path: root/hooks
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-26pre-commit: Change comment from citra to yuzuN00byKing
2017-02-17hook: remove clang-format checkwwylele
2016-10-27hooks: convert pre-commit to POSIX syntaxJan Beich
2016-10-20Fix typosRicardo de Almeida Gonzaga
2016-09-18Git hook: Remove trailing semicolons wrecking vim’s syntax highlighting.Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
2016-09-18Git hook: Import Dolphin’s clang-format hook.Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
2015-08-31Only check src/ directory for whitespace errors in the pre-commit hookYuri Kunde Schlesner
2015-07-14Fix permissions in pre-commit hookJSFernandes
2015-06-14enforce config from hookLectem
2015-06-09force no-tab/trailing spaces with git hookLectem