diff options
authorOmer Uddin <[email protected]>2019-07-13 18:50:00 -0400
committerZach <[email protected]>2019-07-13 17:49:59 -0500
commit58bc259a18b6f8f4fa0e30f6aa62db22bf0db2f8 (patch)
parent8d6ef3025b8d9881fd88c3feefef051a0fbfd44c (diff)
Update 0280-Configurable-Bed-Search-Radius.patch (#2260)
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/Spigot-Server-Patches/0280-Configurable-Bed-Search-Radius.patch b/Spigot-Server-Patches/0280-Configurable-Bed-Search-Radius.patch
index 015b2448c5..41e4e77878 100644
--- a/Spigot-Server-Patches/0280-Configurable-Bed-Search-Radius.patch
+++ b/Spigot-Server-Patches/0280-Configurable-Bed-Search-Radius.patch
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-From f1cf963f3f14757f6fb2f07fe26fdd50e8201883 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From fbc5aa049c925955355972e08ce896e10c5b4d3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aikar <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 15:22:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Configurable Bed Search Radius
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ player at their bed should it of became obstructed.
Defaults to vanilla 1.
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java
-index aa2be2ede6..f5b2e88f3b 100644
+index aa2be2ed..f5b2e88f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java
@@ -452,4 +452,15 @@ public class PaperWorldConfig {
@@ -30,69 +30,120 @@ index aa2be2ede6..f5b2e88f3b 100644
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/BlockBed.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/BlockBed.java
-index 06f627002c..d81a2db6cd 100644
+index 06f62700..0ab2112c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/BlockBed.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/BlockBed.java
-@@ -187,6 +187,52 @@ public class BlockBed extends BlockFacingHorizontal implements ITileEntity {
+@@ -187,6 +187,10 @@ public class BlockBed extends BlockFacingHorizontal implements ITileEntity {
public static BlockPosition a(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, BlockPosition blockposition, int i) {
EnumDirection enumdirection = (EnumDirection) iblockaccess.getType(blockposition).get(BlockBed.FACING);
-+ // Paper - replace whole method
-+ World world = (World) iblockaccess;
++ // Paper start - replace whole method
++ return findSafePosition((World)iblockaccess, enumdirection, blockposition);
++ }
++ /* // Paper comment out
+ int j = blockposition.getX();
+ int k = blockposition.getY();
+ int l = blockposition.getZ();
+@@ -212,9 +216,106 @@ public class BlockBed extends BlockFacingHorizontal implements ITileEntity {
+ }
+ }
++ return null;
++ }*/ // Paper comment out
++ private static BlockPosition findSafePosition(World world, EnumDirection updirection, BlockPosition blockposition){
+ int radius = world.paperConfig.bedSearchRadius;
-+ for (int r = 1; r <= radius; r++) {
-+ int x = -r;
-+ int z = r;
++ double angle = Math.PI / 2;
++ int tmpX = (int)(updirection.getAdjacentX() * Math.cos(angle) - updirection.getAdjacentZ() * Math.sin(angle));
++ int tmpZ = (int)(updirection.getAdjacentX() * Math.sin(angle) + updirection.getAdjacentZ() * Math.cos(angle));
-+ // Iterates the edge of half of the box; then negates for other half.
