diff options
5 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/Kconfig.defconfig b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/Kconfig.defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6dd3d5077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/Kconfig.defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 The ZMK Contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ default "MiniVan Tester"
diff --git a/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/Kconfig.shield b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/Kconfig.shield
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..787d46f82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/Kconfig.shield
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 The ZMK Contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ def_bool $(shields_list_contains,minivan_studio_tester)
+ select ZMK_STUDIO
diff --git a/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.conf b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a771e5f7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+CONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO_LOCKING=n \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.keymap b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.keymap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..531d8e0cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.keymap
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 The ZMK Contributors
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ */
+#include <behaviors.dtsi>
+#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
+#define NAV_L 1
+#define NUM_L 2
+#define MED_L 3
+#define FUN_L 4
+/ {
+ keymap {
+ compatible = "zmk,keymap";
+ base_layer {
+ display-name = "Base";
+ bindings = <
+ &kp TAB &kp Q &kp W &kp E &kp R &kp T &kp Y &kp U &kp I &kp O &kp P &kp BKSP
+ &gresc &kp A &kp S &kp D &kp F &kp G &kp H &kp J &kp K &kp L &kp SEMI &kp RET
+ &kp LSHFT &kp Z &kp X &kp C &kp V &kp B &kp N &kp M &kp COMMA &kp DOT &kp FSLH &kp QUOT
+ &kp LGUI &kp LALT &mo NAV_L &kp LEFT_SHIFT &kp SPACE &mo NUM_L &kp LALT &kp RCTL
+ >;
+ };
+ nav_layer {
+ display-name = "Nav";
+ bindings = <
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp GRAVE &kp TILDE &trans &trans &kp DEL
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp LARW &kp DARW &kp UARW &kp RARW &trans
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp HOME &kp PG_DN &kp PG_UP &kp END &trans
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+ >;
+ };
+ num_layer {
+ display-name = "Num";
+ bindings = <
+&trans &trans &kp N7 &kp N8 &kp N9 &kp RBKT &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+&trans &kp MINUS &kp N4 &kp N5 &kp N6 &kp EQUAL &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+&kp PLUS &kp N1 &kp N2 &kp N3 &kp N0 &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp ESC &trans &trans
+ >;
+ };
+ med_layer {
+ display-name = "Sym";
+ bindings = <
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
+ >;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.overlay b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.overlay
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1ec25d7af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/boards/shields/minivan_studio_tester/minivan_studio_tester.overlay
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 The ZMK Contributors
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/zmk/matrix_transform.h>
+#include <physical_layouts.dtsi>
+&kscan {
+ /delete-property/ exit-after;
+ events = <>;
+&uart1 { status = "okay"; };
+/ {
+ chosen {
+ zmk,physical-layout = &standard_layout;
+ zmk,studio-rpc-uart = &uart1;
+ };
+ standard_transform: standard_transform {
+ compatible = "zmk,matrix-transform";
+ rows = <4>;
+ columns = <12>;
+ map = <
+ RC(0,0) RC(0,1) RC(0,2) RC(0,3) RC(0,4) RC(0,5) RC(1,5) RC(1,4) RC(1,3) RC(1,2) RC(1,1) RC(1,0)
+ RC(2,0) RC(2,1) RC(2,2) RC(2,3) RC(2,4) RC(2,5) RC(3,5) RC(3,4) RC(3,3) RC(3,2) RC(3,1) RC(3,0)
+ RC(4,0) RC(4,1) RC(4,2) RC(4,3) RC(4,4) RC(4,5) RC(5,5) RC(5,4) RC(5,3) RC(5,2) RC(5,1) RC(5,0)
+ RC(6,0) RC(6,1) RC(6,3) RC(6,4) RC(6,5) RC(7,3) RC(7,2) RC(7,0)
+ >;
+ };
+ arrows_transform: arrows_transform {
+ compatible = "zmk,matrix-transform";
+ rows = <4>;
+ columns = <12>;
+ map = <
+ RC(0,0) RC(0,1) RC(0,2) RC(0,3) RC(0,4) RC(0,5) RC(1,5) RC(1,4) RC(1,3) RC(1,2) RC(1,1) RC(1,0)
+ RC(2,0) RC(2,1) RC(2,2) RC(2,3) RC(2,4) RC(2,5) RC(3,5) RC(3,4) RC(3,3) RC(3,2) RC(3,1) RC(3,0)
+ RC(4,0) RC(4,1) RC(4,2) RC(4,3) RC(4,4) RC(4,5) RC(5,5) RC(5,4) RC(5,3) RC(5,2) RC(5,1) RC(5,0)
+ RC(6,0) RC(6,1) RC(6,3) RC(6,4) RC(6,5) RC(7,3) RC(7,2) RC(7,1) RC(7,0)
+ >;
+ };
+ southpaw_transform: southpaw_transform {
+ compatible = "zmk,matrix-transform";
+ rows = <4>;
+ columns = <12>;
+ map = <
+ RC(0,0) RC(0,1) RC(0,2) RC(0,3) RC(0,4) RC(0,5) RC(1,5) RC(1,4) RC(1,3) RC(1,2) RC(1,1) RC(1,0)
+ RC(2,0) RC(2,1) RC(2,2) RC(2,3) RC(2,4) RC(2,5) RC(3,5) RC(3,4) RC(3,3) RC(3,2) RC(3,1) RC(3,0)
+ RC(4,0) RC(4,1) RC(4,2) RC(4,3) RC(4,4) RC(4,5) RC(5,5) RC(5,4) RC(5,3) RC(5,2) RC(5,1) RC(5,0)
+ RC(6,0) RC(6,1) RC(6,2) RC(6,3) RC(6,4) RC(6,5) RC(7,3) RC(7,2) RC(7,0)
+ >;
+ };
+ jetvan_transform: jetvan_transform {
+ compatible = "zmk,matrix-transform";
+ rows = <4>;
+ columns = <12>;
+ map = <
+ RC(0,0) RC(0,1) RC(0,2) RC(0,3) RC(0,4) RC(0,5) RC(1,5) RC(1,4) RC(1,3) RC(1,2) RC(1,1) RC(1,0)
+ RC(2,0) RC(2,1) RC(2,2) RC(2,3) RC(2,4) RC(2,5) RC(3,5) RC(3,4) RC(3,3) RC(3,2) RC(3,1) RC(3,0)
+ RC(4,0) RC(4,1) RC(4,2) RC(4,3) RC(4,4) RC(4,5) RC(5,5) RC(5,4) RC(5,3) RC(5,2) RC(5,1) RC(5,0)
+ RC(6,0) RC(6,1) RC(6,2) RC(6,4) RC(7,3) RC(7,2) RC(7,0)
+ >;
+ };
+ standard_layout: standard_layout {
+ compatible = "zmk,physical-layout";
+ display-name = "Standard";
+ transform = <&standard_transform>;
+ kscan = <&kscan>;
+ keys
+ = <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 200 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 300 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 400 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 500 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 600 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 700 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 800 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 900 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 1100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 225 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 325 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 425 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 525 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 625 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 725 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 825 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 925 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1025 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 1125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 000 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 275 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 375 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 475 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 575 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 675 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 775 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 875 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 975 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1075 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 125 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 275 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 225 100 400 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 200 100 625 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 825 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 950 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 1100 300 0 0 0>
