/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(zmk, CONFIG_ZMK_LOG_LEVEL); #include #include #include #include #include #include static uint8_t last_state_of_charge = 0; uint8_t zmk_battery_state_of_charge(void) { return last_state_of_charge; } #if DT_HAS_CHOSEN(zmk_battery) static const struct device *const battery = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_CHOSEN(zmk_battery)); #else #warning \ "Using a node labeled BATTERY for the battery sensor is deprecated. Set a zmk,battery chosen node instead. (Ignore this if you don't have a battery sensor.)" static const struct device *battery; #endif #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORTING_FETCH_MODE_LITHIUM_VOLTAGE) static uint8_t lithium_ion_mv_to_pct(int16_t bat_mv) { // Simple linear approximation of a battery based off adafruit's discharge graph: // https://learn.adafruit.com/li-ion-and-lipoly-batteries/voltages if (bat_mv >= 4200) { return 100; } else if (bat_mv <= 3450) { return 0; } return bat_mv * 2 / 15 - 459; } #endif // IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORTING_FETCH_MODE_LITHIUM_VOLTAGE) static int zmk_battery_update(const struct device *battery) { struct sensor_value state_of_charge; int rc; #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORTING_FETCH_MODE_STATE_OF_CHARGE) rc = sensor_sample_fetch_chan(battery, SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_STATE_OF_CHARGE); if (rc != 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to fetch battery values: %d", rc); return rc; } rc = sensor_channel_get(battery, SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_STATE_OF_CHARGE, &state_of_charge); if (rc != 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to get battery state of charge: %d", rc); return rc; } #elif IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORTING_FETCH_MODE_LITHIUM_VOLTAGE) rc = sensor_sample_fetch_chan(battery, SENSOR_CHAN_VOLTAGE); if (rc != 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to fetch battery values: %d", rc); return rc; } struct sensor_value voltage; rc = sensor_channel_get(battery, SENSOR_CHAN_VOLTAGE, &voltage); if (rc != 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to get battery voltage: %d", rc); return rc; } uint16_t mv = voltage.val1 * 1000 + (voltage.val2 / 1000); state_of_charge.val1 = lithium_ion_mv_to_pct(mv); LOG_DBG("State of change %d from %d mv", state_of_charge.val1, mv); #else #error "Not a supported reporting fetch mode" #endif if (last_state_of_charge != state_of_charge.val1) { last_state_of_charge = state_of_charge.val1; #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_BAS) LOG_DBG("Setting BAS GATT battery level to %d.", last_state_of_charge); rc = bt_bas_set_battery_level(last_state_of_charge); if (rc != 0) { LOG_WRN("Failed to set BAS GATT battery level (err %d)", rc); return rc; } #endif rc = raise_zmk_battery_state_changed( (struct zmk_battery_state_changed){.state_of_charge = last_state_of_charge}); } return rc; } static void zmk_battery_work(struct k_work *work) { int rc = zmk_battery_update(battery); if (rc != 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to update battery value: %d.", rc); } } K_WORK_DEFINE(battery_work, zmk_battery_work); static void zmk_battery_timer(struct k_timer *timer) { k_work_submit_to_queue(zmk_workqueue_lowprio_work_q(), &battery_work); } K_TIMER_DEFINE(battery_timer, zmk_battery_timer, NULL); static void zmk_battery_start_reporting() { if (device_is_ready(battery)) { k_timer_start(&battery_timer, K_NO_WAIT, K_SECONDS(CONFIG_ZMK_BATTERY_REPORT_INTERVAL)); } } static int zmk_battery_init(void) { #if !DT_HAS_CHOSEN(zmk_battery) battery = device_get_binding("BATTERY"); if (battery == NULL) { return -ENODEV; } LOG_WRN("Finding battery device labeled BATTERY is deprecated. Use zmk,battery chosen node."); #endif if (!device_is_ready(battery)) { LOG_ERR("Battery device \"%s\" is not ready", battery->name); return -ENODEV; } zmk_battery_start_reporting(); return 0; } static int battery_event_listener(const zmk_event_t *eh) { if (as_zmk_activity_state_changed(eh)) { switch (zmk_activity_get_state()) { case ZMK_ACTIVITY_ACTIVE: zmk_battery_start_reporting(); return 0; case ZMK_ACTIVITY_IDLE: case ZMK_ACTIVITY_SLEEP: k_timer_stop(&battery_timer); return 0; default: break; } } return -ENOTSUP; } ZMK_LISTENER(battery, battery_event_listener); ZMK_SUBSCRIPTION(battery, zmk_activity_state_changed); SYS_INIT(zmk_battery_init, APPLICATION, CONFIG_APPLICATION_INIT_PRIORITY);