diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/libs/subliminal_patch/providers/ b/libs/subliminal_patch/providers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c3476b53..000000000
--- a/libs/subliminal_patch/providers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import logging
-import rarfile
-import os
-from subliminal.exceptions import ConfigurationError
-from subliminal.providers.legendastv import LegendasTVSubtitle as _LegendasTVSubtitle, \
- LegendasTVProvider as _LegendasTVProvider, Episode, Movie, guessit, sanitize, region, type_map, \
- raise_for_status, json, SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME, title_re, season_re, datetime, pytz, NO_VALUE, releases_key, \
- SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, language_converters, ServiceUnavailable
-from requests.exceptions import RequestException
-from subliminal_patch.providers import reinitialize_on_error
-from subliminal_patch.subtitle import guess_matches
-from subzero.language import Language
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class LegendasTVSubtitle(_LegendasTVSubtitle):
- def __init__(self, language, type, title, year, imdb_id, season, archive, name):
- super(LegendasTVSubtitle, self).__init__(language, type, title, year, imdb_id, season, archive, name)
- self.archive.content = None
- self.release_info = name.rstrip('.srt').split('/')[-1]
- self.page_link =
- def make_picklable(self):
- self.archive.content = None
- return self
- def get_matches(self, video, hearing_impaired=False):
- matches = set()
- # episode
- if isinstance(video, Episode) and self.type == 'episode':
- # series
- if video.series and (sanitize(self.title) in (
- sanitize(name) for name in [video.series] + video.alternative_series)):
- matches.add('series')
- # year
- if video.original_series and self.year is None or video.year and video.year == self.year:
- matches.add('year')
- # imdb_id
- if video.series_imdb_id and self.imdb_id == video.series_imdb_id:
- matches.add('series_imdb_id')
- # movie
- elif isinstance(video, Movie) and self.type == 'movie':
- # title
- if video.title and (sanitize(self.title) in (
- sanitize(name) for name in [video.title] + video.alternative_titles)):
- matches.add('title')
- # year
- if video.year and self.year == video.year:
- matches.add('year')
- # imdb_id
- if video.imdb_id and self.imdb_id == video.imdb_id:
- matches.add('imdb_id')
- # name
- matches |= guess_matches(video, guessit(, {'type': self.type}))
- return matches
-class LegendasTVProvider(_LegendasTVProvider):
- languages = {Language(*l) for l in language_converters['legendastv'].to_legendastv.keys()}
- video_types = (Episode, Movie)
- subtitle_class = LegendasTVSubtitle
- def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, featured_only=False):
- # Provider needs UNRAR installed. If not available raise ConfigurationError
- try:
- rarfile.tool_setup()
- except rarfile.RarCannotExec:
- raise ConfigurationError('RAR extraction tool not available')
- if any((username, password)) and not all((username, password)):
- raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified')
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.logged_in = False
- self.session = None
- self.featured_only = featured_only
- @staticmethod
- def is_valid_title(title, title_id, sanitized_title, season, year, imdb_id):
- """Check if is a valid title."""
- if title["imdb_id"] and title["imdb_id"] == imdb_id:
- logger.debug(u'Matched title "%s" as IMDB ID %s', sanitized_title, title["imdb_id"])
- return True
- if title["title2"] and sanitize(title['title2']) == sanitized_title:
- logger.debug(u'Matched title "%s" as "%s"', sanitized_title, title["title2"])
- return True
- return _LegendasTVProvider.is_valid_title(title, title_id, sanitized_title, season, year)
- @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME, should_cache_fn=lambda value: value)
- def search_titles(self, titles, season, title_year, imdb_id):
- """Search for titles matching the `title`.
- For episodes, each season has it own title
- :param str titles: the titles to search for.
- :param int season: season of the title
- :param int title_year: year of the title
- :return: found titles.
