import type { SyntaxNode, Tree } from "web-tree-sitter"; import { Devicetree, findCapture } from "./parser"; import { getUpgradeEdits, TextEdit } from "./textedit"; // Map of { "DEPRECATED": "REPLACEMENT" } key codes. const CODES = { NUM_1: "N1", NUM_2: "N2", NUM_3: "N3", NUM_4: "N4", NUM_5: "N5", NUM_6: "N6", NUM_7: "N7", NUM_8: "N8", NUM_9: "N9", NUM_0: "N0", BKSP: "BSPC", SPC: "SPACE", EQL: "EQUAL", TILD: "TILDE", SCLN: "SEMI", QUOT: "SQT", GRAV: "GRAVE", CMMA: "COMMA", PRSC: "PSCRN", SCLK: "SLCK", PAUS: "PAUSE_BREAK", PGUP: "PG_UP", PGDN: "PG_DN", RARW: "RIGHT", LARW: "LEFT", DARW: "DOWN", UARW: "UP", KDIV: "KP_DIVIDE", KMLT: "KP_MULTIPLY", KMIN: "KP_MINUS", KPLS: "KP_PLUS", UNDO: "K_UNDO", CUT: "K_CUT", COPY: "K_COPY", PSTE: "K_PASTE", VOLU: "K_VOL_UP", VOLD: "K_VOL_DN", CURU: "DLLR", LPRN: "LPAR", RPRN: "RPAR", LCUR: "LBRC", RCUR: "RBRC", CRRT: "CARET", PRCT: "PRCNT", LABT: "LT", RABT: "GT", COLN: "COLON", KSPC: null, ATSN: "AT", BANG: "EXCL", LCTL: "LCTRL", LSFT: "LSHIFT", RCTL: "RCTRL", RSFT: "RSHIFT", M_NEXT: "C_NEXT", M_PREV: "C_PREV", M_STOP: "C_STOP", M_EJCT: "C_EJECT", M_PLAY: "C_PP", M_MUTE: "C_MUTE", M_VOLU: "C_VOL_UP", M_VOLD: "C_VOL_DN", GUI: "K_CMENU", MOD_LCTL: "LCTRL", MOD_LSFT: "LSHIFT", MOD_LALT: "LALT", MOD_LGUI: "LGUI", MOD_RCTL: "RCTRL", MOD_RSFT: "RSHIFT", MOD_RALT: "RALT", MOD_RGUI: "RGUI", }; // Regex matching names of properties that can have keymap bindings. const BINDINGS_PROPS = /^(bindings|sensor-bindings)$/; /** * Upgrades deprecated key code identifiers. */ export function upgradeKeycodes(tree: Tree) { const edits: TextEdit[] = []; const query = Devicetree.query("(identifier) @name"); const matches = query.matches(tree.rootNode); for (const { captures } of matches) { const node = findCapture("name", captures); // Some of the codes are still valid to use in other properties such as // "mods", so only replace those that are inside a "bindings" array. if (node && isInBindingsArray(node)) { edits.push(...getUpgradeEdits(node, CODES, keycodeReplaceHandler)); } } return edits; } function keycodeReplaceHandler(node: SyntaxNode, replacement: string | null) { if (replacement) { return [TextEdit.fromNode(node, replacement)]; } const nodes = findBehaviorNodes(node); if (nodes.length === 0) { console.warn( `Found deprecated code "${node.text}" but it is not a parameter to a behavior` ); return [TextEdit.fromNode(node, `/* "${node.text}" no longer exists */`)]; } const oldText = => n.text).join(" "); const newText = `&none /* "${oldText}" no longer exists */`; const startIndex = nodes[0].startIndex; const endIndex = nodes[nodes.length - 1].endIndex; return [new TextEdit(startIndex, endIndex, newText)]; } /** * Given a parameter to a keymap behavior, returns a list of nodes beginning * with the behavior and including all parameters. * Returns an empty array if no behavior was found. */ function findBehaviorNodes(paramNode: SyntaxNode) { // Walk backwards from the given parameter to find the behavior reference. let behavior = paramNode.previousNamedSibling; while (behavior && behavior.type !== "reference") { behavior = behavior.previousNamedSibling; } if (!behavior) { return []; } // Walk forward from the behavior to collect all its parameters. let nodes = [behavior]; let param = behavior.nextNamedSibling; while (param && param.type !== "reference") { nodes.push(param); param = param.nextNamedSibling; } return nodes; } /** * Given a identifier, returns whether it is inside a "bindings" property value. */ function isInBindingsArray(identifier: SyntaxNode) { let node = identifier.parent; while (node) { if (node.type === "property") { return !!node.childForFieldName("name")?.text.match(BINDINGS_PROPS); } node = node.parent; } return false; }