path: root/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network
diff options
authorMiniDigger | Martin <[email protected]>2024-01-14 11:04:49 +0100
committerMiniDigger | Martin <[email protected]>2024-01-14 11:04:49 +0100
commitbee74680e607c2e29b038329f62181238911cd83 (patch)
tree708fd1a4a0227d9071243adf2a42d5e9e96cde4a /patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network
parent0a44692ef6ff6e255d48eb3ba1bb114166eafda9 (diff)
add remapped patches as a testsoftspoon
Diffstat (limited to 'patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network')
14 files changed, 4063 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6d2bea9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ import io.netty.channel.ChannelException;
+ import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture;
+ import io.netty.channel.ChannelFutureListener;
++import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandler;
+ import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext;
+ import io.netty.channel.ChannelInitializer;
+ import io.netty.channel.ChannelOption;
+@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@
+ import io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler;
+ import io.netty.handler.timeout.TimeoutException;
+ import io.netty.util.AttributeKey;
+-import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
+ import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
+ import java.net.SocketAddress;
+ import java.util.Objects;
+@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
+ import net.minecraft.SharedConstants;
+ import net.minecraft.Util;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.Component;
++import net.minecraft.network.chat.MutableComponent;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.PacketFlow;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.common.ClientboundDisconnectPacket;
+@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.login.ClientLoginPacketListener;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.login.ClientboundLoginDisconnectPacket;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.status.ClientStatusPacketListener;
+-import net.minecraft.server.RunningOnDifferentThreadException;
++import net.minecraft.server.CancelledPacketHandleException;
+ import net.minecraft.util.Mth;
+ import net.minecraft.util.SampleLogger;
+ import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
+@@ -58,27 +59,34 @@
+ import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory;
+ public class Connection extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Packet<?>> {
+ private static final float AVERAGE_PACKETS_SMOOTHING = 0.75F;
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
+ public static final Marker ROOT_MARKER = MarkerFactory.getMarker("NETWORK");
+- public static final Marker PACKET_MARKER = Util.make(MarkerFactory.getMarker("NETWORK_PACKETS"), marker -> marker.add(ROOT_MARKER));
+- public static final Marker PACKET_RECEIVED_MARKER = Util.make(MarkerFactory.getMarker("PACKET_RECEIVED"), marker -> marker.add(PACKET_MARKER));
+- public static final Marker PACKET_SENT_MARKER = Util.make(MarkerFactory.getMarker("PACKET_SENT"), marker -> marker.add(PACKET_MARKER));
+- public static final AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> ATTRIBUTE_SERVERBOUND_PROTOCOL = AttributeKey.valueOf("serverbound_protocol");
+- public static final AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL = AttributeKey.valueOf("clientbound_protocol");
+- public static final Supplier<NioEventLoopGroup> NETWORK_WORKER_GROUP = Suppliers.memoize(
+- () -> new NioEventLoopGroup(0, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Netty Client IO #%d").setDaemon(true).build())
+- );
+- public static final Supplier<EpollEventLoopGroup> NETWORK_EPOLL_WORKER_GROUP = Suppliers.memoize(
+- () -> new EpollEventLoopGroup(0, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Netty Epoll Client IO #%d").setDaemon(true).build())
+- );
+- public static final Supplier<DefaultEventLoopGroup> LOCAL_WORKER_GROUP = Suppliers.memoize(
+- () -> new DefaultEventLoopGroup(0, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Netty Local Client IO #%d").setDaemon(true).build())
+- );
++ public static final Marker PACKET_MARKER = (Marker) Util.make(MarkerFactory.getMarker("NETWORK_PACKETS"), (marker) -> {
++ marker.add(Connection.ROOT_MARKER);
++ });
++ public static final Marker PACKET_RECEIVED_MARKER = (Marker) Util.make(MarkerFactory.getMarker("PACKET_RECEIVED"), (marker) -> {
++ marker.add(Connection.PACKET_MARKER);
++ });
++ public static final Marker PACKET_SENT_MARKER = (Marker) Util.make(MarkerFactory.getMarker("PACKET_SENT"), (marker) -> {
++ marker.add(Connection.PACKET_MARKER);
++ });
++ public static final AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> ATTRIBUTE_SERVERBOUND_PROTOCOL = AttributeKey.valueOf("serverbound_protocol");
++ public static final AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL = AttributeKey.valueOf("clientbound_protocol");
++ public static final Supplier<NioEventLoopGroup> NETWORK_WORKER_GROUP = Suppliers.memoize(() -> {
++ return new NioEventLoopGroup(0, (new ThreadFactoryBuilder()).setNameFormat("Netty Client IO #%d").setDaemon(true).build());
++ });
++ public static final Supplier<EpollEventLoopGroup> NETWORK_EPOLL_WORKER_GROUP = Suppliers.memoize(() -> {
++ return new EpollEventLoopGroup(0, (new ThreadFactoryBuilder()).setNameFormat("Netty Epoll Client IO #%d").setDaemon(true).build());
++ });
++ public static final Supplier<DefaultEventLoopGroup> LOCAL_WORKER_GROUP = Suppliers.memoize(() -> {
++ return new DefaultEventLoopGroup(0, (new ThreadFactoryBuilder()).setNameFormat("Netty Local Client IO #%d").setDaemon(true).build());
++ });
+ private final PacketFlow receiving;
+ private final Queue<Consumer<Connection>> pendingActions = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
+- private Channel channel;
+- private SocketAddress address;
++ public Channel channel;
++ public SocketAddress address;
+ @Nullable
+ private volatile PacketListener disconnectListener;
+ @Nullable
+@@ -97,92 +105,97 @@
+ private volatile Component delayedDisconnect;
+ @Nullable
+ BandwidthDebugMonitor bandwidthDebugMonitor;
++ public String hostname = ""; // CraftBukkit - add field
+ public Connection(PacketFlow receiving) {
+ this.receiving = receiving;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext context) throws Exception {
+- super.channelActive(context);
+- this.channel = context.channel();
++ public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext channelhandlercontext) throws Exception {
++ super.channelActive(channelhandlercontext);
++ this.channel = channelhandlercontext.channel();
+ this.address = this.channel.remoteAddress();
+ if (this.delayedDisconnect != null) {
+ this.disconnect(this.delayedDisconnect);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void setInitialProtocolAttributes(Channel channel) {
+- channel.attr(ATTRIBUTE_SERVERBOUND_PROTOCOL).set(ConnectionProtocol.HANDSHAKING.codec(PacketFlow.SERVERBOUND));
+- channel.attr(ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL).set(ConnectionProtocol.HANDSHAKING.codec(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND));
++ channel.attr(Connection.ATTRIBUTE_SERVERBOUND_PROTOCOL).set(ConnectionProtocol.HANDSHAKING.codec(PacketFlow.SERVERBOUND));
++ channel.attr(Connection.ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL).set(ConnectionProtocol.HANDSHAKING.codec(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND));
+ }
+- @Override
+- public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext context) {
++ public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext channelhandlercontext) {
+ this.disconnect(Component.translatable("disconnect.endOfStream"));
+ }
+- @Override
+- public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext context, Throwable exception) {
+- if (exception instanceof SkipPacketException) {
+- LOGGER.debug("Skipping packet due to errors", exception.getCause());
++ public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext channelhandlercontext, Throwable throwable) {
++ if (throwable instanceof SkipPacketException) {
++ Connection.LOGGER.debug("Skipping packet due to errors", throwable.getCause());
+ } else {
+ boolean flag = !this.handlingFault;
+ this.handlingFault = true;
+ if (this.channel.isOpen()) {
+- if (exception instanceof TimeoutException) {
+- LOGGER.debug("Timeout", exception);
++ if (throwable instanceof TimeoutException) {
++ Connection.LOGGER.debug("Timeout", throwable);
+ this.disconnect(Component.translatable("disconnect.timeout"));
+ } else {
+- Component component = Component.translatable("disconnect.genericReason", "Internal Exception: " + exception);
++ MutableComponent ichatmutablecomponent = Component.translatable("disconnect.genericReason", "Internal Exception: " + throwable);
+ if (flag) {
+- LOGGER.debug("Failed to sent packet", exception);
++ Connection.LOGGER.debug("Failed to sent packet", throwable);
+ if (this.getSending() == PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND) {
+- ConnectionProtocol connectionProtocol = this.channel.attr(ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL).get().protocol();
+- Packet<?> packet = (Packet<?>)(connectionProtocol == ConnectionProtocol.LOGIN
+- ? new ClientboundLoginDisconnectPacket(component)
+- : new ClientboundDisconnectPacket(component));
+- this.send(packet, PacketSendListener.thenRun(() -> this.disconnect(component)));
++ ConnectionProtocol enumprotocol = ((ConnectionProtocol.a) this.channel.attr(Connection.ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL).get()).protocol();
++ Packet<?> packet = enumprotocol == ConnectionProtocol.LOGIN ? new ClientboundLoginDisconnectPacket(ichatmutablecomponent) : new ClientboundDisconnectPacket(ichatmutablecomponent);
++ this.send((Packet) packet, PacketSendListener.thenRun(() -> {
++ this.disconnect(ichatmutablecomponent);
++ }));
+ } else {
+- this.disconnect(component);
++ this.disconnect(ichatmutablecomponent);
+ }
+ this.setReadOnly();
+ } else {
+- LOGGER.debug("Double fault", exception);
+- this.disconnect(component);
++ Connection.LOGGER.debug("Double fault", throwable);
++ this.disconnect(ichatmutablecomponent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- @Override
+ protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext context, Packet<?> packet) {
+ if (this.channel.isOpen()) {
+- PacketListener packetListener = this.packetListener;
+- if (packetListener == null) {
++ PacketListener packetlistener = this.packetListener;
++ if (packetlistener == null) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Received a packet before the packet listener was initialized");
+ } else {
+- if (packetListener.shouldHandleMessage(packet)) {
++ if (packetlistener.shouldHandleMessage(packet)) {
+ try {
+- genericsFtw(packet, packetListener);
+- } catch (RunningOnDifferentThreadException var5) {
+- } catch (RejectedExecutionException var6) {
++ genericsFtw(packet, packetlistener);
++ } catch (CancelledPacketHandleException cancelledpackethandleexception) {
++ ;
++ } catch (RejectedExecutionException rejectedexecutionexception) {
+ this.disconnect(Component.translatable("multiplayer.disconnect.server_shutdown"));
+- } catch (ClassCastException var7) {
+- LOGGER.error("Received {} that couldn't be processed", packet.getClass(), var7);
++ } catch (ClassCastException classcastexception) {
++ Connection.LOGGER.error("Received {} that couldn't be processed", packet.getClass(), classcastexception);
+ this.disconnect(Component.translatable("multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_packet"));
+ }
+- this.receivedPackets++;
++ ++this.receivedPackets;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static <T extends PacketListener> void genericsFtw(Packet<T> packet, PacketListener listener) {
+- packet.handle((T)listener);
++ packet.handle((T) listener); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+ }
+ public void suspendInboundAfterProtocolChange() {
+@@ -194,22 +207,17 @@
+ }
+ public void setListener(PacketListener handler) {
+- Validate.notNull(handler, "packetListener");
+- PacketFlow packetFlow = handler.flow();
+- if (packetFlow != this.receiving) {
+- throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to set listener for wrong side: connection is " + this.receiving + ", but listener is " + packetFlow);
++ Validate.notNull(handler, "packetListener", new Object[0]);
++ PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection = handler.flow();
++ if (enumprotocoldirection != this.receiving) {
++ throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to set listener for wrong side: connection is " + this.receiving + ", but listener is " + enumprotocoldirection);
+ } else {
+- ConnectionProtocol connectionProtocol = handler.protocol();
+- ConnectionProtocol connectionProtocol1 = this.channel.attr(getProtocolKey(packetFlow)).get().protocol();
+- if (connectionProtocol1 != connectionProtocol) {
+- throw new IllegalStateException(
+- "Trying to set listener for protocol "
+- + connectionProtocol.id()
+- + ", but current "
+- + packetFlow
+- + " protocol is "
+- + connectionProtocol1.id()
+- );
++ ConnectionProtocol enumprotocol = handler.protocol();
++ ConnectionProtocol enumprotocol1 = ((ConnectionProtocol.a) this.channel.attr(getProtocolKey(enumprotocoldirection)).get()).protocol();
++ if (enumprotocol1 != enumprotocol) {
++ throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to set listener for protocol " + enumprotocol.id() + ", but current " + enumprotocoldirection + " protocol is " + enumprotocol1.id());
+ } else {
+ this.packetListener = handler;
+ this.disconnectListener = null;
+@@ -217,54 +225,55 @@
+ }
+ }
+- public void setListenerForServerboundHandshake(PacketListener packetListener) {
++ public void setListenerForServerboundHandshake(PacketListener packetlistener) {
+ if (this.packetListener != null) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Listener already set");
+- } else if (this.receiving == PacketFlow.SERVERBOUND
+- && packetListener.flow() == PacketFlow.SERVERBOUND
+- && packetListener.protocol() == ConnectionProtocol.HANDSHAKING) {
+- this.packetListener = packetListener;
++ } else if (this.receiving == PacketFlow.SERVERBOUND && packetlistener.flow() == PacketFlow.SERVERBOUND && packetlistener.protocol() == ConnectionProtocol.HANDSHAKING) {
++ this.packetListener = packetlistener;
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid initial listener");
+ }
+ }
+- public void initiateServerboundStatusConnection(String string, int i, ClientStatusPacketListener clientStatusPacketListener) {
+- this.initiateServerboundConnection(string, i, clientStatusPacketListener, ClientIntent.STATUS);
++ public void initiateServerboundStatusConnection(String s, int i, ClientStatusPacketListener packetstatusoutlistener) {
++ this.initiateServerboundConnection(s, i, packetstatusoutlistener, ClientIntent.STATUS);
+ }
+- public void initiateServerboundPlayConnection(String string, int i, ClientLoginPacketListener clientLoginPacketListener) {
+- this.initiateServerboundConnection(string, i, clientLoginPacketListener, ClientIntent.LOGIN);
++ public void initiateServerboundPlayConnection(String s, int i, ClientLoginPacketListener packetloginoutlistener) {
++ this.initiateServerboundConnection(s, i, packetloginoutlistener, ClientIntent.LOGIN);
+ }
+- private void initiateServerboundConnection(String string, int i, PacketListener packetListener, ClientIntent clientIntent) {
+- this.disconnectListener = packetListener;
+- this.runOnceConnected(connection -> {
+- connection.setClientboundProtocolAfterHandshake(clientIntent);
+- this.setListener(packetListener);
+- connection.sendPacket(new ClientIntentionPacket(SharedConstants.getCurrentVersion().getProtocolVersion(), string, i, clientIntent), null, true);
++ private void initiateServerboundConnection(String s, int i, PacketListener packetlistener, ClientIntent clientintent) {
++ this.disconnectListener = packetlistener;
++ this.runOnceConnected((networkmanager) -> {
++ networkmanager.setClientboundProtocolAfterHandshake(clientintent);
++ this.setListener(packetlistener);
++ networkmanager.sendPacket(new ClientIntentionPacket(SharedConstants.getCurrentVersion().getProtocolVersion(), s, i, clientintent), (PacketSendListener) null, true);
+ });
+ }
+- public void setClientboundProtocolAfterHandshake(ClientIntent clientIntent) {
+- this.channel.attr(ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL).set(clientIntent.protocol().codec(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND));
++ public void setClientboundProtocolAfterHandshake(ClientIntent clientintent) {
++ this.channel.attr(Connection.ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL).set(clientintent.protocol().codec(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND));
+ }
+ public void send(Packet<?> packet) {
+- this.send(packet, null);
++ this.send(packet, (PacketSendListener) null);
+ }
+ public void send(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener sendListener) {
+ this.send(packet, sendListener, true);
+ }
+- public void send(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener packetSendListener, boolean flag) {
++ public void send(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener packetsendlistener, boolean flag) {
+ if (this.isConnected()) {
+ this.flushQueue();
+- this.sendPacket(packet, packetSendListener, flag);
++ this.sendPacket(packet, packetsendlistener, flag);
+ } else {
+- this.pendingActions.add(connection -> connection.sendPacket(packet, packetSendListener, flag));
++ this.pendingActions.add((networkmanager) -> {
++ networkmanager.sendPacket(packet, packetsendlistener, flag);
++ });
+ }
+ }
+ public void runOnceConnected(Consumer<Connection> consumer) {
+@@ -274,34 +283,42 @@
+ } else {
+ this.pendingActions.add(consumer);
+ }
+ }
+- private void sendPacket(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener packetSendListener, boolean flag) {
+- this.sentPackets++;
++ private void sendPacket(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener packetsendlistener, boolean flag) {
++ ++this.sentPackets;
+ if (this.channel.eventLoop().inEventLoop()) {
+- this.doSendPacket(packet, packetSendListener, flag);
++ this.doSendPacket(packet, packetsendlistener, flag);
+ } else {
+- this.channel.eventLoop().execute(() -> this.doSendPacket(packet, packetSendListener, flag));
++ this.channel.eventLoop().execute(() -> {
++ this.doSendPacket(packet, packetsendlistener, flag);
++ });
+ }
+ }
+- private void doSendPacket(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener packetSendListener, boolean flag) {
+- ChannelFuture channelFuture = flag ? this.channel.writeAndFlush(packet) : this.channel.write(packet);
+- if (packetSendListener != null) {
+- channelFuture.addListener(future -> {
++ private void doSendPacket(Packet<?> packet, @Nullable PacketSendListener packetsendlistener, boolean flag) {
++ ChannelFuture channelfuture = flag ? this.channel.writeAndFlush(packet) : this.channel.write(packet);