+ ;
+ };
+ southpaw_layout: southpaw_layout {
+ compatible = "zmk,physical-layout";
+ display-name = "Southpaw";
+ transform = <&southpaw_transform>;
+ kscan = <&kscan>;
+ keys
+ = <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 200 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 300 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 400 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 500 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 600 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 700 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 800 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 900 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 1100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 225 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 325 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 425 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 525 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 625 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 725 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 825 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 925 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1025 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 1125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 000 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 275 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 375 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 475 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 575 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 675 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 775 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 875 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 975 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1075 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 000 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 100 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 200 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 300 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 225 100 400 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 200 100 625 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 825 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 950 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 1100 300 0 0 0>
+ ;
+ };
+ arrows_layout: arrows_layout {
+ compatible = "zmk,physical-layout";
+ display-name = "Arrows";
+ transform = <&arrows_transform>;
+ kscan = <&kscan>;
+ keys
+ = <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 200 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 300 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 400 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 500 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 600 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 700 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 800 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 900 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 1100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 225 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 325 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 425 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 525 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 625 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 725 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 825 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 925 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1025 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 1125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 000 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 275 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 375 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 475 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 575 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 675 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 775 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 875 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 975 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1075 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 125 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 275 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 225 100 400 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 200 100 625 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 825 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 975 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1075 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1175 300 0 0 0>
+ ;
+ };
+ jetvan_layout: jetvan_layout {
+ compatible = "zmk,physical-layout";
+ display-name = "JetVan";
+ transform = <&jetvan_transform>;
+ kscan = <&kscan>;
+ keys
+ = <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 200 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 300 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 400 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 500 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 600 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 700 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 800 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 900 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1000 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 1100 000 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 225 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 325 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 425 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 525 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 625 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 725 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 825 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 925 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1025 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 150 100 1125 100 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 175 100 000 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 275 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 375 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 475 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 575 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 675 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 775 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 875 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 975 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1075 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1175 200 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 000 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 125 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 125 100 225 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 625 100 350 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 975 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1075 300 0 0 0>
+ , <&key_physical_attrs 100 100 1175 300 0 0 0>
+ ;
+ };
+ pos_map {
+ compatible = "zmk,physical-layout-position-map";
+ std {
+ physical-layout = <&standard_layout>;
+ positions
+ = < 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 >;
+ };
+ arrows {
+ physical-layout = <&arrows_layout>;
+ positions
+ = < 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 41>;
+ };
+ southpaw {
+ physical-layout = <&southpaw_layout>;
+ positions
+ = < 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 38>;
+ };
+ jetvan {
+ physical-layout = <&jetvan_layout>;
+ positions
+ = < 36 37 38 43 39 40 41 42 44>;
+ };
+ };