- :rtype: dict
- """
- titles_found = {}
- for title in titles:
- sanitized_titles = [sanitize(title)]
- ignore_characters = {'\'', '.'}
- if any(c in title for c in ignore_characters):
- sanitized_titles.append(sanitize(title, ignore_characters=ignore_characters))
- for sanitized_title in sanitized_titles:
- # make the query
- if season:
-'Searching episode title %r for season %r', sanitized_title, season)
- else:
-'Searching movie title %r', sanitized_title)
- r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'legenda/sugestao/{}'.format(sanitized_title), timeout=10)
- raise_for_status(r)
- results = json.loads(r.text)
- # loop over results
- for result in results:
- source = result['_source']
- # extract id
- title_id = int(source['id_filme'])
- # extract type
- title = {'type': type_map[source['tipo']], 'title2': None, 'imdb_id': None}
- # extract title, year and country
- name, year, country = title_re.match(source['dsc_nome']).groups()
- title['title'] = name
- if "dsc_nome_br" in source:
- name2, ommit1, ommit2 = title_re.match(source['dsc_nome_br']).groups()
- title['title2'] = name2
- # extract imdb_id
- if source['id_imdb'] != '0':
- if not source['id_imdb'].startswith('tt'):
- title['imdb_id'] = 'tt' + source['id_imdb'].zfill(7)
- else:
- title['imdb_id'] = source['id_imdb']
- # extract season
- if title['type'] == 'episode':
- if source['temporada'] and source['temporada'].isdigit():
- title['season'] = int(source['temporada'])
- else:
- match =['dsc_nome_br'])
- if match:
- title['season'] = int('season'))
- else:
- logger.debug('No season detected for title %d (%s)', title_id, name)
- # extract year
- if year:
- title['year'] = int(year)
- elif source['dsc_data_lancamento'] and source['dsc_data_lancamento'].isdigit():
- # year is based on season air date hence the adjustment
- title['year'] = int(source['dsc_data_lancamento']) - title.get('season', 1) + 1
- # add title only if is valid
- # Check against title without ignored chars
- if self.is_valid_title(title, title_id, sanitized_titles[0], season, title_year, imdb_id):
- logger.debug(u'Found title: %s', title)
- titles_found[title_id] = title
- logger.debug('Found %d titles', len(titles_found))
- return titles_found
- @reinitialize_on_error((RequestException, ServiceUnavailable), attempts=1)
- def query(self, language, titles, season=None, episode=None, year=None, imdb_id=None):
- # search for titles
- titles_found = self.search_titles(titles, season, year, imdb_id)
- subtitles = []
- # iterate over titles
- for title_id, t in titles_found.items():
- # Skip episodes or movies if it's not what was requested
- if (season and t['type'] == 'movie') or (not season and t['type'] == 'episode'):
- continue
- # Skip if season isn't matching
- if season and season != t.get('season'):
- continue
- # Skip if season wasn't provided (not an episode) but one is returned by provider (wrong type)
- if not season and t.get('season'):
- continue
-'Getting archives for title %d and language %d', title_id, language.legendastv)
- archives = self.get_archives(title_id, language.legendastv, t['type'], season, episode)
- if not archives:
-'No archives found for title %d and language %d', title_id, language.legendastv)
- # iterate over title's archives
- for a in archives:
- # Check if featured
- if self.featured_only and a.featured == False:
-'Subtitle is not featured, skipping')
- continue
- # compute an expiration time based on the archive timestamp
- expiration_time = (datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) - a.timestamp).total_seconds()
- # attempt to get the releases from the cache
- cache_key = str( + "|" +
- releases = region.get(cache_key, expiration_time=expiration_time)
- # the releases are not in cache or cache is expired
- if releases == NO_VALUE:
-'Releases not found in cache')
- # download archive
- self.download_archive(a)
- # extract the releases
- releases = []
- for name in a.content.namelist():
- # discard the legendastv file
- if name.startswith(''):
- continue
- # discard hidden files
- if os.path.split(name)[-1].startswith('.'):
- continue
- # discard non-subtitle files
- if not name.lower().endswith(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS):
- continue
- releases.append(name)
- # cache the releases
- region.set(cache_key, releases)
- # iterate over releases
- for r in releases:
- subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, t['type'], t['title'], t.get('year'), t.get('imdb_id'),
- t.get('season'), a, r)
- logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle)
- subtitles.append(subtitle)
- return subtitles
- def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
- season = episode = None
- if isinstance(video, Episode):
- titles = [video.series] + video.alternative_series
- season = video.season
- episode = video.episode
- imdb = video.series_imdb_id
- else:
- titles = [video.title] + video.alternative_titles
- imdb = video.imdb_id
- subtitles = [s for l in languages for s in
- self.query(l, titles, season=season, episode=episode, year=video.year, imdb_id=imdb)]
- if subtitles:
- return subtitles
- else:
- return []
- def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
- super(LegendasTVProvider, self).download_subtitle(subtitle)
- subtitle.archive.content = None
- def get_archives(self, title_id, language_code, title_type, season, episode):
- return super(LegendasTVProvider, self).get_archives.original(self, title_id, language_code, title_type,
- season, episode)