++ if (packetsendlistener != null) {
++ channelfuture.addListener((future) -> {
+ if (future.isSuccess()) {
+- packetSendListener.onSuccess();
++ packetsendlistener.onSuccess();
+ } else {
+- Packet<?> packet1 = packetSendListener.onFailure();
++ Packet<?> packet1 = packetsendlistener.onFailure();
+ if (packet1 != null) {
+- ChannelFuture channelFuture1 = this.channel.writeAndFlush(packet1);
+- channelFuture1.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.FIRE_EXCEPTION_ON_FAILURE);
++ ChannelFuture channelfuture1 = this.channel.writeAndFlush(packet1);
++ channelfuture1.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.FIRE_EXCEPTION_ON_FAILURE);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+- channelFuture.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.FIRE_EXCEPTION_ON_FAILURE);
++ channelfuture.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.FIRE_EXCEPTION_ON_FAILURE);
+ }
+ public void flushChannel() {
+@@ -310,38 +327,60 @@
+ } else {
+ this.pendingActions.add(Connection::flush);
+ }
+ }
+ private void flush() {
+ if (this.channel.eventLoop().inEventLoop()) {
+ this.channel.flush();
+ } else {
+- this.channel.eventLoop().execute(() -> this.channel.flush());
++ this.channel.eventLoop().execute(() -> {
++ this.channel.flush();
++ });
+ }
+ }
+- private static AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> getProtocolKey(PacketFlow packetFlow) {
+- return switch (packetFlow) {
+- };
++ private static AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> getProtocolKey(PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection) {
++ AttributeKey attributekey;
++ switch (enumprotocoldirection) {
++ attributekey = Connection.ATTRIBUTE_CLIENTBOUND_PROTOCOL;
++ break;
++ attributekey = Connection.ATTRIBUTE_SERVERBOUND_PROTOCOL;
++ break;
++ default:
++ throw new IncompatibleClassChangeError();
++ }
++ return attributekey;
+ }
+ private void flushQueue() {
+ if (this.channel != null && this.channel.isOpen()) {
++ Queue queue = this.pendingActions;
+ synchronized (this.pendingActions) {
+- Consumer<Connection> consumer;
+- while ((consumer = this.pendingActions.poll()) != null) {
++ Consumer consumer;
++ while ((consumer = (Consumer) this.pendingActions.poll()) != null) {
+ consumer.accept(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void tick() {
+ this.flushQueue();
+- if (this.packetListener instanceof TickablePacketListener tickablePacketListener) {
+- tickablePacketListener.tick();
++ PacketListener packetlistener = this.packetListener;
++ if (packetlistener instanceof TickablePacketListener) {
++ TickablePacketListener tickablepacketlistener = (TickablePacketListener) packetlistener;
++ tickablepacketlistener.tick();
+ }
+ if (!this.isConnected() && !this.disconnectionHandled) {
+@@ -359,11 +398,12 @@
+ if (this.bandwidthDebugMonitor != null) {
+ this.bandwidthDebugMonitor.tick();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void tickSecond() {
+- this.averageSentPackets = Mth.lerp(0.75F, (float)this.sentPackets, this.averageSentPackets);
+- this.averageReceivedPackets = Mth.lerp(0.75F, (float)this.receivedPackets, this.averageReceivedPackets);
++ this.averageSentPackets = Mth.lerp(0.75F, (float) this.sentPackets, this.averageSentPackets);
++ this.averageReceivedPackets = Mth.lerp(0.75F, (float) this.receivedPackets, this.averageReceivedPackets);
+ this.sentPackets = 0;
+ this.receivedPackets = 0;
+ }
+@@ -373,11 +413,7 @@
+ }
+ public String getLoggableAddress(boolean flag) {
+- if (this.address == null) {
+- return "local";
+- } else {
+- return flag ? this.address.toString() : "IP hidden";
+- }
++ return this.address == null ? "local" : (flag ? this.address.toString() : "IP hidden");
+ }
+ public void disconnect(Component message) {
+@@ -386,9 +422,10 @@
+ }
+ if (this.isConnected()) {
+- this.channel.close().awaitUninterruptibly();
++ this.channel.close(); // We can't wait as this may be called from an event loop.
+ this.disconnectedReason = message;
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean isMemoryConnection() {
+@@ -403,84 +440,86 @@
+ return this.receiving.getOpposite();
+ }
+- public static Connection connectToServer(InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress, boolean flag, @Nullable SampleLogger sampleLogger) {
+- Connection connection = new Connection(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND);
+- if (sampleLogger != null) {
+- connection.setBandwidthLogger(sampleLogger);
++ public static Connection connectToServer(InetSocketAddress inetsocketaddress, boolean flag, @Nullable SampleLogger samplelogger) {
++ Connection networkmanager = new Connection(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND);
++ if (samplelogger != null) {
++ networkmanager.setBandwidthLogger(samplelogger);
+ }
+- ChannelFuture channelFuture = connect(inetSocketAddress, flag, connection);
+- channelFuture.syncUninterruptibly();
+- return connection;
++ ChannelFuture channelfuture = connect(inetsocketaddress, flag, networkmanager);
++ channelfuture.syncUninterruptibly();
++ return networkmanager;
+ }
+ public static ChannelFuture connect(InetSocketAddress address, boolean useEpollIfAvailable, final Connection connection) {
+- Class<? extends SocketChannel> clazz;
+- EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup;
++ Class oclass;
++ EventLoopGroup eventloopgroup;
+ if (Epoll.isAvailable() && useEpollIfAvailable) {
+- clazz = EpollSocketChannel.class;
+- eventLoopGroup = NETWORK_EPOLL_WORKER_GROUP.get();
++ oclass = EpollSocketChannel.class;
++ eventloopgroup = (EventLoopGroup) Connection.NETWORK_EPOLL_WORKER_GROUP.get();
+ } else {
+- clazz = NioSocketChannel.class;
+- eventLoopGroup = NETWORK_WORKER_GROUP.get();
++ oclass = NioSocketChannel.class;
++ eventloopgroup = (EventLoopGroup) Connection.NETWORK_WORKER_GROUP.get();
+ }
+- return new Bootstrap().group(eventLoopGroup).handler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
+- @Override
++ return ((Bootstrap) ((Bootstrap) ((Bootstrap) (new Bootstrap()).group(eventloopgroup)).handler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
+ protected void initChannel(Channel channel) {
+ Connection.setInitialProtocolAttributes(channel);
+ try {
+ channel.config().setOption(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
+- } catch (ChannelException var3) {
++ } catch (ChannelException channelexception) {
++ ;
+ }
+- ChannelPipeline channelPipeline = channel.pipeline().addLast("timeout", new ReadTimeoutHandler(30));
+- Connection.configureSerialization(channelPipeline, PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND, connection.bandwidthDebugMonitor);
+- connection.configurePacketHandler(channelPipeline);
++ ChannelPipeline channelpipeline = channel.pipeline().addLast("timeout", new ReadTimeoutHandler(30));
++ Connection.configureSerialization(channelpipeline, PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND, connection.bandwidthDebugMonitor);
++ connection.configurePacketHandler(channelpipeline);
+ }
+- }).channel(clazz).connect(address.getAddress(), address.getPort());
++ })).channel(oclass)).connect(address.getAddress(), address.getPort());
+ }
+- public static void configureSerialization(ChannelPipeline channelPipeline, PacketFlow packetFlow, @Nullable BandwidthDebugMonitor bandwidthDebugMonitor) {
+- PacketFlow opposite = packetFlow.getOpposite();
+- AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> protocolKey = getProtocolKey(packetFlow);
+- AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> protocolKey1 = getProtocolKey(opposite);
+- channelPipeline.addLast("splitter", new Varint21FrameDecoder(bandwidthDebugMonitor))
+- .addLast("decoder", new PacketDecoder(protocolKey))
+- .addLast("prepender", new Varint21LengthFieldPrepender())
+- .addLast("encoder", new PacketEncoder(protocolKey1))
+- .addLast("unbundler", new PacketBundleUnpacker(protocolKey1))
+- .addLast("bundler", new PacketBundlePacker(protocolKey));
++ public static void configureSerialization(ChannelPipeline channelpipeline, PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection, @Nullable BandwidthDebugMonitor bandwidthdebugmonitor) {
++ PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection1 = enumprotocoldirection.getOpposite();
++ AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> attributekey = getProtocolKey(enumprotocoldirection);
++ AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> attributekey1 = getProtocolKey(enumprotocoldirection1);
++ channelpipeline.addLast("splitter", new Varint21FrameDecoder(bandwidthdebugmonitor)).addLast("decoder", new PacketDecoder(attributekey)).addLast("prepender", new Varint21LengthFieldPrepender()).addLast("encoder", new PacketEncoder(attributekey1)).addLast("unbundler", new PacketBundleUnpacker(attributekey1)).addLast("bundler", new PacketBundlePacker(attributekey));
+ }
+- public void configurePacketHandler(ChannelPipeline channelPipeline) {
+- channelPipeline.addLast(new FlowControlHandler()).addLast("packet_handler", this);
++ public void configurePacketHandler(ChannelPipeline channelpipeline) {
++ channelpipeline.addLast(new ChannelHandler[]{new FlowControlHandler()}).addLast("packet_handler", this);
+ }
+- private static void configureInMemoryPacketValidation(ChannelPipeline channelPipeline, PacketFlow packetFlow) {
+- PacketFlow opposite = packetFlow.getOpposite();
+- AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> protocolKey = getProtocolKey(packetFlow);
+- AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.CodecData<?>> protocolKey1 = getProtocolKey(opposite);
+- channelPipeline.addLast("validator", new PacketFlowValidator(protocolKey, protocolKey1));
++ private static void configureInMemoryPacketValidation(ChannelPipeline channelpipeline, PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection) {
++ PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection1 = enumprotocoldirection.getOpposite();
++ AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> attributekey = getProtocolKey(enumprotocoldirection);
++ AttributeKey<ConnectionProtocol.a<?>> attributekey1 = getProtocolKey(enumprotocoldirection1);
++ channelpipeline.addLast("validator", new PacketFlowValidator(attributekey, attributekey1));
+ }
+- public static void configureInMemoryPipeline(ChannelPipeline channelPipeline, PacketFlow packetFlow) {
+- configureInMemoryPacketValidation(channelPipeline, packetFlow);
++ public static void configureInMemoryPipeline(ChannelPipeline channelpipeline, PacketFlow enumprotocoldirection) {
++ configureInMemoryPacketValidation(channelpipeline, enumprotocoldirection);
+ }
+ public static Connection connectToLocalServer(SocketAddress address) {
+- final Connection connection = new Connection(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND);
+- new Bootstrap().group(LOCAL_WORKER_GROUP.get()).handler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
+- @Override
++ final Connection networkmanager = new Connection(PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND);
++ ((Bootstrap) ((Bootstrap) ((Bootstrap) (new Bootstrap()).group((EventLoopGroup) Connection.LOCAL_WORKER_GROUP.get())).handler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
+ protected void initChannel(Channel channel) {
+ Connection.setInitialProtocolAttributes(channel);
+- ChannelPipeline channelPipeline = channel.pipeline();
+- Connection.configureInMemoryPacketValidation(channelPipeline, PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND);
+- connection.configurePacketHandler(channelPipeline);
++ ChannelPipeline channelpipeline = channel.pipeline();
++ Connection.configureInMemoryPipeline(channelpipeline, PacketFlow.CLIENTBOUND);
++ networkmanager.configurePacketHandler(channelpipeline);
+ }
+- }).channel(LocalChannel.class).connect(address).syncUninterruptibly();
+- return connection;
++ })).channel(LocalChannel.class)).connect(address).syncUninterruptibly();
++ return networkmanager;
+ }
+ public void setEncryptionKey(Cipher decryptingCipher, Cipher encryptingCipher) {
+@@ -515,18 +554,19 @@
+ if (this.channel != null) {
+ this.channel.config().setAutoRead(false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setupCompression(int threshold, boolean validateDecompressed) {
+ if (threshold >= 0) {
+ if (this.channel.pipeline().get("decompress") instanceof CompressionDecoder) {
+- ((CompressionDecoder)this.channel.pipeline().get("decompress")).setThreshold(threshold, validateDecompressed);
++ ((CompressionDecoder) this.channel.pipeline().get("decompress")).setThreshold(threshold, validateDecompressed);
+ } else {
+ this.channel.pipeline().addBefore("decoder", "decompress", new CompressionDecoder(threshold, validateDecompressed));
+ }
+ if (this.channel.pipeline().get("compress") instanceof CompressionEncoder) {
+- ((CompressionEncoder)this.channel.pipeline().get("compress")).setThreshold(threshold);
++ ((CompressionEncoder) this.channel.pipeline().get("compress")).setThreshold(threshold);
+ } else {
+ this.channel.pipeline().addBefore("encoder", "compress", new CompressionEncoder(threshold));
+ }
+@@ -539,22 +579,26 @@
+ this.channel.pipeline().remove("compress");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void handleDisconnection() {
+ if (this.channel != null && !this.channel.isOpen()) {
+ if (this.disconnectionHandled) {
+- LOGGER.warn("handleDisconnection() called twice");
++ Connection.LOGGER.warn("handleDisconnection() called twice");
+ } else {
+ this.disconnectionHandled = true;
+- PacketListener packetListener = this.getPacketListener();
+- PacketListener packetListener1 = packetListener != null ? packetListener : this.disconnectListener;
+- if (packetListener1 != null) {
+- Component component = Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(
+- this.getDisconnectedReason(), () -> Component.translatable("multiplayer.disconnect.generic")
+- );
+- packetListener1.onDisconnect(component);
++ PacketListener packetlistener = this.getPacketListener();
++ PacketListener packetlistener1 = packetlistener != null ? packetlistener : this.disconnectListener;
++ if (packetlistener1 != null) {
++ Component ichatbasecomponent = (Component) Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(this.getDisconnectedReason(), () -> {
++ return Component.translatable("multiplayer.disconnect.generic");
++ });
++ packetlistener1.onDisconnect(ichatbasecomponent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -567,7 +611,7 @@
+ return this.averageSentPackets;
+ }
+- public void setBandwidthLogger(SampleLogger sampleLogger) {
+- this.bandwidthDebugMonitor = new BandwidthDebugMonitor(sampleLogger);
++ public void setBandwidthLogger(SampleLogger samplelogger) {
++ this.bandwidthDebugMonitor = new BandwidthDebugMonitor(samplelogger);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/FriendlyByteBuf.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/FriendlyByteBuf.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc2a12e244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/FriendlyByteBuf.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2067 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/FriendlyByteBuf.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/FriendlyByteBuf.java
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ import java.util.Collection;
+ import java.util.Date;
+ import java.util.EnumSet;
++import java.util.Iterator;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import java.util.Map;
+ import java.util.Optional;
+@@ -80,7 +81,10 @@
+ import org.joml.Quaternionf;
+ import org.joml.Vector3f;
++import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftItemStack; // CraftBukkit
+ public class FriendlyByteBuf extends ByteBuf {
+ public static final int DEFAULT_NBT_QUOTA = 2097152;
+ private final ByteBuf source;
+ public static final short MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 32767;
+@@ -94,74 +98,97 @@
+ this.source = source;
+ }
++ /** @deprecated */
+ @Deprecated
+- public <T> T readWithCodecTrusted(DynamicOps<Tag> dynamicOps, Codec<T> codec) {
+- return this.readWithCodec(dynamicOps, codec, NbtAccounter.unlimitedHeap());
++ public <T> T readWithCodecTrusted(DynamicOps<Tag> dynamicops, Codec<T> codec) {
++ return this.readWithCodec(dynamicops, codec, NbtAccounter.unlimitedHeap());
+ }
++ /** @deprecated */
+ @Deprecated
+- public <T> T readWithCodec(DynamicOps<Tag> dynamicOps, Codec<T> codec, NbtAccounter nbtAccounter) {
+- Tag nbt = this.readNbt(nbtAccounter);
+- return Util.getOrThrow(codec.parse(dynamicOps, nbt), string -> new DecoderException("Failed to decode: " + string + " " + nbt));
++ public <T> T readWithCodec(DynamicOps<Tag> dynamicops, Codec<T> codec, NbtAccounter nbtreadlimiter) {
++ Tag nbtbase = this.readNbt(nbtreadlimiter);
++ return Util.getOrThrow(codec.parse(dynamicops, nbtbase), (s) -> {
++ return new DecoderException("Failed to decode: " + s + " " + nbtbase);
++ });
+ }
++ /** @deprecated */
+ @Deprecated
+- public <T> FriendlyByteBuf writeWithCodec(DynamicOps<Tag> dynamicOps, Codec<T> codec, T object) {
+- Tag tag = Util.getOrThrow(codec.encodeStart(dynamicOps, object), string -> new EncoderException("Failed to encode: " + string + " " + object));
+- this.writeNbt(tag);
++ public <T> FriendlyByteBuf writeWithCodec(DynamicOps<Tag> dynamicops, Codec<T> codec, T t0) {
++ Tag nbtbase = (Tag) Util.getOrThrow(codec.encodeStart(dynamicops, t0), (s) -> {
++ return new EncoderException("Failed to encode: " + s + " " + t0);
++ });
++ this.writeNbt(nbtbase);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public <T> T readJsonWithCodec(Codec<T> codec) {
+- JsonElement jsonElement = GsonHelper.fromJson(GSON, this.readUtf(), JsonElement.class);
+- DataResult<T> dataResult = codec.parse(JsonOps.INSTANCE, jsonElement);
+- return Util.getOrThrow(dataResult, string -> new DecoderException("Failed to decode json: " + string));
++ JsonElement jsonelement = (JsonElement) GsonHelper.fromJson(FriendlyByteBuf.GSON, this.readUtf(), JsonElement.class);
++ DataResult<T> dataresult = codec.parse(JsonOps.INSTANCE, jsonelement);
++ return Util.getOrThrow(dataresult, (s) -> {
++ return new DecoderException("Failed to decode json: " + s);
++ });
+ }
+ public <T> void writeJsonWithCodec(Codec<T> codec, T value) {
+- DataResult<JsonElement> dataResult = codec.encodeStart(JsonOps.INSTANCE, value);
+- this.writeUtf(GSON.toJson(Util.getOrThrow(dataResult, string -> new EncoderException("Failed to encode: " + string + " " + value))));
++ DataResult<JsonElement> dataresult = codec.encodeStart(JsonOps.INSTANCE, value);
++ this.writeUtf(FriendlyByteBuf.GSON.toJson((JsonElement) Util.getOrThrow(dataresult, (s) -> {
++ return new EncoderException("Failed to encode: " + s + " " + value);
++ })));
+ }
+ public <T> void writeId(IdMap<T> idMap, T value) {
+- int id = idMap.getId(value);
+- if (id == -1) {
++ int i = idMap.getId(value);
++ if (i == -1) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find id for '" + value + "' in map " + idMap);
+ } else {
+- this.writeVarInt(id);
++ this.writeVarInt(i);
+ }
+ }