-+ while (x <= r && z > -r) {
-+ for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
-+ BlockPosition pos = blockposition.add(x, y, z);
-+ if (isSafeRespawn(world, pos)) {
-+ if (i-- <= 0) {
-+ return pos;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ pos = blockposition.add(-x, y, -z);
-+ if (isSafeRespawn(world, pos)) {
-+ if (i-- <= 0) {
-+ return pos;
-+ }
-+ }
++ EnumDirection rightDirection = EnumDirection.a(tmpX, 0, tmpZ);
++ EnumDirection downDirection = updirection.opposite();
++ EnumDirection leftDirection = rightDirection.opposite();
-+ pos = blockposition.add(enumdirection.getAdjacentX() + x, y, enumdirection.getAdjacentZ() + z);
-+ if (isSafeRespawn(world, pos)) {
-+ if (i-- <= 0) {
-+ return pos;
-+ }
++ EnumDirection[] corePositionOutDirection = new EnumDirection[6];
++ corePositionOutDirection[0] = updirection;
++ corePositionOutDirection[1] = leftDirection;
++ corePositionOutDirection[2] = leftDirection;
++ corePositionOutDirection[3] = downDirection;
++ corePositionOutDirection[4] = rightDirection;
++ corePositionOutDirection[5] = rightDirection;
++ BlockPosition[] corePosition = new BlockPosition[6];
++ corePosition[0] = blockposition.add(updirection.getAdjacentX(), 0, updirection.getAdjacentZ());
++ corePosition[1] = blockposition.add(leftDirection.getAdjacentX(), 0, leftDirection.getAdjacentZ());
++ corePosition[2] = corePosition[1].add(downDirection.getAdjacentX(), 0, downDirection.getAdjacentZ());
++ corePosition[3] = blockposition.add(2 * downDirection.getAdjacentX(), 0, 2 * downDirection.getAdjacentZ());
++ corePosition[5] = blockposition.add(rightDirection.getAdjacentX(), 0, rightDirection.getAdjacentZ());
++ corePosition[4] = corePosition[5].add(downDirection.getAdjacentX(), 0, downDirection.getAdjacentZ());
++ BlockPosition[] tmpPosition = new BlockPosition[8];
++ EnumDirection[] tmpPositionDirection = new EnumDirection[8];
++ tmpPositionDirection[0] = rightDirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[1] = leftDirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[2] = updirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[3] = downDirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[4] = leftDirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[5] = rightDirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[6] = downDirection;
++ tmpPositionDirection[7] = updirection;
++ BlockPosition pos;
++ boolean foundPosition;
++ for (int r = 1; r <= radius; r++) {
++ int h = 0;
++ while (h <= 1) {
++ int numIterated = 0;
++ for (int index = (int)(Math.random() * corePosition.length); numIterated < corePosition.length; index = (index+1) % corePosition.length) {
++ numIterated++;
++ pos = corePosition[index].add(0, h, 0);
++ foundPosition = isSafeRespawn(world, pos);
++ if (foundPosition) {
++ return pos;
+ }
++ }
++ tmpPosition[0] = corePosition[0].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[1] = corePosition[0].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[2] = corePosition[1].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[3] = corePosition[2].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[4] = corePosition[3].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[5] = corePosition[3].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[6] = corePosition[4].add(0, h, 0);
++ tmpPosition[7] = corePosition[5].add(0, h, 0);
++ for (int rr = 1; rr <= r; rr++){
++ numIterated = 0;
++ for (int index = (int)(Math.random() * tmpPosition.length); numIterated < tmpPosition.length; index = (index+1) % tmpPosition.length) {
++ numIterated++;
++ tmpPosition[index] = tmpPosition[index].add(tmpPositionDirection[index].getAdjacentX(), 0, tmpPositionDirection[index].getAdjacentZ());
++ pos = tmpPosition[index];
-+ pos = blockposition.add(enumdirection.getAdjacentX() - x, y, enumdirection.getAdjacentZ() - z);
-+ if (isSafeRespawn(world, pos)) {
-+ if (i-- <= 0) {
++ foundPosition = isSafeRespawn(world, pos);
++ if (foundPosition) {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-+ if (x < r) {
-+ x++;
-+ } else {
-+ z--;
++ switch (h) {
++ case -1:
++ h = 1;
++ break;
++ case 0:
++ h = -1;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ h = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
++ break;
+ }
+ }
++ for (int index = 0; index < corePosition.length; index++) {
++ EnumDirection tmp = corePositionOutDirection[index];
++ corePosition[index] = corePosition[index].add(tmp.getAdjacentX(), 0, tmp.getAdjacentZ());
++ }
+ }
-+ return null; /* // Paper comment out
- int j = blockposition.getX();
- int k = blockposition.getY();
- int l = blockposition.getZ();
-@@ -212,9 +258,12 @@ public class BlockBed extends BlockFacingHorizontal implements ITileEntity {
- }
- }
-- return null;
-+ return null;*/ // Paper
+ return null;
++ // Paper end
+ protected static boolean isSafeRespawn(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, BlockPosition blockposition) { // Paper - OBFHELPER + behavior improvement
+ return a(iblockaccess, blockposition) && iblockaccess.getType(blockposition.down()).getMaterial().isBuildable(); // Paper - ensure solid block
@@ -101,5 +152,5 @@ index 06f627002c..d81a2db6cd 100644
return iblockaccess.getType(blockposition.down()).q() && !iblockaccess.getType(blockposition).getMaterial().isBuildable() && !iblockaccess.getType(blockposition.up()).getMaterial().isBuildable();