn total_mem_v2(bytes: *mut usize, dev_idx: Index) -> Result<(), CUresult> { if bytes == ptr::null_mut() { return Err(CUresult::CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE); } let mem_props = GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let mem_props = dev.get_memory_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(mem_props) })??; let max_mem = mem_props .iter() .map(|p| p.totalSize) .max() .ok_or(CUresult::CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_STATE)?; unsafe { *bytes = max_mem as usize }; Ok(()) } impl CUdevice_attribute { fn get_static_value(self) -> Option { match self { CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_OVERLAP => Some(1), CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT => Some(1), // TODO: go back to this once we have more funcitonality implemented CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR => Some(8), CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR => Some(0), CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY => Some(1), _ => None, } } } pub fn get_attribute( pi: *mut i32, attrib: CUdevice_attribute, dev_idx: Index, ) -> Result<(), CUresult> { if pi == ptr::null_mut() { return Err(CUresult::CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE); } if let Some(value) = attrib.get_static_value() { unsafe { *pi = value }; return Ok(()); } let value = match attrib { CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRATED => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_properties()?; if (props.flags & l0::sys::ze_device_property_flags_t::ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_INTEGRATED) == l0::sys::ze_device_property_flags_t::ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_INTEGRATED { Ok(1) } else { Ok(0) } })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_ASYNC_ENGINE_COUNT => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(props.maxHardwareContexts as i32) })?? } // Streaming Multiprocessor corresponds roughly to a sub-slice (thread group can't cross either) CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>((props.numSlices * props.numSubslicesPerSlice) as i32) })?? } // I honestly don't know how to answer this query CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_MULTIPROCESSOR => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let max_simd = dev.get_max_simd()?; let props = dev.get_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>( (props.numEUsPerSubslice * props.numThreadsPerEU * max_simd) as i32, ) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(cmp::min( i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxTotalGroupSize, ) as i32) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_WIDTH => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_image_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(cmp::min( props.maxImageDims1D, c_int::max_value() as u32, ) as c_int) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_X => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(cmp::min( i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxGroupCountX, ) as i32) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_Y => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(cmp::min( i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxGroupCountY, ) as i32) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_Z => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(cmp::min( i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxGroupCountZ, ) as i32) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>( cmp::min(i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxGroupSizeX) as i32, ) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Y => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>( cmp::min(i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxGroupSizeY) as i32, ) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Z => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>( cmp::min(i32::max_value() as u32, props.maxGroupSizeZ) as i32, ) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_compute_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(props.maxSharedLocalMemory as i32) })?? } CUdevice_attribute::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_WARP_SIZE => { GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| Ok::<_, CUresult>(dev.get_max_simd()? as i32))?? } _ => { // TODO: support more attributes for CUDA runtime /* return Err(l0::Error( l0::sys::ze_result_t::ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, )) */ return Ok(()); } }; unsafe { *pi = value }; Ok(()) } pub fn get_uuid(uuid: *mut CUuuid_st, dev_idx: Index) -> Result<(), CUresult> { let ze_uuid = GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { let props = dev.get_properties()?; Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>(props.uuid) })??; unsafe { *uuid = CUuuid_st { bytes: mem::transmute(, } }; Ok(()) } // TODO: add support if Level 0 exposes it pub fn get_luid( luid: *mut c_char, dev_node_mask: *mut c_uint, _dev_idx: Index, ) -> Result<(), CUresult> { unsafe { ptr::write_bytes(luid, 0u8, 8) }; unsafe { *dev_node_mask = 0 }; Ok(()) } pub fn primary_ctx_get_state( dev_idx: Index, flags: *mut u32, active: *mut i32, ) -> Result<(), CUresult> { let (is_active, flags_value) = GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| { // This is safe because primary context can't be dropped let ctx_ptr = &mut dev.primary_context as *mut _; let flags_ptr = (&unsafe { dev.primary_context.as_ref_unchecked() }.flags) as *const AtomicU32; let is_active = context::CONTEXT_STACK .with(|stack| stack.borrow().last().map(|x| *x)) .map(|current| current == ctx_ptr) .unwrap_or(false); let flags_value = unsafe { &*flags_ptr }.load(Ordering::Relaxed); Ok::<_, l0::sys::ze_result_t>((is_active, flags_value)) })??; unsafe { *active = if is_active { 1 } else { 0 } }; unsafe { *flags = flags_value }; Ok(()) } pub fn primary_ctx_retain( pctx: *mut *mut context::Context, dev_idx: Index, ) -> Result<(), CUresult> { let ctx_ptr = GlobalState::lock_device(dev_idx, |dev| &mut dev.primary_context as *mut _)?; unsafe { *pctx = ctx_ptr }; Ok(()) } // TODO: allow for retain/reset/release of primary context pub(crate) fn primary_ctx_release_v2(_dev_idx: Index) -> CUresult { CUresult::CUDA_SUCCESS } pub struct DynamicEventPool { count: usize, pool_flags: l0::sys::ze_event_pool_flags_t, signal_flags: l0::sys::ze_event_scope_flags_t, events: Vec, } impl DynamicEventPool { fn new( dev: l0::Device, ctx: &'static l0::Context, pool_flags: l0::sys::ze_event_pool_flags_t, signal_flags: l0::sys::ze_event_scope_flags_t, ) -> l0::Result { Ok(DynamicEventPool { count: 0, pool_flags, signal_flags, events: vec![DynamicEventPoolEntry::new(dev, ctx, pool_flags)?], }) } pub fn get( &'static mut self, dev: l0::Device, ctx: &'static l0::Context, ) -> l0::Result<(l0::Event<'static>, u64)> { self.count += 1; let events = unsafe { transmute_lifetime_mut(&mut }; let (global_idx, (ev, local_idx)) = { for (idx, entry) in { if let Some((ev, local_idx)) = entry.get(self.signal_flags)? { let marker = (idx << 32) as u64 | local_idx as u64; return Ok((ev, marker)); } } events.push(DynamicEventPoolEntry::new(dev, ctx, self.pool_flags)?); let global_idx = (events.len() - 1) as u64; ( global_idx, events.last_mut().unwrap().get(self.signal_flags)?.unwrap(), ) }; let marker = (global_idx << 32) | local_idx as u64; Ok((ev, marker)) } pub fn mark_as_free(&mut self, marker: u64) { let global_idx = (marker >> 32) as u32;[global_idx as usize].mark_as_free(marker as u32); self.count -= 1; // TODO: clean up empty entries } } const DYNAMIC_EVENT_POOL_ENTRY_SIZE: usize = 448; const DYNAMIC_EVENT_POOL_ENTRY_BITMAP_SIZE: usize = DYNAMIC_EVENT_POOL_ENTRY_SIZE / (mem::size_of::() * 8); #[repr(C)] #[repr(align(64))] struct DynamicEventPoolEntry { event_pool: l0::EventPool<'static>, bit_map: [u64; DYNAMIC_EVENT_POOL_ENTRY_BITMAP_SIZE], } impl DynamicEventPoolEntry { fn new( dev: l0::Device, ctx: &'static l0::Context, flags: l0::sys::ze_event_pool_flags_t, ) -> l0::Result { Ok(DynamicEventPoolEntry { event_pool: l0::EventPool::new( ctx, flags, DYNAMIC_EVENT_POOL_ENTRY_SIZE as u32, Some(&[dev]), )?, bit_map: [0; DYNAMIC_EVENT_POOL_ENTRY_BITMAP_SIZE], }) } fn get( &'static mut self, signal: l0::sys::ze_event_scope_flags_t, ) -> l0::Result, u32)>> { for (idx, value) in self.bit_map.iter_mut().enumerate() { let shift = first_index_of_zero_u64(*value); if shift == 64 { continue; } *value = *value | (1u64 << shift); let entry_index = (idx as u32 * 64u32) + shift; let event = l0::Event::new( &self.event_pool, entry_index, signal, l0::sys::ze_event_scope_flags_t(0), )?; return Ok(Some((event, entry_index))); } Ok(None) } fn mark_as_free(&mut self, idx: u32) { let value = &mut self.bit_map[idx as usize / 64]; let shift = idx % 64; *value = *value & !(1 << shift); } } fn first_index_of_zero_u64(x: u64) -> u32 { let x = !x; (x & x.wrapping_neg()).trailing_zeros() } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::mem; use super::DynamicEventPoolEntry; use super::super::test::CudaDriverFns; use super::super::CUresult; cuda_driver_test!(primary_ctx_default_inactive); fn primary_ctx_default_inactive() { assert_eq!(T::cuInit(0), CUresult::CUDA_SUCCESS); let mut flags = u32::max_value(); let mut active = i32::max_value(); assert_eq!( T::cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState(0, &mut flags, &mut active), CUresult::CUDA_SUCCESS ); assert_eq!(flags, 0); assert_eq!(active, 0); } #[test] pub fn dynamic_event_pool_page_is_64b() { assert_eq!(mem::size_of::(), 64); assert_eq!(mem::align_of::(), 64); } }