+- public <T> void writeId(IdMap<Holder<T>> idMap, Holder<T> value, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<T> writer) {
++ public <T> void writeId(IdMap<Holder<T>> idMap, Holder<T> value, FriendlyByteBuf.b<T> writer) {
+ switch (value.kind()) {
+- int id = idMap.getId(value);
+- if (id == -1) {
+- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find id for '" + value.value() + "' in map " + idMap);
++ int i = idMap.getId(value);
++ if (i == -1) {
++ Object object = value.value();
++ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find id for '" + object + "' in map " + idMap);
+ }
+- this.writeVarInt(id + 1);
++ this.writeVarInt(i + 1);
+ break;
+ case DIRECT:
+ this.writeVarInt(0);
+ writer.accept(this, value.value());
+ }
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public <T> T readById(IdMap<T> idMap) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- return idMap.byId(varInt);
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
++ return idMap.byId(i);
+ }
+- public <T> Holder<T> readById(IdMap<Holder<T>> idMap, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<T> reader) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- if (varInt == 0) {
++ public <T> Holder<T> readById(IdMap<Holder<T>> idMap, FriendlyByteBuf.a<T> reader) {
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
++ if (i == 0) {
+ return Holder.direct(reader.apply(this));
+ } else {
+- Holder<T> holder = idMap.byId(varInt - 1);
++ Holder<T> holder = (Holder) idMap.byId(i - 1);
+ if (holder == null) {
+- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find element with id " + varInt);
++ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find element with id " + i);
+ } else {
+ return holder;
+ }
+@@ -169,150 +196,158 @@
+ }
+ public static <T> IntFunction<T> limitValue(IntFunction<T> function, int limit) {
+- return i -> {
+- if (i > limit) {
+- throw new DecoderException("Value " + i + " is larger than limit " + limit);
++ return (j) -> {
++ if (j > limit) {
++ throw new DecoderException("Value " + j + " is larger than limit " + limit);
+ } else {
+- return function.apply(i);
++ return function.apply(j);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+- public <T, C extends Collection<T>> C readCollection(IntFunction<C> collectionFactory, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<T> elementReader) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- C collection = (C)collectionFactory.apply(varInt);
++ public <T, C extends Collection<T>> C readCollection(IntFunction<C> collectionFactory, FriendlyByteBuf.a<T> elementReader) {
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
++ C c0 = collectionFactory.apply(i); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+- for (int i = 0; i < varInt; i++) {
+- collection.add(elementReader.apply(this));
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
++ c0.add(elementReader.apply(this));
+ }
+- return collection;
++ return c0;
+ }
+- public <T> void writeCollection(Collection<T> collection, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<T> elementWriter) {
++ public <T> void writeCollection(Collection<T> collection, FriendlyByteBuf.b<T> elementWriter) {
+ this.writeVarInt(collection.size());
++ Iterator<T> iterator = collection.iterator(); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+- for (T object : collection) {
+- elementWriter.accept(this, object);
++ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
++ T t0 = iterator.next();
++ elementWriter.accept(this, t0);
+ }
+ }
+- public <T> List<T> readList(FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<T> elementReader) {
+- return this.readCollection(Lists::newArrayListWithCapacity, elementReader);
++ public <T> List<T> readList(FriendlyByteBuf.a<T> elementReader) {
++ return (List) this.readCollection(Lists::newArrayListWithCapacity, elementReader);
+ }
+ public IntList readIntIdList() {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- IntList list = new IntArrayList();
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
++ IntArrayList intarraylist = new IntArrayList();
+- for (int i = 0; i < varInt; i++) {
+- list.add(this.readVarInt());
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
++ intarraylist.add(this.readVarInt());
+ }
+- return list;
++ return intarraylist;
+ }
+ public void writeIntIdList(IntList itIdList) {
+ this.writeVarInt(itIdList.size());
+- itIdList.forEach(this::writeVarInt);
++ itIdList.forEach((java.util.function.IntConsumer) this::writeVarInt); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+ }
+- public <K, V, M extends Map<K, V>> M readMap(IntFunction<M> mapFactory, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<K> keyReader, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<V> valueReader) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- M map = (M)mapFactory.apply(varInt);
++ public <K, V, M extends Map<K, V>> M readMap(IntFunction<M> mapFactory, FriendlyByteBuf.a<K> keyReader, FriendlyByteBuf.a<V> valueReader) {
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
++ M m0 = mapFactory.apply(i); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+- for (int i = 0; i < varInt; i++) {
+- K object = keyReader.apply(this);
+- V object1 = valueReader.apply(this);
+- map.put(object, object1);
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
++ K k0 = keyReader.apply(this);
++ V v0 = valueReader.apply(this);
++ m0.put(k0, v0);
+ }
+- return map;
++ return m0;
+ }
+- public <K, V> Map<K, V> readMap(FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<K> keyReader, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<V> valueReader) {
++ public <K, V> Map<K, V> readMap(FriendlyByteBuf.a<K> keyReader, FriendlyByteBuf.a<V> valueReader) {
+ return this.readMap(Maps::newHashMapWithExpectedSize, keyReader, valueReader);
+ }
+- public <K, V> void writeMap(Map<K, V> map, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<K> keyWriter, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<V> valueWriter) {
++ public <K, V> void writeMap(Map<K, V> map, FriendlyByteBuf.b<K> keyWriter, FriendlyByteBuf.b<V> valueWriter) {
+ this.writeVarInt(map.size());
+ map.forEach((object, object1) -> {
+- keyWriter.accept(this, (K)object);
+- valueWriter.accept(this, (V)object1);
++ keyWriter.accept(this, object);
++ valueWriter.accept(this, object1);
+ });
+ }
+ public void readWithCount(Consumer<FriendlyByteBuf> reader) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
+- for (int i = 0; i < varInt; i++) {
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+ reader.accept(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public <E extends Enum<E>> void writeEnumSet(EnumSet<E> enumSet, Class<E> enumClass) {
+- E[] enums = (E[])enumClass.getEnumConstants();
+- BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(enums.length);
++ E[] ae = enumClass.getEnumConstants(); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
++ BitSet bitset = new BitSet(ae.length);
+- for (int i = 0; i < enums.length; i++) {
+- bitSet.set(i, enumSet.contains(enums[i]));
++ for (int i = 0; i < ae.length; ++i) {
++ bitset.set(i, enumSet.contains(ae[i]));
+ }
+- this.writeFixedBitSet(bitSet, enums.length);
++ this.writeFixedBitSet(bitset, ae.length);
+ }
+ public <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> readEnumSet(Class<E> enumClass) {
+- E[] enums = (E[])enumClass.getEnumConstants();
+- BitSet fixedBitSet = this.readFixedBitSet(enums.length);
+- EnumSet<E> set = EnumSet.noneOf(enumClass);
++ E[] ae = enumClass.getEnumConstants(); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
++ BitSet bitset = this.readFixedBitSet(ae.length);
++ EnumSet<E> enumset = EnumSet.noneOf(enumClass);
+- for (int i = 0; i < enums.length; i++) {
+- if (fixedBitSet.get(i)) {
+- set.add(enums[i]);
++ for (int i = 0; i < ae.length; ++i) {
++ if (bitset.get(i)) {
++ enumset.add(ae[i]);
+ }
+ }
+- return set;
++ return enumset;
+ }
+- public <T> void writeOptional(Optional<T> optional, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<T> writer) {
++ public <T> void writeOptional(Optional<T> optional, FriendlyByteBuf.b<T> writer) {
+ if (optional.isPresent()) {
+ this.writeBoolean(true);
+ writer.accept(this, optional.get());
+ } else {
+ this.writeBoolean(false);
+ }
+ }
+- public <T> Optional<T> readOptional(FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<T> reader) {
++ public <T> Optional<T> readOptional(FriendlyByteBuf.a<T> reader) {
+ return this.readBoolean() ? Optional.of(reader.apply(this)) : Optional.empty();
+ }
+ @Nullable
+- public <T> T readNullable(FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<T> reader) {
++ public <T> T readNullable(FriendlyByteBuf.a<T> reader) {
+ return this.readBoolean() ? reader.apply(this) : null;
+ }
+- public <T> void writeNullable(@Nullable T value, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<T> writer) {
++ public <T> void writeNullable(@Nullable T value, FriendlyByteBuf.b<T> writer) {
+ if (value != null) {
+ this.writeBoolean(true);
+ writer.accept(this, value);
+ } else {
+ this.writeBoolean(false);
+ }
+ }
+- public <L, R> void writeEither(Either<L, R> value, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<L> leftWriter, FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<R> rightWriter) {
+- value.ifLeft(object -> {
++ public <L, R> void writeEither(Either<L, R> value, FriendlyByteBuf.b<L> leftWriter, FriendlyByteBuf.b<R> rightWriter) {
++ value.ifLeft((object) -> {
+ this.writeBoolean(true);
+- leftWriter.accept(this, (L)object);
+- }).ifRight(object -> {
++ leftWriter.accept(this, object);
++ }).ifRight((object) -> {
+ this.writeBoolean(false);
+- rightWriter.accept(this, (R)object);
++ rightWriter.accept(this, object);
+ });
+ }
+- public <L, R> Either<L, R> readEither(FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<L> leftReader, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<R> rightReader) {
++ public <L, R> Either<L, R> readEither(FriendlyByteBuf.a<L> leftReader, FriendlyByteBuf.a<R> rightReader) {
+ return this.readBoolean() ? Either.left(leftReader.apply(this)) : Either.right(rightReader.apply(this));
+ }
+@@ -327,21 +362,27 @@
+ }
+ public byte[] readByteArray(int maxLength) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- if (varInt > maxLength) {
+- throw new DecoderException("ByteArray with size " + varInt + " is bigger than allowed " + maxLength);
++ int j = this.readVarInt();
++ if (j > maxLength) {
++ throw new DecoderException("ByteArray with size " + j + " is bigger than allowed " + maxLength);
+ } else {
+- byte[] bytes = new byte[varInt];
+- this.readBytes(bytes);
+- return bytes;
++ byte[] abyte = new byte[j];
++ this.readBytes(abyte);
++ return abyte;
+ }
+ }
+ public FriendlyByteBuf writeVarIntArray(int[] array) {
+ this.writeVarInt(array.length);
++ int[] aint1 = array;
++ int i = array.length;
+- for (int i : array) {
+- this.writeVarInt(i);
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
++ int k = aint1[j];
++ this.writeVarInt(k);
+ }
+ return this;
+@@ -352,32 +393,37 @@
+ }
+ public int[] readVarIntArray(int maxLength) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- if (varInt > maxLength) {
+- throw new DecoderException("VarIntArray with size " + varInt + " is bigger than allowed " + maxLength);
++ int j = this.readVarInt();
++ if (j > maxLength) {
++ throw new DecoderException("VarIntArray with size " + j + " is bigger than allowed " + maxLength);
+ } else {
+- int[] ints = new int[varInt];
++ int[] aint = new int[j];
+- for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
+- ints[i] = this.readVarInt();
++ for (int k = 0; k < aint.length; ++k) {
++ aint[k] = this.readVarInt();
+ }
+- return ints;
++ return aint;
+ }
+ }
+ public FriendlyByteBuf writeLongArray(long[] array) {
+ this.writeVarInt(array.length);
++ long[] along1 = array;
++ int i = array.length;
+- for (long l : array) {
+- this.writeLong(l);
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
++ long k = along1[j];
++ this.writeLong(k);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ public long[] readLongArray() {
+- return this.readLongArray(null);
++ return this.readLongArray((long[]) null);
+ }
+ public long[] readLongArray(@Nullable long[] array) {
+@@ -385,17 +431,18 @@
+ }
+ public long[] readLongArray(@Nullable long[] array, int maxLength) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- if (array == null || array.length != varInt) {
+- if (varInt > maxLength) {
+- throw new DecoderException("LongArray with size " + varInt + " is bigger than allowed " + maxLength);
++ int j = this.readVarInt();
++ if (array == null || array.length != j) {
++ if (j > maxLength) {
++ throw new DecoderException("LongArray with size " + j + " is bigger than allowed " + maxLength);
+ }
+- array = new long[varInt];
++ array = new long[j];
+ }
+- for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+- array[i] = this.readLong();
++ for (int k = 0; k < array.length; ++k) {
++ array[k] = this.readLong();
+ }
+ return array;
+@@ -429,9 +476,10 @@
+ }
+ public GlobalPos readGlobalPos() {
+- ResourceKey<Level> resourceKey = this.readResourceKey(Registries.DIMENSION);
+- BlockPos blockPos = this.readBlockPos();
+- return GlobalPos.of(resourceKey, blockPos);
++ ResourceKey<Level> resourcekey = this.readResourceKey(Registries.DIMENSION);
++ BlockPos blockposition = this.readBlockPos();
++ return GlobalPos.of(resourcekey, blockposition);
+ }
+ public void writeGlobalPos(GlobalPos pos) {
+@@ -464,18 +512,18 @@
+ return new Vec3(this.readDouble(), this.readDouble(), this.readDouble());
+ }
+- public void writeVec3(Vec3 vec3) {
+- this.writeDouble(vec3.x());
+- this.writeDouble(vec3.y());
+- this.writeDouble(vec3.z());
++ public void writeVec3(Vec3 vec3d) {
++ this.writeDouble(vec3d.x());
++ this.writeDouble(vec3d.y());
++ this.writeDouble(vec3d.z());
+ }
+ public Component readComponent() {
+- return this.readWithCodec(NbtOps.INSTANCE, ComponentSerialization.CODEC, NbtAccounter.create(2097152L));
++ return (Component) this.readWithCodec(NbtOps.INSTANCE, ComponentSerialization.CODEC, NbtAccounter.create(2097152L));
+ }
+ public Component readComponentTrusted() {
+- return this.readWithCodecTrusted(NbtOps.INSTANCE, ComponentSerialization.CODEC);
++ return (Component) this.readWithCodecTrusted(NbtOps.INSTANCE, ComponentSerialization.CODEC);
+ }
+ public FriendlyByteBuf writeComponent(Component component) {
+@@ -483,20 +531,22 @@
+ }
+ public <T extends Enum<T>> T readEnum(Class<T> enumClass) {
+- return enumClass.getEnumConstants()[this.readVarInt()];
++ return ((T[]) enumClass.getEnumConstants())[this.readVarInt()]; // CraftBukkit - fix decompile error
+ }
+ public FriendlyByteBuf writeEnum(Enum<?> value) {
+ return this.writeVarInt(value.ordinal());
+ }
+- public <T> T readById(IntFunction<T> intFunction) {
+- int varInt = this.readVarInt();
+- return intFunction.apply(varInt);
++ public <T> T readById(IntFunction<T> intfunction) {
++ int i = this.readVarInt();
++ return intfunction.apply(i);
+ }
+- public <T> FriendlyByteBuf writeById(ToIntFunction<T> toIntFunction, T object) {
+- int i = toIntFunction.applyAsInt(object);
++ public <T> FriendlyByteBuf writeById(ToIntFunction<T> tointfunction, T t0) {
++ int i = tointfunction.applyAsInt(t0);
+ return this.writeVarInt(i);
+ }
+@@ -528,53 +578,57 @@
+ return this;
+ }
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeNbt(@Nullable Tag tag) {
+- if (tag == null) {
+- tag = EndTag.INSTANCE;
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeNbt(@Nullable Tag nbtbase) {
++ if (nbtbase == null) {
++ nbtbase = EndTag.INSTANCE;
+ }
+ try {
+- NbtIo.writeAnyTag(tag, new ByteBufOutputStream(this));
++ NbtIo.writeAnyTag((Tag) nbtbase, new ByteBufOutputStream(this));
+ return this;
+- } catch (IOException var3) {
+- throw new EncoderException(var3);
++ } catch (Exception ioexception) { // CraftBukkit - IOException -> Exception
++ throw new EncoderException(ioexception);
+ }
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public CompoundTag readNbt() {
+- Tag nbt = this.readNbt(NbtAccounter.create(2097152L));
+- if (nbt != null && !(nbt instanceof CompoundTag)) {
+- throw new DecoderException("Not a compound tag: " + nbt);
++ Tag nbtbase = this.readNbt(NbtAccounter.create(2097152L));
++ if (nbtbase != null && !(nbtbase instanceof CompoundTag)) {
++ throw new DecoderException("Not a compound tag: " + nbtbase);
+ } else {
+- return (CompoundTag)nbt;
++ return (CompoundTag) nbtbase;
+ }
+ }
+ @Nullable
+- public Tag readNbt(NbtAccounter nbtAccounter) {
++ public Tag readNbt(NbtAccounter nbtreadlimiter) {
+ try {
+- Tag anyTag = NbtIo.readAnyTag(new ByteBufInputStream(this), nbtAccounter);
+- return anyTag.getId() == 0 ? null : anyTag;
+- } catch (IOException var3) {
+- throw new EncoderException(var3);
++ Tag nbtbase = NbtIo.readAnyTag(new ByteBufInputStream(this), nbtreadlimiter);
++ return nbtbase.getId() == 0 ? null : nbtbase;
++ } catch (IOException ioexception) {
++ throw new EncoderException(ioexception);
+ }
+ }
+ public FriendlyByteBuf writeItem(ItemStack stack) {
+- if (stack.isEmpty()) {
++ if (stack.isEmpty() || stack.getItem() == null) { // CraftBukkit - NPE fix itemstack.getItem()
+ this.writeBoolean(false);
+ } else {
+ this.writeBoolean(true);
+ Item item = stack.getItem();
+ this.writeId(BuiltInRegistries.ITEM, item);
+ this.writeByte(stack.getCount());
+- CompoundTag compoundTag = null;
++ CompoundTag nbttagcompound = null;
+ if (item.canBeDepleted() || item.shouldOverrideMultiplayerNbt()) {
+- compoundTag = stack.getTag();
++ nbttagcompound = stack.getTag();
+ }
+- this.writeNbt(compoundTag);
++ this.writeNbt(nbttagcompound);
+ }
+ return this;
+@@ -584,11 +638,17 @@
+ if (!this.readBoolean()) {
+ return ItemStack.EMPTY;
+ } else {
+- Item item = this.readById(BuiltInRegistries.ITEM);
+- int _byte = this.readByte();
+- ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(item, _byte);
+- itemStack.setTag(this.readNbt());
+- return itemStack;
++ Item item = (Item) this.readById((IdMap) BuiltInRegistries.ITEM);
++ byte b0 = this.readByte();
++ ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(item, b0);
++ itemstack.setTag(this.readNbt());
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ if (itemstack.getTag() != null) {
++ CraftItemStack.setItemMeta(itemstack, CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(itemstack));
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
++ return itemstack;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -619,8 +679,9 @@
+ }
+ public <T> ResourceKey<T> readResourceKey(ResourceKey<? extends Registry<T>> registryKey) {
+- ResourceLocation resourceLocation = this.readResourceLocation();
+- return ResourceKey.create(registryKey, resourceLocation);
++ ResourceLocation minecraftkey = this.readResourceLocation();
++ return ResourceKey.create(registryKey, minecraftkey);
+ }
+ public void writeResourceKey(ResourceKey<?> resourceKey) {
+@@ -628,8 +689,9 @@
+ }
+ public <T> ResourceKey<? extends Registry<T>> readRegistryKey() {
+- ResourceLocation resourceLocation = this.readResourceLocation();
+- return ResourceKey.createRegistryKey(resourceLocation);
++ ResourceLocation minecraftkey = this.readResourceLocation();
++ return ResourceKey.createRegistryKey(minecraftkey);
+ }
+ public Date readDate() {
+@@ -652,8 +714,8 @@
+ public PublicKey readPublicKey() {
+ try {
+ return Crypt.byteToPublicKey(this.readByteArray(512));
+- } catch (CryptException var2) {
+- throw new DecoderException("Malformed public key bytes", var2);
++ } catch (CryptException cryptographyexception) {
++ throw new DecoderException("Malformed public key bytes", cryptographyexception);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -663,28 +725,26 @@
+ }
+ public BlockHitResult readBlockHitResult() {
+- BlockPos blockPos = this.readBlockPos();
+- Direction direction = this.readEnum(Direction.class);
+- float _float = this.readFloat();
+- float _float1 = this.readFloat();
+- float _float2 = this.readFloat();
+- boolean _boolean = this.readBoolean();
+- return new BlockHitResult(
+- new Vec3((double)blockPos.getX() + (double)_float, (double)blockPos.getY() + (double)_float1, (double)blockPos.getZ() + (double)_float2),
+- direction,
+- blockPos,
+- _boolean
+- );
++ BlockPos blockposition = this.readBlockPos();
++ Direction enumdirection = (Direction) this.readEnum(Direction.class);
++ float f = this.readFloat();
++ float f1 = this.readFloat();
++ float f2 = this.readFloat();
++ boolean flag = this.readBoolean();
++ return new BlockHitResult(new Vec3((double) blockposition.getX() + (double) f, (double) blockposition.getY() + (double) f1, (double) blockposition.getZ() + (double) f2), enumdirection, blockposition, flag);
+ }
+ public void writeBlockHitResult(BlockHitResult result) {
+- BlockPos blockPos = result.getBlockPos();
+- this.writeBlockPos(blockPos);
++ BlockPos blockposition = result.getBlockPos();
++ this.writeBlockPos(blockposition);
+ this.writeEnum(result.getDirection());
+- Vec3 location = result.getLocation();
+- this.writeFloat((float)(location.x - (double)blockPos.getX()));
+- this.writeFloat((float)(location.y - (double)blockPos.getY()));
+- this.writeFloat((float)(location.z - (double)blockPos.getZ()));
++ Vec3 vec3d = result.getLocation();
++ this.writeFloat((float) (vec3d.x - (double) blockposition.getX()));
++ this.writeFloat((float) (vec3d.y - (double) blockposition.getY()));
++ this.writeFloat((float) (vec3d.z - (double) blockposition.getZ()));
+ this.writeBoolean(result.isInside());
+ }
+@@ -697,26 +757,31 @@
+ }
+ public BitSet readFixedBitSet(int size) {
+- byte[] bytes = new byte[Mth.positiveCeilDiv(size, 8)];
+- this.readBytes(bytes);
+- return BitSet.valueOf(bytes);
++ byte[] abyte = new byte[Mth.positiveCeilDiv(size, 8)];
++ this.readBytes(abyte);
++ return BitSet.valueOf(abyte);
+ }
+ public void writeFixedBitSet(BitSet bitSet, int size) {
+ if (bitSet.length() > size) {
+- throw new EncoderException("BitSet is larger than expected size (" + bitSet.length() + ">" + size + ")");
++ int j = bitSet.length();
++ throw new EncoderException("BitSet is larger than expected size (" + j + ">" + size + ")");
+ } else {
+- byte[] bytes = bitSet.toByteArray();
+- this.writeBytes(Arrays.copyOf(bytes, Mth.positiveCeilDiv(size, 8)));
++ byte[] abyte = bitSet.toByteArray();
++ this.writeBytes(Arrays.copyOf(abyte, Mth.positiveCeilDiv(size, 8)));
+ }
+ }
+ public GameProfile readGameProfile() {
+- UUID uUID = this.readUUID();
+- String utf = this.readUtf(16);
+- GameProfile gameProfile = new GameProfile(uUID, utf);
+- gameProfile.getProperties().putAll(this.readGameProfileProperties());
+- return gameProfile;
++ UUID uuid = this.readUUID();
++ String s = this.readUtf(16);
++ GameProfile gameprofile = new GameProfile(uuid, s);
++ gameprofile.getProperties().putAll(this.readGameProfileProperties());
++ return gameprofile;
+ }
+ public void writeGameProfile(GameProfile gameProfile) {
+@@ -726,12 +791,14 @@
+ }
+ public PropertyMap readGameProfileProperties() {
+- PropertyMap propertyMap = new PropertyMap();
+- this.readWithCount(friendlyByteBuf -> {
++ PropertyMap propertymap = new PropertyMap();
++ this.readWithCount((packetdataserializer) -> {
+ Property property = this.readProperty();
+- propertyMap.put(property.name(), property);
++ propertymap.put(property.name(), property);
+ });
+- return propertyMap;
++ return propertymap;
+ }
+ public void writeGameProfileProperties(PropertyMap gameProfileProperties) {
+@@ -739,10 +806,11 @@
+ }
+ public Property readProperty() {
+- String utf = this.readUtf();
+- String utf1 = this.readUtf();
+- String string = this.readNullable(FriendlyByteBuf::readUtf);
+- return new Property(utf, utf1, string);
++ String s = this.readUtf();
++ String s1 = this.readUtf();
++ String s2 = (String) this.readNullable(FriendlyByteBuf::readUtf);
++ return new Property(s, s1, s2);
+ }
+ public void writeProperty(Property property) {
+@@ -751,1013 +819,834 @@
+ this.writeNullable(property.signature(), FriendlyByteBuf::writeUtf);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean isContiguous() {
+ return this.source.isContiguous();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int maxFastWritableBytes() {
+ return this.source.maxFastWritableBytes();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int capacity() {
+ return this.source.capacity();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf capacity(int newCapacity) {
+- this.source.capacity(newCapacity);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf capacity(int i) {
++ this.source.capacity(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int maxCapacity() {
+ return this.source.maxCapacity();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBufAllocator alloc() {
+ return this.source.alloc();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteOrder order() {
+ return this.source.order();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf order(ByteOrder endianness) {
+- return this.source.order(endianness);
++ public ByteBuf order(ByteOrder byteorder) {
++ return this.source.order(byteorder);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf unwrap() {
+ return this.source;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean isDirect() {
+ return this.source.isDirect();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean isReadOnly() {
+ return this.source.isReadOnly();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf asReadOnly() {
+ return this.source.asReadOnly();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readerIndex() {
+ return this.source.readerIndex();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readerIndex(int readerIndex) {
+- this.source.readerIndex(readerIndex);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readerIndex(int i) {
++ this.source.readerIndex(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int writerIndex() {
+ return this.source.writerIndex();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writerIndex(int writerIndex) {
+- this.source.writerIndex(writerIndex);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writerIndex(int i) {
++ this.source.writerIndex(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setIndex(int readerIndex, int writerIndex) {
+- this.source.setIndex(readerIndex, writerIndex);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setIndex(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setIndex(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readableBytes() {
+ return this.source.readableBytes();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int writableBytes() {
+ return this.source.writableBytes();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int maxWritableBytes() {
+ return this.source.maxWritableBytes();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean isReadable() {
+ return this.source.isReadable();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public boolean isReadable(int size) {
+- return this.source.isReadable(size);
++ public boolean isReadable(int i) {
++ return this.source.isReadable(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean isWritable() {
+ return this.source.isWritable();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public boolean isWritable(int size) {
+- return this.source.isWritable(size);
++ public boolean isWritable(int i) {
++ return this.source.isWritable(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf clear() {
+ this.source.clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf markReaderIndex() {
+ this.source.markReaderIndex();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf resetReaderIndex() {
+ this.source.resetReaderIndex();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf markWriterIndex() {
+ this.source.markWriterIndex();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf resetWriterIndex() {
+ this.source.resetWriterIndex();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf discardReadBytes() {
+ this.source.discardReadBytes();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf discardSomeReadBytes() {
+ this.source.discardSomeReadBytes();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf ensureWritable(int size) {
+- this.source.ensureWritable(size);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf ensureWritable(int i) {
++ this.source.ensureWritable(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int ensureWritable(int size, boolean force) {
+- return this.source.ensureWritable(size, force);
++ public int ensureWritable(int i, boolean flag) {
++ return this.source.ensureWritable(i, flag);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public boolean getBoolean(int index) {
+- return this.source.getBoolean(index);
++ public boolean getBoolean(int i) {
++ return this.source.getBoolean(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public byte getByte(int index) {
+- return this.source.getByte(index);
++ public byte getByte(int i) {
++ return this.source.getByte(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public short getUnsignedByte(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedByte(index);
++ public short getUnsignedByte(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedByte(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public short getShort(int index) {
+- return this.source.getShort(index);
++ public short getShort(int i) {
++ return this.source.getShort(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public short getShortLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getShortLE(index);
++ public short getShortLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getShortLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getUnsignedShort(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedShort(index);
++ public int getUnsignedShort(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedShort(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getUnsignedShortLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedShortLE(index);
++ public int getUnsignedShortLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedShortLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getMedium(int index) {
+- return this.source.getMedium(index);
++ public int getMedium(int i) {
++ return this.source.getMedium(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getMediumLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getMediumLE(index);
++ public int getMediumLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getMediumLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getUnsignedMedium(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedMedium(index);
++ public int getUnsignedMedium(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedMedium(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getUnsignedMediumLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedMediumLE(index);
++ public int getUnsignedMediumLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedMediumLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getInt(int index) {
+- return this.source.getInt(index);
++ public int getInt(int i) {
++ return this.source.getInt(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getIntLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getIntLE(index);
++ public int getIntLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getIntLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public long getUnsignedInt(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedInt(index);
++ public long getUnsignedInt(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedInt(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public long getUnsignedIntLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getUnsignedIntLE(index);
++ public long getUnsignedIntLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getUnsignedIntLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public long getLong(int index) {
+- return this.source.getLong(index);
++ public long getLong(int i) {
++ return this.source.getLong(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public long getLongLE(int index) {
+- return this.source.getLongLE(index);
++ public long getLongLE(int i) {
++ return this.source.getLongLE(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public char getChar(int index) {
+- return this.source.getChar(index);
++ public char getChar(int i) {
++ return this.source.getChar(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public float getFloat(int index) {
+- return this.source.getFloat(index);
++ public float getFloat(int i) {
++ return this.source.getFloat(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public double getDouble(int index) {
+- return this.source.getDouble(index);
++ public double getDouble(int i) {
++ return this.source.getDouble(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, ByteBuf destination) {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, destination);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, ByteBuf bytebuf) {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, bytebuf);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, ByteBuf destination, int length) {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, destination, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, ByteBuf bytebuf, int j) {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, bytebuf, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, ByteBuf destination, int destinationIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, destination, destinationIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, ByteBuf bytebuf, int j, int k) {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, bytebuf, j, k);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, byte[] destination) {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, destination);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, byte[] abyte) {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, abyte);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, byte[] destination, int destinationIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, destination, destinationIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, byte[] abyte, int j, int k) {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, abyte, j, k);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, ByteBuffer destination) {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, destination);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, ByteBuffer bytebuffer) {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, bytebuffer);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int index, OutputStream out, int length) throws IOException {
+- this.source.getBytes(index, out, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf getBytes(int i, OutputStream outputstream, int j) throws IOException {
++ this.source.getBytes(i, outputstream, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getBytes(int index, GatheringByteChannel out, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.getBytes(index, out, length);
++ public int getBytes(int i, GatheringByteChannel gatheringbytechannel, int j) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.getBytes(i, gatheringbytechannel, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int getBytes(int index, FileChannel out, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.getBytes(index, out, position, length);
++ public int getBytes(int i, FileChannel filechannel, long j, int k) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.getBytes(i, filechannel, j, k);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public CharSequence getCharSequence(int index, int length, Charset charset) {
+- return this.source.getCharSequence(index, length, charset);
++ public CharSequence getCharSequence(int i, int j, Charset charset) {
++ return this.source.getCharSequence(i, j, charset);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBoolean(int index, boolean value) {
+- this.source.setBoolean(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBoolean(int i, boolean flag) {
++ this.source.setBoolean(i, flag);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setByte(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setByte(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setByte(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setByte(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setShort(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setShort(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setShort(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setShort(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setShortLE(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setShortLE(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setShortLE(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setShortLE(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setMedium(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setMedium(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setMedium(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setMedium(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setMediumLE(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setMediumLE(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setMediumLE(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setMediumLE(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setInt(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setInt(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setInt(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setInt(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setIntLE(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setIntLE(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setIntLE(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setIntLE(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setLong(int index, long value) {
+- this.source.setLong(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setLong(int i, long j) {
++ this.source.setLong(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setLongLE(int index, long value) {
+- this.source.setLongLE(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setLongLE(int i, long j) {
++ this.source.setLongLE(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setChar(int index, int value) {
+- this.source.setChar(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setChar(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setChar(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setFloat(int index, float value) {
+- this.source.setFloat(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setFloat(int i, float f) {
++ this.source.setFloat(i, f);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setDouble(int index, double value) {
+- this.source.setDouble(index, value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setDouble(int i, double d0) {
++ this.source.setDouble(i, d0);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int index, ByteBuf source) {
+- this.source.setBytes(index, source);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int i, ByteBuf bytebuf) {
++ this.source.setBytes(i, bytebuf);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int index, ByteBuf source, int length) {
+- this.source.setBytes(index, source, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int i, ByteBuf bytebuf, int j) {
++ this.source.setBytes(i, bytebuf, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int index, ByteBuf source, int sourceIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.setBytes(index, source, sourceIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int i, ByteBuf bytebuf, int j, int k) {
++ this.source.setBytes(i, bytebuf, j, k);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int index, byte[] source) {
+- this.source.setBytes(index, source);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int i, byte[] abyte) {
++ this.source.setBytes(i, abyte);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int index, byte[] source, int sourceIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.setBytes(index, source, sourceIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int i, byte[] abyte, int j, int k) {
++ this.source.setBytes(i, abyte, j, k);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int index, ByteBuffer source) {
+- this.source.setBytes(index, source);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setBytes(int i, ByteBuffer bytebuffer) {
++ this.source.setBytes(i, bytebuffer);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int setBytes(int index, InputStream in, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.setBytes(index, in, length);
++ public int setBytes(int i, InputStream inputstream, int j) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.setBytes(i, inputstream, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int setBytes(int index, ScatteringByteChannel in, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.setBytes(index, in, length);
++ public int setBytes(int i, ScatteringByteChannel scatteringbytechannel, int j) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.setBytes(i, scatteringbytechannel, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int setBytes(int index, FileChannel in, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.setBytes(index, in, position, length);
++ public int setBytes(int i, FileChannel filechannel, long j, int k) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.setBytes(i, filechannel, j, k);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf setZero(int index, int length) {
+- this.source.setZero(index, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf setZero(int i, int j) {
++ this.source.setZero(i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int setCharSequence(int index, CharSequence charSequence, Charset charset) {
+- return this.source.setCharSequence(index, charSequence, charset);
++ public int setCharSequence(int i, CharSequence charsequence, Charset charset) {
++ return this.source.setCharSequence(i, charsequence, charset);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean readBoolean() {
+ return this.source.readBoolean();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public byte readByte() {
+ return this.source.readByte();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public short readUnsignedByte() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedByte();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public short readShort() {
+ return this.source.readShort();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public short readShortLE() {
+ return this.source.readShortLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readUnsignedShort() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedShort();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readUnsignedShortLE() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedShortLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readMedium() {
+ return this.source.readMedium();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readMediumLE() {
+ return this.source.readMediumLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readUnsignedMedium() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedMedium();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readUnsignedMediumLE() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedMediumLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readInt() {
+ return this.source.readInt();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int readIntLE() {
+ return this.source.readIntLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public long readUnsignedInt() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedInt();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public long readUnsignedIntLE() {
+ return this.source.readUnsignedIntLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public long readLong() {
+ return this.source.readLong();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public long readLongLE() {
+ return this.source.readLongLE();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public char readChar() {
+ return this.source.readChar();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public float readFloat() {
+ return this.source.readFloat();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public double readDouble() {
+ return this.source.readDouble();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf readBytes(int length) {
+- return this.source.readBytes(length);
++ public ByteBuf readBytes(int i) {
++ return this.source.readBytes(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf readSlice(int length) {
+- return this.source.readSlice(length);
++ public ByteBuf readSlice(int i) {
++ return this.source.readSlice(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf readRetainedSlice(int length) {
+- return this.source.readRetainedSlice(length);
++ public ByteBuf readRetainedSlice(int i) {
++ return this.source.readRetainedSlice(i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf destination) {
+- this.source.readBytes(destination);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf bytebuf) {
++ this.source.readBytes(bytebuf);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf destination, int length) {
+- this.source.readBytes(destination, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf bytebuf, int i) {
++ this.source.readBytes(bytebuf, i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf destination, int destinationIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.readBytes(destination, destinationIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf bytebuf, int i, int j) {
++ this.source.readBytes(bytebuf, i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(byte[] destination) {
+- this.source.readBytes(destination);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(byte[] abyte) {
++ this.source.readBytes(abyte);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(byte[] destination, int destinationIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.readBytes(destination, destinationIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(byte[] abyte, int i, int j) {
++ this.source.readBytes(abyte, i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuffer destination) {
+- this.source.readBytes(destination);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuffer bytebuffer) {
++ this.source.readBytes(bytebuffer);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(OutputStream out, int length) throws IOException {
+- this.source.readBytes(out, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf readBytes(OutputStream outputstream, int i) throws IOException {
++ this.source.readBytes(outputstream, i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int readBytes(GatheringByteChannel out, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.readBytes(out, length);
++ public int readBytes(GatheringByteChannel gatheringbytechannel, int i) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.readBytes(gatheringbytechannel, i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public CharSequence readCharSequence(int length, Charset charset) {
+- return this.source.readCharSequence(length, charset);
++ public CharSequence readCharSequence(int i, Charset charset) {
++ return this.source.readCharSequence(i, charset);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int readBytes(FileChannel out, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.readBytes(out, position, length);
++ public int readBytes(FileChannel filechannel, long i, int j) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.readBytes(filechannel, i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf skipBytes(int length) {
+- this.source.skipBytes(length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf skipBytes(int i) {
++ this.source.skipBytes(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBoolean(boolean value) {
+- this.source.writeBoolean(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBoolean(boolean flag) {
++ this.source.writeBoolean(flag);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeByte(int value) {
+- this.source.writeByte(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeByte(int i) {
++ this.source.writeByte(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeShort(int value) {
+- this.source.writeShort(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeShort(int i) {
++ this.source.writeShort(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeShortLE(int value) {
+- this.source.writeShortLE(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeShortLE(int i) {
++ this.source.writeShortLE(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeMedium(int value) {
+- this.source.writeMedium(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeMedium(int i) {
++ this.source.writeMedium(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeMediumLE(int value) {
+- this.source.writeMediumLE(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeMediumLE(int i) {
++ this.source.writeMediumLE(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeInt(int value) {
+- this.source.writeInt(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeInt(int i) {
++ this.source.writeInt(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeIntLE(int value) {
+- this.source.writeIntLE(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeIntLE(int i) {
++ this.source.writeIntLE(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeLong(long value) {
+- this.source.writeLong(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeLong(long i) {
++ this.source.writeLong(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeLongLE(long value) {
+- this.source.writeLongLE(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeLongLE(long i) {
++ this.source.writeLongLE(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeChar(int value) {
+- this.source.writeChar(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeChar(int i) {
++ this.source.writeChar(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeFloat(float value) {
+- this.source.writeFloat(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeFloat(float f) {
++ this.source.writeFloat(f);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeDouble(double value) {
+- this.source.writeDouble(value);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeDouble(double d0) {
++ this.source.writeDouble(d0);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf source) {
+- this.source.writeBytes(source);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf bytebuf) {
++ this.source.writeBytes(bytebuf);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf source, int length) {
+- this.source.writeBytes(source, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf bytebuf, int i) {
++ this.source.writeBytes(bytebuf, i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf source, int sourceIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.writeBytes(source, sourceIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf bytebuf, int i, int j) {
++ this.source.writeBytes(bytebuf, i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] source) {
+- this.source.writeBytes(source);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] abyte) {
++ this.source.writeBytes(abyte);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] source, int sourceIndex, int length) {
+- this.source.writeBytes(source, sourceIndex, length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] abyte, int i, int j) {
++ this.source.writeBytes(abyte, i, j);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuffer source) {
+- this.source.writeBytes(source);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuffer bytebuffer) {
++ this.source.writeBytes(bytebuffer);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int writeBytes(InputStream in, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.writeBytes(in, length);
++ public int writeBytes(InputStream inputstream, int i) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.writeBytes(inputstream, i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int writeBytes(ScatteringByteChannel in, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.writeBytes(in, length);
++ public int writeBytes(ScatteringByteChannel scatteringbytechannel, int i) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.writeBytes(scatteringbytechannel, i);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int writeBytes(FileChannel in, long position, int length) throws IOException {
+- return this.source.writeBytes(in, position, length);
++ public int writeBytes(FileChannel filechannel, long i, int j) throws IOException {
++ return this.source.writeBytes(filechannel, i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf writeZero(int length) {
+- this.source.writeZero(length);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf writeZero(int i) {
++ this.source.writeZero(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int writeCharSequence(CharSequence charSequence, Charset charset) {
+- return this.source.writeCharSequence(charSequence, charset);
++ public int writeCharSequence(CharSequence charsequence, Charset charset) {
++ return this.source.writeCharSequence(charsequence, charset);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int indexOf(int fromIndex, int toIndex, byte value) {
+- return this.source.indexOf(fromIndex, toIndex, value);
++ public int indexOf(int i, int j, byte b0) {
++ return this.source.indexOf(i, j, b0);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int bytesBefore(byte value) {
+- return this.source.bytesBefore(value);
++ public int bytesBefore(byte b0) {
++ return this.source.bytesBefore(b0);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int bytesBefore(int length, byte value) {
+- return this.source.bytesBefore(length, value);
++ public int bytesBefore(int i, byte b0) {
++ return this.source.bytesBefore(i, b0);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int bytesBefore(int index, int length, byte value) {
+- return this.source.bytesBefore(index, length, value);
++ public int bytesBefore(int i, int j, byte b0) {
++ return this.source.bytesBefore(i, j, b0);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int forEachByte(ByteProcessor processor) {
+- return this.source.forEachByte(processor);
++ public int forEachByte(ByteProcessor byteprocessor) {
++ return this.source.forEachByte(byteprocessor);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int forEachByte(int index, int length, ByteProcessor processor) {
+- return this.source.forEachByte(index, length, processor);
++ public int forEachByte(int i, int j, ByteProcessor byteprocessor) {
++ return this.source.forEachByte(i, j, byteprocessor);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int forEachByteDesc(ByteProcessor processor) {
+- return this.source.forEachByteDesc(processor);
++ public int forEachByteDesc(ByteProcessor byteprocessor) {
++ return this.source.forEachByteDesc(byteprocessor);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int forEachByteDesc(int index, int length, ByteProcessor processor) {
+- return this.source.forEachByteDesc(index, length, processor);
++ public int forEachByteDesc(int i, int j, ByteProcessor byteprocessor) {
++ return this.source.forEachByteDesc(i, j, byteprocessor);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf copy() {
+ return this.source.copy();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf copy(int index, int length) {
+- return this.source.copy(index, length);
++ public ByteBuf copy(int i, int j) {
++ return this.source.copy(i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf slice() {
+ return this.source.slice();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf retainedSlice() {
+ return this.source.retainedSlice();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf slice(int index, int length) {
+- return this.source.slice(index, length);
++ public ByteBuf slice(int i, int j) {
++ return this.source.slice(i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuf retainedSlice(int index, int length) {
+- return this.source.retainedSlice(index, length);
++ public ByteBuf retainedSlice(int i, int j) {
++ return this.source.retainedSlice(i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf duplicate() {
+ return this.source.duplicate();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuf retainedDuplicate() {
+ return this.source.retainedDuplicate();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int nioBufferCount() {
+ return this.source.nioBufferCount();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuffer nioBuffer() {
+ return this.source.nioBuffer();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuffer nioBuffer(int index, int length) {
+- return this.source.nioBuffer(index, length);
++ public ByteBuffer nioBuffer(int i, int j) {
++ return this.source.nioBuffer(i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuffer internalNioBuffer(int index, int length) {
+- return this.source.internalNioBuffer(index, length);
++ public ByteBuffer internalNioBuffer(int i, int j) {
++ return this.source.internalNioBuffer(i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers() {
+ return this.source.nioBuffers();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers(int index, int length) {
+- return this.source.nioBuffers(index, length);
++ public ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers(int i, int j) {
++ return this.source.nioBuffers(i, j);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean hasArray() {
+ return this.source.hasArray();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public byte[] array() {
+ return this.source.array();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int arrayOffset() {
+ return this.source.arrayOffset();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean hasMemoryAddress() {
+ return this.source.hasMemoryAddress();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public long memoryAddress() {
+ return this.source.memoryAddress();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public String toString(Charset charset) {
+ return this.source.toString(charset);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public String toString(int index, int length, Charset charset) {
+- return this.source.toString(index, length, charset);
++ public String toString(int i, int j, Charset charset) {
++ return this.source.toString(i, j, charset);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return this.source.hashCode();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public boolean equals(Object other) {
+- return this.source.equals(other);
++ public boolean equals(Object object) {
++ return this.source.equals(object);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public int compareTo(ByteBuf other) {
+- return this.source.compareTo(other);
++ public int compareTo(ByteBuf bytebuf) {
++ return this.source.compareTo(bytebuf);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return this.source.toString();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf retain(int increment) {
+- this.source.retain(increment);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf retain(int i) {
++ this.source.retain(i);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf retain() {
+ this.source.retain();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public FriendlyByteBuf touch() {
+ this.source.touch();
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+- public FriendlyByteBuf touch(Object hint) {
+- this.source.touch(hint);
++ public FriendlyByteBuf touch(Object object) {
++ this.source.touch(object);
+ return this;
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int refCnt() {
+ return this.source.refCnt();
+ }
+- @Override
+ public boolean release() {
+ return this.source.release();
+ }
+- @Override
+- public boolean release(int decrement) {
+- return this.source.release(decrement);
++ public boolean release(int i) {
++ return this.source.release(i);
+ }
+ @FunctionalInterface
+- public interface Reader<T> extends Function<FriendlyByteBuf, T> {
+- default FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<Optional<T>> asOptional() {
+- return friendlyByteBuf -> friendlyByteBuf.readOptional(this);
++ public interface b<T> extends BiConsumer<FriendlyByteBuf, T> {
++ default FriendlyByteBuf.b<Optional<T>> asOptional() {
++ return (packetdataserializer, optional) -> {
++ packetdataserializer.writeOptional(optional, this);
++ };
+ }
+ }
+ @FunctionalInterface
+- public interface Writer<T> extends BiConsumer<FriendlyByteBuf, T> {
+- default FriendlyByteBuf.Writer<Optional<T>> asOptional() {
+- return (friendlyByteBuf, optional) -> friendlyByteBuf.writeOptional(optional, this);
++ public interface a<T> extends Function<FriendlyByteBuf, T> {
++ default FriendlyByteBuf.a<Optional<T>> asOptional() {
++ return (packetdataserializer) -> {
++ return packetdataserializer.readOptional(this);
++ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/chat/Component.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/chat/Component.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdb34a0911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/chat/Component.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/chat/Component.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/chat/Component.java
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ import java.util.ArrayList;
+ import java.util.Collections;
+ import java.util.Date;
++import java.util.Iterator;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import java.util.Optional;
+ import java.util.UUID;
+@@ -25,16 +26,31 @@
+ import net.minecraft.Util;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.DataSource;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.KeybindContents;
++import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.LiteralContents;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.NbtContents;
+-import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.PlainTextContents;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.ScoreContents;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.SelectorContents;
+ import net.minecraft.network.chat.contents.TranslatableContents;
+ import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
+ import net.minecraft.util.FormattedCharSequence;
+ import net.minecraft.world.level.ChunkPos;
++// CraftBukkit start
++import java.util.stream.Stream;
++// CraftBukkit end
+-public interface Component extends Message, FormattedText {
++public interface Component extends Message, FormattedText, Iterable<Component> { // CraftBukkit
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ default Stream<Component> stream() {
++ return com.google.common.collect.Streams.concat(new Stream[]{Stream.of(this), this.getSiblings().stream().flatMap(Component::stream)});
++ }
++ @Override
++ default Iterator<Component> iterator() {
++ return this.stream().iterator();
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ Style getStyle();
+ ComponentContents getContents();
+@@ -45,25 +61,33 @@
+ }
+ default String getString(int maxLength) {
+- StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+- this.visit(content -> {
+- int i = maxLength - stringBuilder.length();
+- if (i <= 0) {
++ StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder();
++ this.visit((s) -> {
++ int j = maxLength - stringbuilder.length();
++ if (j <= 0) {
++ return Component.STOP_ITERATION;
+ } else {
+- stringBuilder.append(content.length() <= i ? content : content.substring(0, i));
++ stringbuilder.append(s.length() <= j ? s : s.substring(0, j));
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ });
+- return stringBuilder.toString();
++ return stringbuilder.toString();
+ }
+ List<Component> getSiblings();
+ @Nullable
+ default String tryCollapseToString() {
+- if (this.getContents() instanceof PlainTextContents plainTextContents && this.getSiblings().isEmpty() && this.getStyle().isEmpty()) {
+- return plainTextContents.text();
++ ComponentContents componentcontents = this.getContents();
++ if (componentcontents instanceof LiteralContents) {
++ LiteralContents literalcontents = (LiteralContents) componentcontents;
++ if (this.getSiblings().isEmpty() && this.getStyle().isEmpty()) {
++ return literalcontents.text();
++ }
+ }
+ return null;
+@@ -74,43 +98,59 @@
+ }
+ default MutableComponent copy() {
+- return new MutableComponent(this.getContents(), new ArrayList<>(this.getSiblings()), this.getStyle());
++ return new MutableComponent(this.getContents(), new ArrayList(this.getSiblings()), this.getStyle());
+ }
+ FormattedCharSequence getVisualOrderText();
+ @Override
+ default <T> Optional<T> visit(FormattedText.StyledContentConsumer<T> acceptor, Style style) {
+- Style style1 = this.getStyle().applyTo(style);
+- Optional<T> optional = this.getContents().visit(acceptor, style1);
++ Style chatmodifier1 = this.getStyle().applyTo(style);
++ Optional<T> optional = this.getContents().visit(acceptor, chatmodifier1);
+ if (optional.isPresent()) {
+ return optional;
+ } else {
+- for (Component component : this.getSiblings()) {
+- Optional<T> optional1 = component.visit(acceptor, style1);
+- if (optional1.isPresent()) {
+- return optional1;
++ Iterator iterator = this.getSiblings().iterator();
++ Optional optional1;
++ do {
++ if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
++ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+- }
+- return Optional.empty();
++ Component ichatbasecomponent = (Component) iterator.next();
++ optional1 = ichatbasecomponent.visit(acceptor, chatmodifier1);
++ } while (!optional1.isPresent());
++ return optional1;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ default <T> Optional<T> visit(FormattedText.ContentConsumer<T> acceptor) {
+ Optional<T> optional = this.getContents().visit(acceptor);
+ if (optional.isPresent()) {
+ return optional;
+ } else {
+- for (Component component : this.getSiblings()) {
+- Optional<T> optional1 = component.visit(acceptor);
+- if (optional1.isPresent()) {
+- return optional1;
++ Iterator iterator = this.getSiblings().iterator();
++ Optional optional1;
++ do {
++ if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
++ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+- }
+- return Optional.empty();
++ Component ichatbasecomponent = (Component) iterator.next();
++ optional1 = ichatbasecomponent.visit(acceptor);
++ } while (!optional1.isPresent());
++ return optional1;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -120,9 +160,10 @@
+ default List<Component> toFlatList(Style style) {
+ List<Component> list = Lists.newArrayList();
+- this.visit((style1, content) -> {
+- if (!content.isEmpty()) {
+- list.add(literal(content).withStyle(style1));
++ this.visit((chatmodifier1, s) -> {
++ if (!s.isEmpty()) {
++ list.add(literal(s).withStyle(chatmodifier1));
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+@@ -136,35 +177,37 @@
+ } else {
+ List<Component> list = this.toFlatList();
+ List<Component> list1 = other.toFlatList(this.getStyle());
+ return Collections.indexOfSubList(list, list1) != -1;
+ }
+ }
+ static Component nullToEmpty(@Nullable String text) {
+- return (Component)(text != null ? literal(text) : CommonComponents.EMPTY);
++ return (Component) (text != null ? literal(text) : CommonComponents.EMPTY);
+ }
+ static MutableComponent literal(String text) {
+- return MutableComponent.create(PlainTextContents.create(text));
++ return MutableComponent.create(LiteralContents.create(text));
+ }
+ static MutableComponent translatable(String key) {
+- return MutableComponent.create(new TranslatableContents(key, null, TranslatableContents.NO_ARGS));
++ return MutableComponent.create(new TranslatableContents(key, (String) null, TranslatableContents.NO_ARGS));
+ }
+ static MutableComponent translatable(String key, Object... args) {
+- return MutableComponent.create(new TranslatableContents(key, null, args));
++ return MutableComponent.create(new TranslatableContents(key, (String) null, args));
+ }
+- static MutableComponent translatableEscape(String string, Object... objects) {
+- for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
+- Object object = objects[i];
++ static MutableComponent translatableEscape(String s, Object... aobject) {
++ for (int i = 0; i < aobject.length; ++i) {
++ Object object = aobject[i];
+ if (!TranslatableContents.isAllowedPrimitiveArgument(object) && !(object instanceof Component)) {
+- objects[i] = String.valueOf(object);
++ aobject[i] = String.valueOf(object);
+ }
+ }
+- return translatable(string, objects);
++ return translatable(s, aobject);
+ }
+ static MutableComponent translatableWithFallback(String key, @Nullable String fallback) {
+@@ -176,7 +219,7 @@
+ }
+ static MutableComponent empty() {
+- return MutableComponent.create(PlainTextContents.EMPTY);
++ return MutableComponent.create(LiteralContents.EMPTY);
+ }
+ static MutableComponent keybind(String name) {
+@@ -200,37 +243,60 @@
+ }
+ static Component translationArg(Message message) {
+- return (Component)(message instanceof Component component ? component : literal(message.getString()));
++ Object object;
++ if (message instanceof Component) {
++ Component ichatbasecomponent = (Component) message;
++ object = ichatbasecomponent;
++ } else {
++ object = literal(message.getString());
++ }
++ return (Component) object;
+ }
+- static Component translationArg(UUID uUID) {
+- return literal(uUID.toString());
++ static Component translationArg(UUID uuid) {
++ return literal(uuid.toString());
+ }
+- static Component translationArg(ResourceLocation resourceLocation) {
+- return literal(resourceLocation.toString());
++ static Component translationArg(ResourceLocation minecraftkey) {
++ return literal(minecraftkey.toString());
+ }
+- static Component translationArg(ChunkPos chunkPos) {
+- return literal(chunkPos.toString());
++ static Component translationArg(ChunkPos chunkcoordintpair) {
++ return literal(chunkcoordintpair.toString());
+ }
+- public static class Serializer {
+- private static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
++ public static class b implements JsonDeserializer<MutableComponent>, JsonSerializer<Component> {
+- private Serializer() {
++ public b() {}
++ public MutableComponent deserialize(JsonElement jsonelement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsondeserializationcontext) throws JsonParseException {
++ return Component.Serializer.deserialize(jsonelement);
+ }
+- static MutableComponent deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement) {
+- return (MutableComponent)Util.getOrThrow(ComponentSerialization.CODEC.parse(JsonOps.INSTANCE, jsonElement), JsonParseException::new);
++ public JsonElement serialize(Component ichatbasecomponent, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonserializationcontext) {
++ return Component.Serializer.serialize(ichatbasecomponent);
+ }
++ }
+- static JsonElement serialize(Component component) {
+- return Util.getOrThrow(ComponentSerialization.CODEC.encodeStart(JsonOps.INSTANCE, component), JsonParseException::new);
++ public static class Serializer {
++ private static final Gson GSON = (new GsonBuilder()).disableHtmlEscaping().create();
++ private Serializer() {}
++ static MutableComponent deserialize(JsonElement jsonelement) {
++ return (MutableComponent) Util.getOrThrow(ComponentSerialization.CODEC.parse(JsonOps.INSTANCE, jsonelement), JsonParseException::new);
+ }
++ static JsonElement serialize(Component ichatbasecomponent) {
++ return (JsonElement) Util.getOrThrow(ComponentSerialization.CODEC.encodeStart(JsonOps.INSTANCE, ichatbasecomponent), JsonParseException::new);
++ }
+ public static String toJson(Component component) {
+- return GSON.toJson(serialize(component));
++ return Component.Serializer.GSON.toJson(serialize(component));
+ }
+ public static JsonElement toJsonTree(Component component) {
+@@ -239,8 +305,9 @@
+ @Nullable
+ public static MutableComponent fromJson(String json) {
+- JsonElement jsonElement = JsonParser.parseString(json);
+- return jsonElement == null ? null : deserialize(jsonElement);
++ JsonElement jsonelement = JsonParser.parseString(json);
++ return jsonelement == null ? null : deserialize(jsonelement);
+ }
+ @Nullable
+@@ -250,22 +317,12 @@
+ @Nullable
+ public static MutableComponent fromJsonLenient(String json) {
+- JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(json));
+- jsonReader.setLenient(true);
+- JsonElement jsonElement = JsonParser.parseReader(jsonReader);
+- return jsonElement == null ? null : deserialize(jsonElement);
+- }
+- }
++ JsonReader jsonreader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(json));
+- public static class SerializerAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<MutableComponent>, JsonSerializer<Component> {
+- @Override
+- public MutableComponent deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) throws JsonParseException {
+- return Component.Serializer.deserialize(jsonElement);
+- }
++ jsonreader.setLenient(true);
++ JsonElement jsonelement = JsonParser.parseReader(jsonreader);
+- @Override
+- public JsonElement serialize(Component component, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
+- return Component.Serializer.serialize(component);
++ return jsonelement == null ? null : deserialize(jsonelement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/chat/TextColor.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/chat/TextColor.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a26692999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/chat/TextColor.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/chat/TextColor.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/chat/TextColor.java
+@@ -13,27 +13,34 @@
+ import net.minecraft.ChatFormatting;
+ public final class TextColor {
+ private static final String CUSTOM_COLOR_PREFIX = "#";
+ public static final Codec<TextColor> CODEC = Codec.STRING.comapFlatMap(TextColor::parseColor, TextColor::serialize);
+- private static final Map<ChatFormatting, TextColor> LEGACY_FORMAT_TO_COLOR = Stream.of(ChatFormatting.values())
+- .filter(ChatFormatting::isColor)
+- .collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(Function.identity(), chatFormatting -> new TextColor(chatFormatting.getColor(), chatFormatting.getName())));
+- private static final Map<String, TextColor> NAMED_COLORS = LEGACY_FORMAT_TO_COLOR.values()
+- .stream()
+- .collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(textColor -> textColor.name, Function.identity()));
++ private static final Map<ChatFormatting, TextColor> LEGACY_FORMAT_TO_COLOR = (Map) Stream.of(ChatFormatting.values()).filter(ChatFormatting::isColor).collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(Function.identity(), (enumchatformat) -> {
++ return new TextColor(enumchatformat.getColor(), enumchatformat.getName(), enumchatformat); // CraftBukkit
++ }));
++ private static final Map<String, TextColor> NAMED_COLORS = (Map) TextColor.LEGACY_FORMAT_TO_COLOR.values().stream().collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap((chathexcolor) -> {
++ return chathexcolor.name;
++ }, Function.identity()));
+ private final int value;
+ @Nullable
+- private final String name;
++ public final String name;
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ @Nullable
++ public final ChatFormatting format;
+- private TextColor(int value, String name) {
+- this.value = value & 16777215;
+- this.name = name;
++ private TextColor(int i, String s, ChatFormatting format) {
++ this.value = i & 16777215;
++ this.name = s;
++ this.format = format;
+ }
+ private TextColor(int value) {
+ this.value = value & 16777215;
+ this.name = null;
++ this.format = null;
+ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ public int getValue() {
+ return this.value;
+@@ -47,50 +54,54 @@
+ return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "#%06X", this.value);
+ }
+- @Override
+- public boolean equals(Object other) {
+- if (this == other) {
++ public boolean equals(Object object) {
++ if (this == object) {
+ return true;
+- } else if (other != null && this.getClass() == other.getClass()) {
+- TextColor textColor = (TextColor)other;
+- return this.value == textColor.value;
++ } else if (object != null && this.getClass() == object.getClass()) {
++ TextColor chathexcolor = (TextColor) object;
++ return this.value == chathexcolor.value;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+- @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+- return Objects.hash(this.value, this.name);
++ return Objects.hash(new Object[]{this.value, this.name});
+ }
+- @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return this.serialize();
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public static TextColor fromLegacyFormat(ChatFormatting formatting) {
+- return LEGACY_FORMAT_TO_COLOR.get(formatting);
++ return (TextColor) TextColor.LEGACY_FORMAT_TO_COLOR.get(formatting);
+ }
+ public static TextColor fromRgb(int color) {
+ return new TextColor(color);
+ }
+- public static DataResult<TextColor> parseColor(String string) {
+- if (string.startsWith("#")) {
++ public static DataResult<TextColor> parseColor(String s) {
++ if (s.startsWith("#")) {
+ try {
+- int i = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(1), 16);
+- return i >= 0 && i <= 16777215
+- ? DataResult.success(fromRgb(i), Lifecycle.stable())
+- : DataResult.error(() -> "Color value out of range: " + string);
+- } catch (NumberFormatException var2) {
+- return DataResult.error(() -> "Invalid color value: " + string);
++ int i = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1), 16);
++ return i >= 0 && i <= 16777215 ? DataResult.success(fromRgb(i), Lifecycle.stable()) : DataResult.error(() -> {
++ return "Color value out of range: " + s;
++ });
++ } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) {
++ return DataResult.error(() -> {
++ return "Invalid color value: " + s;
++ });
+ }
+ } else {
+- TextColor textColor = NAMED_COLORS.get(string);
+- return textColor == null ? DataResult.error(() -> "Invalid color name: " + string) : DataResult.success(textColor, Lifecycle.stable());
++ TextColor chathexcolor = (TextColor) TextColor.NAMED_COLORS.get(s);
++ return chathexcolor == null ? DataResult.error(() -> {
++ return "Invalid color name: " + s;
++ }) : DataResult.success(chathexcolor, Lifecycle.stable());
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/PacketUtils.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/PacketUtils.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcdb7c2578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/PacketUtils.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/PacketUtils.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/PacketUtils.java
+@@ -4,46 +4,72 @@
+ import net.minecraft.CrashReport;
+ import net.minecraft.ReportedException;
+ import net.minecraft.network.PacketListener;
+-import net.minecraft.server.RunningOnDifferentThreadException;
++import net.minecraft.server.CancelledPacketHandleException;
++import org.slf4j.Logger;
++// CraftBukkit start
++import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
+ import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel;
++import net.minecraft.server.network.ServerCommonPacketListenerImpl;
++// CraftBukkit end
+ import net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop;
+-import org.slf4j.Logger;
+ public class PacketUtils {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
+- public static <T extends PacketListener> void ensureRunningOnSameThread(Packet<T> packet, T processor, ServerLevel level) throws RunningOnDifferentThreadException {
+- ensureRunningOnSameThread(packet, processor, level.getServer());
++ public PacketUtils() {}
++ public static <T extends PacketListener> void ensureRunningOnSameThread(Packet<T> packet, T processor, ServerLevel level) throws CancelledPacketHandleException {
++ ensureRunningOnSameThread(packet, processor, (BlockableEventLoop) level.getServer());
+ }
+- public static <T extends PacketListener> void ensureRunningOnSameThread(Packet<T> packet, T processor, BlockableEventLoop<?> executor) throws RunningOnDifferentThreadException {
++ public static <T extends PacketListener> void ensureRunningOnSameThread(Packet<T> packet, T processor, BlockableEventLoop<?> executor) throws CancelledPacketHandleException {
+ if (!executor.isSameThread()) {
+- executor.executeIfPossible(
+- () -> {
+- if (processor.shouldHandleMessage(packet)) {
+- try {
+- packet.handle(processor);
+- } catch (Exception var6) {
+- if (var6 instanceof ReportedException reportedException && reportedException.getCause() instanceof OutOfMemoryError
+- || processor.shouldPropagateHandlingExceptions()) {
+- if (var6 instanceof ReportedException reportedException1) {
+- processor.fillCrashReport(reportedException1.getReport());
+- throw var6;
++ executor.executeIfPossible(() -> {
++ if (MinecraftServer.getServer().hasStopped() || (processor instanceof ServerCommonPacketListenerImpl && ((ServerCommonPacketListenerImpl) processor).processedDisconnect)) return; // CraftBukkit, MC-142590
++ if (processor.shouldHandleMessage(packet)) {
++ try {
++ packet.handle(processor);
++ } catch (Exception exception) {
++ label25:
++ {
++ if (exception instanceof ReportedException) {
++ ReportedException reportedexception = (ReportedException) exception;
++ if (reportedexception.getCause() instanceof OutOfMemoryError) {
++ break label25;
+ }
+- CrashReport crashReport = CrashReport.forThrowable(var6, "Main thread packet handler");
+- processor.fillCrashReport(crashReport);
+- throw new ReportedException(crashReport);
+ }
+- LOGGER.error("Failed to handle packet {}, suppressing error", packet, var6);
++ if (!processor.shouldPropagateHandlingExceptions()) {
++ PacketUtils.LOGGER.error("Failed to handle packet {}, suppressing error", packet, exception);
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+- } else {
+- LOGGER.debug("Ignoring packet due to disconnection: {}", packet);
++ if (exception instanceof ReportedException) {
++ ReportedException reportedexception1 = (ReportedException) exception;
++ processor.fillCrashReport(reportedexception1.getReport());
++ throw exception;
++ }
++ CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.forThrowable(exception, "Main thread packet handler");
++ processor.fillCrashReport(crashreport);
++ throw new ReportedException(crashreport);
+ }
++ } else {
++ PacketUtils.LOGGER.debug("Ignoring packet due to disconnection: {}", packet);
+ }
+- );
+- throw RunningOnDifferentThreadException.RUNNING_ON_DIFFERENT_THREAD;
++ });
++ throw CancelledPacketHandleException.RUNNING_ON_DIFFERENT_THREAD;
++ // CraftBukkit start - SPIGOT-5477, MC-142590
++ } else if (MinecraftServer.getServer().hasStopped() || (processor instanceof ServerCommonPacketListenerImpl && ((ServerCommonPacketListenerImpl) processor).processedDisconnect)) {
++ throw CancelledPacketHandleException.RUNNING_ON_DIFFERENT_THREAD;
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/common/ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/common/ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae35fedaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/common/ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/common/ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/common/ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket.java
+@@ -10,27 +10,27 @@
+ import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
+ public record ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket(CustomPacketPayload payload) implements Packet<ServerCommonPacketListener> {
+ private static final int MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 32767;
+- private static final Map<ResourceLocation, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<? extends CustomPacketPayload>> KNOWN_TYPES = ImmutableMap.<ResourceLocation, FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<? extends CustomPacketPayload>>builder(
+- )
+- .put(BrandPayload.ID, BrandPayload::new)
+- .build();
++ private static final Map<ResourceLocation, FriendlyByteBuf.a<? extends CustomPacketPayload>> KNOWN_TYPES = ImmutableMap.<ResourceLocation, FriendlyByteBuf.a<? extends CustomPacketPayload>>builder().build(); // CraftBukkit - no special handling
+- public ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket(FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf) {
+- this(readPayload(friendlyByteBuf.readResourceLocation(), friendlyByteBuf));
++ public ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket(FriendlyByteBuf packetdataserializer) {
++ this(readPayload(packetdataserializer.readResourceLocation(), packetdataserializer));
+ }
+- private static CustomPacketPayload readPayload(ResourceLocation resourceLocation, FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf) {
+- FriendlyByteBuf.Reader<? extends CustomPacketPayload> reader = KNOWN_TYPES.get(resourceLocation);
+- return (CustomPacketPayload)(reader != null ? reader.apply(friendlyByteBuf) : readUnknownPayload(resourceLocation, friendlyByteBuf));
++ private static CustomPacketPayload readPayload(ResourceLocation minecraftkey, FriendlyByteBuf packetdataserializer) {
++ FriendlyByteBuf.a<? extends CustomPacketPayload> packetdataserializer_a = (FriendlyByteBuf.a) ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket.KNOWN_TYPES.get(minecraftkey);
++ return (CustomPacketPayload) (packetdataserializer_a != null ? (CustomPacketPayload) packetdataserializer_a.apply(packetdataserializer) : readUnknownPayload(minecraftkey, packetdataserializer));
+ }
+- private static DiscardedPayload readUnknownPayload(ResourceLocation resourceLocation, FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf) {
+- int i = friendlyByteBuf.readableBytes();
++ private static UnknownPayload readUnknownPayload(ResourceLocation minecraftkey, FriendlyByteBuf packetdataserializer) { // CraftBukkit
++ int i = packetdataserializer.readableBytes();
+ if (i >= 0 && i <= 32767) {
+- friendlyByteBuf.skipBytes(i);
+- return new DiscardedPayload(resourceLocation);
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ return new UnknownPayload(minecraftkey, packetdataserializer.readBytes(i));
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload may not be larger than 32767 bytes");
+ }
+@@ -42,8 +42,17 @@
+ this.payload.write(buffer);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ServerCommonPacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleCustomPayload(this);
+ }
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ public record UnknownPayload(ResourceLocation id, io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf data) implements CustomPacketPayload {
++ @Override
++ public void write(FriendlyByteBuf packetdataserializer) {
++ packetdataserializer.writeBytes(data);
++ }
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1143697c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket.java
+@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ import net.minecraft.world.level.border.WorldBorder;
+ public class ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket implements Packet<ClientGamePacketListener> {
+ private final double newCenterX;
+ private final double newCenterZ;
+ private final double oldSize;
+@@ -26,8 +27,10 @@
+ }
+ public ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket(WorldBorder worldBorder) {
+- this.newCenterX = worldBorder.getCenterX();
+- this.newCenterZ = worldBorder.getCenterZ();
++ // CraftBukkit start - multiply out nether border
++ this.newCenterX = worldBorder.getCenterX() * worldBorder.world.dimensionType().coordinateScale();
++ this.newCenterZ = worldBorder.getCenterZ() * worldBorder.world.dimensionType().coordinateScale();
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ this.oldSize = worldBorder.getSize();
+ this.newSize = worldBorder.getLerpTarget();
+ this.lerpTime = worldBorder.getLerpRemainingTime();
+@@ -48,7 +51,6 @@
+ buffer.writeVarInt(this.warningTime);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ClientGamePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleInitializeBorder(this);
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ff164615d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket.java
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ package net.minecraft.network.protocol.game;
++import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.ShortIterator;
+ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.ShortSet;
+ import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
+ import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
+@@ -7,40 +8,55 @@
+ import net.minecraft.network.FriendlyByteBuf;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet;
+ import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block;
+-import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
++import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.IBlockData;
+ import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunkSection;
+ public class ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket implements Packet<ClientGamePacketListener> {
+ private static final int POS_IN_SECTION_BITS = 12;
+ private final SectionPos sectionPos;
+ private final short[] positions;
+- private final BlockState[] states;
++ private final IBlockData[] states;
+ public ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket(SectionPos sectionPos, ShortSet positions, LevelChunkSection section) {
+ this.sectionPos = sectionPos;
+- int size = positions.size();
+- this.positions = new short[size];
+- this.states = new BlockState[size];
+- int i = 0;
++ int i = positions.size();
+- for (short s : positions) {
+- this.positions[i] = s;
+- this.states[i] = section.getBlockState(SectionPos.sectionRelativeX(s), SectionPos.sectionRelativeY(s), SectionPos.sectionRelativeZ(s));
+- i++;
++ this.positions = new short[i];
++ this.states = new IBlockData[i];
++ int j = 0;
++ for (ShortIterator shortiterator = positions.iterator(); shortiterator.hasNext(); ++j) {
++ short short0 = (Short) shortiterator.next();
++ this.positions[j] = short0;
++ this.states[j] = (section != null) ? section.getBlockState(SectionPos.sectionRelativeX(short0), SectionPos.sectionRelativeY(short0), SectionPos.sectionRelativeZ(short0)) : net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(); // CraftBukkit - SPIGOT-6076, Mojang bug when empty chunk section notified
+ }
+ }
++ // CraftBukkit start - Add constructor
++ public ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket(SectionPos sectionposition, ShortSet shortset, IBlockData[] states) {
++ this.sectionPos = sectionposition;
++ this.positions = shortset.toShortArray();
++ this.states = states;
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ public ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+ this.sectionPos = SectionPos.of(buffer.readLong());
+- int varInt = buffer.readVarInt();
+- this.positions = new short[varInt];
+- this.states = new BlockState[varInt];
++ int i = buffer.readVarInt();
+- for (int i = 0; i < varInt; i++) {
+- long varLong = buffer.readVarLong();
+- this.positions[i] = (short)((int)(varLong & 4095L));
+- this.states[i] = Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY.byId((int)(varLong >>> 12));
++ this.positions = new short[i];
++ this.states = new IBlockData[i];
++ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
++ long k = buffer.readVarLong();
++ this.positions[j] = (short) ((int) (k & 4095L));
++ this.states[j] = (IBlockData) Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY.byId((int) (k >>> 12));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+@@ -48,23 +64,25 @@
+ buffer.writeLong(this.sectionPos.asLong());
+ buffer.writeVarInt(this.positions.length);
+- for (int i = 0; i < this.positions.length; i++) {
+- buffer.writeVarLong((long)Block.getId(this.states[i]) << 12 | (long)this.positions[i]);
++ for (int i = 0; i < this.positions.length; ++i) {
++ buffer.writeVarLong((long) Block.getId(this.states[i]) << 12 | (long) this.positions[i]);
+ }
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ClientGamePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleChunkBlocksUpdate(this);
+ }
+- public void runUpdates(BiConsumer<BlockPos, BlockState> consumer) {
+- BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutableBlockPos = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
++ public void runUpdates(BiConsumer<BlockPos, IBlockData> consumer) {
++ BlockPos.MutableBlockPos blockposition_mutableblockposition = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
+- for (int i = 0; i < this.positions.length; i++) {
+- short s = this.positions[i];
+- mutableBlockPos.set(this.sectionPos.relativeToBlockX(s), this.sectionPos.relativeToBlockY(s), this.sectionPos.relativeToBlockZ(s));
+- consumer.accept(mutableBlockPos, this.states[i]);
++ for (int i = 0; i < this.positions.length; ++i) {
++ short short0 = this.positions[i];
++ blockposition_mutableblockposition.set(this.sectionPos.relativeToBlockX(short0), this.sectionPos.relativeToBlockY(short0), this.sectionPos.relativeToBlockZ(short0));
++ consumer.accept(blockposition_mutableblockposition, this.states[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0470cad420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket.java
+@@ -5,12 +5,15 @@
+ import net.minecraft.world.level.border.WorldBorder;
+ public class ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket implements Packet<ClientGamePacketListener> {
+ private final double newCenterX;
+ private final double newCenterZ;
+ public ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket(WorldBorder worldBorder) {
+- this.newCenterX = worldBorder.getCenterX();
+- this.newCenterZ = worldBorder.getCenterZ();
++ // CraftBukkit start - multiply out nether border
++ this.newCenterX = worldBorder.getCenterX() * (worldBorder.world != null ? worldBorder.world.dimensionType().coordinateScale() : 1.0);
++ this.newCenterZ = worldBorder.getCenterZ() * (worldBorder.world != null ? worldBorder.world.dimensionType().coordinateScale() : 1.0);
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ }
+ public ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+@@ -24,7 +27,6 @@
+ buffer.writeDouble(this.newCenterZ);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ClientGamePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleSetBorderCenter(this);
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSystemChatPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSystemChatPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53212e50fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSystemChatPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSystemChatPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundSystemChatPacket.java
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++// mc-dev import
+ package net.minecraft.network.protocol.game;
+ import net.minecraft.network.FriendlyByteBuf;
+@@ -5,6 +6,7 @@
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet;
+ public record ClientboundSystemChatPacket(Component content, boolean overlay) implements Packet<ClientGamePacketListener> {
+ public ClientboundSystemChatPacket(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+ this(buffer.readComponentTrusted(), buffer.readBoolean());
+ }
+@@ -15,7 +17,6 @@
+ buffer.writeBoolean(this.overlay);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ClientGamePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleSystemChat(this);
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemOnPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemOnPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d49deb4a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemOnPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemOnPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemOnPacket.java
+@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
++// mc-dev import
+ package net.minecraft.network.protocol.game;
+ import net.minecraft.network.FriendlyByteBuf;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet;
+-import net.minecraft.world.InteractionHand;
++import net.minecraft.world.EnumHand;
+ import net.minecraft.world.phys.BlockHitResult;
+ public class ServerboundUseItemOnPacket implements Packet<ServerGamePacketListener> {
+ private final BlockHitResult blockHit;
+- private final InteractionHand hand;
++ private final EnumHand hand;
+ private final int sequence;
+- public ServerboundUseItemOnPacket(InteractionHand hand, BlockHitResult blockHit, int sequence) {
++ public ServerboundUseItemOnPacket(EnumHand hand, BlockHitResult blockHit, int sequence) {
+ this.hand = hand;
+ this.blockHit = blockHit;
+ this.sequence = sequence;
+ }
+ public ServerboundUseItemOnPacket(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+- this.hand = buffer.readEnum(InteractionHand.class);
++ this.hand = (EnumHand) buffer.readEnum(EnumHand.class);
+ this.blockHit = buffer.readBlockHitResult();
+ this.sequence = buffer.readVarInt();
+ }
+@@ -29,12 +31,11 @@
+ buffer.writeVarInt(this.sequence);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ServerGamePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleUseItemOn(this);
+ }
+- public InteractionHand getHand() {
++ public EnumHand getHand() {
+ return this.hand;
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db097997e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ServerboundUseItemPacket.java
+@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
++// mc-dev import
+ package net.minecraft.network.protocol.game;
+ import net.minecraft.network.FriendlyByteBuf;
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet;
+-import net.minecraft.world.InteractionHand;
++import net.minecraft.world.EnumHand;
+ public class ServerboundUseItemPacket implements Packet<ServerGamePacketListener> {
+- private final InteractionHand hand;
++ private final EnumHand hand;
+ private final int sequence;
+- public ServerboundUseItemPacket(InteractionHand hand, int sequence) {
++ public ServerboundUseItemPacket(EnumHand hand, int sequence) {
+ this.hand = hand;
+ this.sequence = sequence;
+ }
+ public ServerboundUseItemPacket(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+- this.hand = buffer.readEnum(InteractionHand.class);
++ this.hand = (EnumHand) buffer.readEnum(EnumHand.class);
+ this.sequence = buffer.readVarInt();
+ }
+@@ -24,12 +26,11 @@
+ buffer.writeVarInt(this.sequence);
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ServerGamePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleUseItem(this);
+ }
+- public InteractionHand getHand() {
++ public EnumHand getHand() {
+ return this.hand;
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/handshake/ClientIntentionPacket.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/handshake/ClientIntentionPacket.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..879d7c0cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/protocol/handshake/ClientIntentionPacket.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/protocol/handshake/ClientIntentionPacket.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/protocol/handshake/ClientIntentionPacket.java
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++// mc-dev import
+ package net.minecraft.network.protocol.handshake;
+ import net.minecraft.network.ConnectionProtocol;
+@@ -5,16 +6,9 @@
+ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet;
+ public record ClientIntentionPacket(int protocolVersion, String hostName, int port, ClientIntent intention) implements Packet<ServerHandshakePacketListener> {
+ private static final int MAX_HOST_LENGTH = 255;
+- @Deprecated
+- public ClientIntentionPacket(int protocolVersion, String hostName, int port, ClientIntent intention) {
+- this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;
+- this.hostName = hostName;
+- this.port = port;
+- this.intention = intention;
+- }
+ public ClientIntentionPacket(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+ this(buffer.readVarInt(), buffer.readUtf(255), buffer.readUnsignedShort(), ClientIntent.byId(buffer.readVarInt()));
+ }
+@@ -27,7 +21,6 @@
+ buffer.writeVarInt(this.intention.id());
+ }
+- @Override
+ public void handle(ServerHandshakePacketListener handler) {
+ handler.handleIntention(this);
+ }
diff --git a/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/syncher/SynchedEntityData.java.patch b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/syncher/SynchedEntityData.java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6071a786aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch-remap/mache-vineflower/net/minecraft/network/syncher/SynchedEntityData.java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+--- a/net/minecraft/network/syncher/SynchedEntityData.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/network/syncher/SynchedEntityData.java
+@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
+ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
+ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap;
+ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap;
++import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator;
+ import java.util.ArrayList;
++import java.util.Iterator;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import java.util.Locale;
+ import java.util.Objects;
+@@ -18,16 +20,19 @@
+ import net.minecraft.CrashReportCategory;
+ import net.minecraft.ReportedException;
+ import net.minecraft.network.FriendlyByteBuf;
++import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundSetEntityDataPacket;
++import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;
+ import net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity;
+ import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
+ import org.slf4j.Logger;
+ public class SynchedEntityData {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
+- private static final Object2IntMap<Class<? extends Entity>> ENTITY_ID_POOL = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>();
++ private static final Object2IntMap<Class<? extends Entity>> ENTITY_ID_POOL = new Object2IntOpenHashMap();
+ private static final int MAX_ID_VALUE = 254;
+ private final Entity entity;
+- private final Int2ObjectMap<SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?>> itemsById = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
++ private final Int2ObjectMap<SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?>> itemsById = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap();
+ private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
+ private boolean isDirty;
+@@ -36,59 +41,66 @@
+ }
+ public static <T> EntityDataAccessor<T> defineId(Class<? extends Entity> clazz, EntityDataSerializer<T> serializer) {
+- if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
++ if (SynchedEntityData.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ try {
+- Class<?> clazz1 = Class.forName(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getClassName());
+- if (!clazz1.equals(clazz)) {
+- LOGGER.debug("defineId called for: {} from {}", clazz, clazz1, new RuntimeException());
++ Class<?> oclass1 = Class.forName(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getClassName());
++ if (!oclass1.equals(clazz)) {
++ SynchedEntityData.LOGGER.debug("defineId called for: {} from {}", new Object[]{clazz, oclass1, new RuntimeException()});
+ }
+- } catch (ClassNotFoundException var5) {
++ } catch (ClassNotFoundException classnotfoundexception) {
++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ int i;
+- if (ENTITY_ID_POOL.containsKey(clazz)) {
+- i = ENTITY_ID_POOL.getInt(clazz) + 1;
++ if (SynchedEntityData.ENTITY_ID_POOL.containsKey(clazz)) {
++ i = SynchedEntityData.ENTITY_ID_POOL.getInt(clazz) + 1;
+ } else {
+- int i1 = 0;
+- Class<?> clazz2 = clazz;
++ int j = 0;
++ Class oclass2 = clazz;
+- while (clazz2 != Entity.class) {
+- clazz2 = clazz2.getSuperclass();
+- if (ENTITY_ID_POOL.containsKey(clazz2)) {
+- i1 = ENTITY_ID_POOL.getInt(clazz2) + 1;
++ while (oclass2 != Entity.class) {
++ oclass2 = oclass2.getSuperclass();
++ if (SynchedEntityData.ENTITY_ID_POOL.containsKey(oclass2)) {
++ j = SynchedEntityData.ENTITY_ID_POOL.getInt(oclass2) + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- i = i1;
++ i = j;
+ }
+ if (i > 254) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data value id is too big with " + i + "! (Max is 254)");
+ } else {
+- ENTITY_ID_POOL.put(clazz, i);
++ SynchedEntityData.ENTITY_ID_POOL.put(clazz, i);
+ return serializer.createAccessor(i);
+ }
+ }
+ public <T> void define(EntityDataAccessor<T> key, T value) {
+- int id = key.getId();
+- if (id > 254) {
+- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data value id is too big with " + id + "! (Max is 254)");
+- } else if (this.itemsById.containsKey(id)) {
+- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate id value for " + id + "!");
++ int i = key.getId();
++ if (i > 254) {
++ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data value id is too big with " + i + "! (Max is 254)");
++ } else if (this.itemsById.containsKey(i)) {
++ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate id value for " + i + "!");
+ } else if (EntityDataSerializers.getSerializedId(key.getSerializer()) < 0) {
+- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unregistered serializer " + key.getSerializer() + " for " + id + "!");
++ EntityDataSerializer datawatcherserializer = key.getSerializer();
++ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unregistered serializer " + datawatcherserializer + " for " + i + "!");
+ } else {
+ this.createDataItem(key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ private <T> void createDataItem(EntityDataAccessor<T> key, T value) {
+- SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> dataItem = new SynchedEntityData.DataItem<>(key, value);
++ SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> datawatcher_item = new SynchedEntityData.DataItem<>(key, value);
+ this.lock.writeLock().lock();
+- this.itemsById.put(key.getId(), dataItem);
++ this.itemsById.put(key.getId(), datawatcher_item);
+ this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
+ }
+@@ -99,19 +111,21 @@
+ private <T> SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> getItem(EntityDataAccessor<T> key) {
+ this.lock.readLock().lock();
+- SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> dataItem;
++ SynchedEntityData.DataItem datawatcher_item;
+ try {
+- dataItem = (SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T>)this.itemsById.get(key.getId());
+- } catch (Throwable var9) {
+- CrashReport crashReport = CrashReport.forThrowable(var9, "Getting synched entity data");
+- CrashReportCategory crashReportCategory = crashReport.addCategory("Synched entity data");
+- crashReportCategory.setDetail("Data ID", key);
+- throw new ReportedException(crashReport);
++ datawatcher_item = (SynchedEntityData.DataItem) this.itemsById.get(key.getId());
++ } catch (Throwable throwable) {
++ CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.forThrowable(throwable, "Getting synched entity data");
++ CrashReportCategory crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.addCategory("Synched entity data");
++ crashreportsystemdetails.setDetail("Data ID", (Object) key);
++ throw new ReportedException(crashreport);
+ } finally {
+ this.lock.readLock().unlock();
+ }
+- return dataItem;
++ return datawatcher_item;
+ }
+ public <T> T get(EntityDataAccessor<T> key) {
+@@ -123,15 +137,24 @@
+ }
+ public <T> void set(EntityDataAccessor<T> key, T value, boolean force) {
+- SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> item = this.getItem(key);
+- if (force || ObjectUtils.notEqual(value, item.getValue())) {
+- item.setValue(value);
++ SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> datawatcher_item = this.getItem(key);
++ if (force || ObjectUtils.notEqual(value, datawatcher_item.getValue())) {
++ datawatcher_item.setValue(value);
+ this.entity.onSyncedDataUpdated(key);
+- item.setDirty(true);
++ datawatcher_item.setDirty(true);
+ this.isDirty = true;
+ }
+ }
++ // CraftBukkit start - add method from above
++ public <T> void markDirty(EntityDataAccessor<T> datawatcherobject) {
++ this.getItem(datawatcherobject).setDirty(true);
++ this.isDirty = true;
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ public boolean isDirty() {
+ return this.isDirty;
+ }
+@@ -139,17 +162,21 @@
+ @Nullable
+ public List<SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?>> packDirty() {
+ List<SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?>> list = null;
+ if (this.isDirty) {
+ this.lock.readLock().lock();
++ ObjectIterator objectiterator = this.itemsById.values().iterator();
+- for (SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?> dataItem : this.itemsById.values()) {
+- if (dataItem.isDirty()) {
+- dataItem.setDirty(false);
++ while (objectiterator.hasNext()) {
++ SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?> datawatcher_item = (SynchedEntityData.DataItem) objectiterator.next();
++ if (datawatcher_item.isDirty()) {
++ datawatcher_item.setDirty(false);
+ if (list == null) {
+- list = new ArrayList<>();
++ list = new ArrayList();
+ }
+- list.add(dataItem.value());
++ list.add(datawatcher_item.value());
+ }
+ }
+@@ -163,15 +190,19 @@
+ @Nullable
+ public List<SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?>> getNonDefaultValues() {
+ List<SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?>> list = null;
+ this.lock.readLock().lock();
++ ObjectIterator objectiterator = this.itemsById.values().iterator();
+- for (SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?> dataItem : this.itemsById.values()) {
+- if (!dataItem.isSetToDefault()) {
++ while (objectiterator.hasNext()) {
++ SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?> datawatcher_item = (SynchedEntityData.DataItem) objectiterator.next();
++ if (!datawatcher_item.isSetToDefault()) {
+ if (list == null) {
+- list = new ArrayList<>();
++ list = new ArrayList();
+ }
+- list.add(dataItem.value());
++ list.add(datawatcher_item.value());
+ }
+ }
+@@ -183,11 +214,15 @@
+ this.lock.writeLock().lock();
+ try {
+- for (SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?> dataValue : entries) {
+- SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?> dataItem = this.itemsById.get(dataValue.id);
+- if (dataItem != null) {
+- this.assignValue(dataItem, dataValue);
+- this.entity.onSyncedDataUpdated(dataItem.getAccessor());
++ Iterator iterator = entries.iterator();
++ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
++ SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?> datawatcher_b = (SynchedEntityData.DataValue) iterator.next();
++ SynchedEntityData.DataItem<?> datawatcher_item = (SynchedEntityData.DataItem) this.itemsById.get(datawatcher_b.id);
++ if (datawatcher_item != null) {
++ this.assignValue(datawatcher_item, datawatcher_b);
++ this.entity.onSyncedDataUpdated(datawatcher_item.getAccessor());
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+@@ -199,20 +234,9 @@
+ private <T> void assignValue(SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> target, SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?> entry) {
+ if (!Objects.equals(entry.serializer(), target.accessor.getSerializer())) {
+- throw new IllegalStateException(
+- String.format(
+- Locale.ROOT,
+- "Invalid entity data item type for field %d on entity %s: old=%s(%s), new=%s(%s)",
+- target.accessor.getId(),
+- this.entity,
+- target.value,
+- target.value.getClass(),
+- entry.value,
+- entry.value.getClass()
+- )
+- );
++ throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Invalid entity data item type for field %d on entity %s: old=%s(%s), new=%s(%s)", target.accessor.getId(), this.entity, target.value, target.value.getClass(), entry.value, entry.value.getClass()));
+ } else {
+- target.setValue((T)entry.value);
++ target.setValue((T) entry.value); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+ }
+ }
+@@ -220,7 +244,20 @@
+ return this.itemsById.isEmpty();
+ }
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ public void refresh(ServerPlayer to) {
++ if (!this.isEmpty()) {
++ List<SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?>> list = this.getNonDefaultValues();
++ if (list != null) {
++ to.connection.send(new ClientboundSetEntityDataPacket(this.entity.getId(), list));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ public static class DataItem<T> {
+ final EntityDataAccessor<T> accessor;
+ T value;
+ private final T initialValue;
+@@ -261,30 +298,34 @@
+ }
+ }
+- public static record DataValue<T>(int id, EntityDataSerializer<T> serializer, T value) {
++ public static record DataValue<T>(int id, EntityDataSerializer<T> serializer, T value) { // CraftBukkit - decompile error
+ public static <T> SynchedEntityData.DataValue<T> create(EntityDataAccessor<T> dataAccessor, T value) {
+- EntityDataSerializer<T> serializer = dataAccessor.getSerializer();
+- return new SynchedEntityData.DataValue<>(dataAccessor.getId(), serializer, serializer.copy(value));
++ EntityDataSerializer<T> datawatcherserializer = dataAccessor.getSerializer();
++ return new SynchedEntityData.DataValue<>(dataAccessor.getId(), datawatcherserializer, datawatcherserializer.copy(value));
+ }
+ public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
+- int serializedId = EntityDataSerializers.getSerializedId(this.serializer);
+- if (serializedId < 0) {
++ int i = EntityDataSerializers.getSerializedId(this.serializer);
++ if (i < 0) {
+ throw new EncoderException("Unknown serializer type " + this.serializer);
+ } else {
+ buffer.writeByte(this.id);
+- buffer.writeVarInt(serializedId);
++ buffer.writeVarInt(i);
+ this.serializer.write(buffer, this.value);
+ }
+ }
+ public static SynchedEntityData.DataValue<?> read(FriendlyByteBuf buffer, int id) {
+- int varInt = buffer.readVarInt();
+- EntityDataSerializer<?> serializer = EntityDataSerializers.getSerializer(varInt);
+- if (serializer == null) {
+- throw new DecoderException("Unknown serializer type " + varInt);
++ int j = buffer.readVarInt();
++ EntityDataSerializer<?> datawatcherserializer = EntityDataSerializers.getSerializer(j);
++ if (datawatcherserializer == null) {
++ throw new DecoderException("Unknown serializer type " + j);
+ } else {
+- return read(buffer, id, serializer);
++ return read(buffer, id, datawatcherserializer);
+ }
+ }